
PPEB: An early Day Off.

Extra Chapters on P@treon


I also have another Fanfiction going on Webnovel.com 'Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon' which has close to 390 chps. Do check it out as well.


As her head collided with my chest, I instinctively stepped back a little. Me and my group of friends were caught off guard by this. I was about to use some unsavory words but then I heard the words "I am sorry" in a soft but confident voice. This made me stand right there and look down at the girl. Her straight long black hair covered her face and she wore a dark yellow color jacket. As she took a step back as well, I saw the school logo embroidered on the jacket. 

As I turned my attention to her face, she slid all her hair to the side exposing her face. As she looked up at me, I could see those deep big brown eyes and those lips that she was pressing with her teeth and looking at me with an apologetic gaze. 

"You all right?" I asked as I looked at her with a cold expression which made her nod her head and say "Uh..Huh". Without wasting any second on her, I averted my gaze and noticed a spectacled potato standing behind her. This potato was none other than my younger brother's best friend Ned. Ned gave a small smile as he saw me but I had already moved ahead with my friends. 

As Jared and his friends passed by the corridor, Ned looked at the girl with him and said "Don't get so excited and invite trouble, Liz"

3rd Person POV

Meanwhile, Liz was looking at the direction Jared and his friends had left. She looked back at Ned and said "Who is he? He glanced at you as if he knew you but didn't say anything to you." 

Ned adjusted the bag on his shoulder and said "Oh…is this the first time seeing him? That's Jared…Peter's elder brother."

"What? Peter has a senior brother? Why am I hearing this for the first time?" Liz asked wondering why the guy who always talked to her about something or the other never mentioned that he had a sibling and that too in the same school.

"Peter spends most time in class and labs while Jared spends outside class with his friends. They only come to the school together." Ned said and started walking toward his class. Liz had more questions but she decided to save them for Peter.

Jared's POV

As I left Liz and Ned behind and continued my way to the next lecture, Ryan nudged me with his shoulder and said "I normally don't look at the juniors but this one was something different."

How do I tell this idiot, that her father would vaporize him If need be. But freaking out Ryan for no reason wouldn't do any good, so I decided to go with the flow a little. 

"You know what Ryan? She really was good-looking. I think you should give it a try." I said while showing a thumbs up.

"Yup...but I don't know anything about her…maybe a friend can help out?" Ryan said with a smirk as he turned back to look at Maya. Without even waiting for Ryan to say anything, Maya rolled her eyes and said "The girl was wearing the Jacket that is given to the Junior Decathlon team captain so her name would already be on the notice board. This is the only information I can give you." Maya said as she crossed her hands. 

"Come on Maya…even I would have found that out…give me something I won't be able to find it out." Ryan insisted but Maya wasn't going to budge.

Seeing the negotiation come to a stalemate, I intervened and said "Ryan how about you only find out where is lives so that you can walk with her home sometimes or come to school with her. About the other things, I will see if Peter knows something. The fatso with the girl is Peter's friend."

I obviously knew what I needed to about Liz, since she was Peter Parker's love interest and also the daughter of Vulture. I asked Ryan to find her address because I wanted to know where Vulture lived so that I could track him from his house to his hideout where he made those weapons. 

"Alright…it might be a good start. I might have to go solo on this." Ryan said proudly as we continued to talk about other stuff. As we were walking, Maya stopped a girl in the hallway and asked "Where are you going? Don't we have a class now in 3-c?" to which the girl shook her head and said "No…Maam is absent today so we are done for the day. Everyone is going home now.

Hearing those golden words Derek said excitedly "Yes…we are free for the rest of the day now. Let's go somewhere." Ryan also nodded but then Maya stopped the celebration as she said "We aren't going out for fun. You guys wrap up anything you guys have left to do until I go to the teacher's room and get back my last week's assignment. We are going to Target to shop for the birthday party. If we miss anything, Ryan's mum would skin you all alive. 

Derek immediately hugged his basketball tight as he heard the words, Ryan's mum. He sighed in boredom and said "I will go and change then. I'll keep the ball in the locker as well for today."

"Then me and Jared will wait by the parking lot. We'll take the bus from there to Target." Ryan said as he looked at me for confirmation. Seeing that everyone had their own thing to do and Ryan's mum did have scary eyes I decided to stick to the plan as well and nodded. 

After a few minutes, me and Ryan were standing outside the school parking lot. I was standing leaning on a tree while Ryan was going on back and forth on his skateboard. The kid really had talent. 

As he was engrossed in doing the tricks and I was engrossed in watching them, none of us noticed a man hurriedly walking on the footpath. Before I could realize that he was in Ryan's way and they were going to collide, Ryan looked up and saw the man coming straight at him. He immediately swerved the skateboard to the side avoiding the accident. The man who was also murmuring to himself was stunned as well and he stopped on the spot. He looked at Ryan angrily and said "Can you see that I am walking here, kid…is this a place to play with a skateboard?"

"Why are you going off on me old man when it was you who was walking absent-mindedly?" Ryan asked. He wasn't one to take insults. The man who looked in his late thirties didn't like being called old man so he stepped forward and pulled back his arm to swing at Ryan but before he could swing it, I caught the arm. Surprised by this the man looked back and said "Who are you? Why are you interfering?" 

I didn't know what to do because if it were the real me then I would have knocked the man unconscious but for Jared to do that in the open wasn't a smart move. 

"Hey…leave the kids alone. Or do you want to get arrested?" A shout came from behind me as I saw a man walk out of the passenger seat of a car. This man was none other than Ryan's father. 

"Dad?" Ryan said as she picked up his skateboard. Ryan's father pulled out his detective badge and flashed it to the man which caused the man to calm down instantly and leave the place cursing us kids. 

"You two alright?" Ryan's father asked. A woman stepped out of the car's driver's seat and said "It's been a while since I have seen you, Ryan. How are you?" 

"I am good Miss Elise." Ryan said. He looked back at me and said "That is my father's partner Miss Elise. She is a detective as well." 

I greeted the woman. It was quite surprising for a Mexican woman's name to be Elise. 

"Dad, why are you here?" Ryan asked to which his father said "I got a call from mother saying that you lot are leaving early and going to Target. Since me and Elise had nothing except paperwork, we decided to join the shopping." 

As we were talking, Derek and Maya also left the school. Within the next 15 mins, we had reached Target. As we were on the way to Target, a new article in the newspaper caught my eye. As I tried to read the heading of the article and see the photo attached to it, Ryan's father noticed this. He held the paper straight so I could see it and read the heading "Indian Billionaire Jakuna Singh to come to Queens, New York for his Mall project." With that was the photo of a man I had seen somewhere.


Extra Chapters on P@treon


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