
The sky was gray when Lu Sheng walked out of the temple. Thunder roared in the distance, and occasionally, a purple arc of lightning flashed in the thick clouds.

Lu Sheng walked down the stairs in front of the temple, toward the carriage waiting for him in front.

He flipped onto the car, and then was greeted by the smiling face of Elder Zhang Shilong, who was sitting quietly with a cup of hot tea between his hands.

"How did it go? Everything went well?"

"Everything went well," Lu Sheng answered as he got on the car. "Aside from someone who called himself the inspector who seemed strange. Looked like some shady business to me."

"Oh?" Zhang Shilong blanked out for a moment. "The inspector? The Song Family, wasn't it? That's their normal tactic. Just try to ignore it if you encounter them."

"Why? Are they really powerful?" Lu Sheng raised his eyebrows. 

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