
Waves of Love

Fantasy Romance
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What is Waves of Love

Lesen Sie den Roman Waves of Love des Autors Annabeth_Bogan, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Krystal has always had the same route: get up, school, work, hang with friends. Her small town life changes when a rude, but incredibly handsome boy shows up at her work. She doesn’t realize yet, but ...


Krystal has always had the same route: get up, school, work, hang with friends. Her small town life changes when a rude, but incredibly handsome boy shows up at her work. She doesn’t realize yet, but he is responsible for changing the life of her and her friends for better or for worse. Author’s Note: Please be advised that there are some mature themes in this novel. I’m still writing this novel. Hope you enjoy it! Author’s Note #2: I actually have more of it written on Wattpad, as I have found that it is slightly less complicated to write there( though I do like this app). PLEASEEEEEEE-check me out there >.< and you can finish the story there. My Info: Annabeth Bogan It is still called “Waves of Love” Thank you so muchhhhh^-^ Let me know what you guess is going to happen next in the comments. It means the world to me. Love you all

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