
Cap 5

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah hello


The video about the history of Captain America came to an end, and all the viewers were excited and happy. Some believe it's from another universe, while others think it's actors who created a superhero movie, but everyone loved it. In less than a minute, many subscribed to the channel and liked the video. Everyone is eager to see the next Iron Man video, although some are unfamiliar with it; they eagerly await the movie. However, this was happening in other universes, while in the Marvel universe:





"Wait, are you telling me that what we just saw was really the life of Captain America, Steve Rogers, who is an idol in the United States?"

"You're correct, Stark."

"Then, is it a god or a cosmic existence showing the lives of everyone?"

"Very likely."

"Given that it showed Captain's life and you appear at the end, it means he's alive."

Both Tony and Nick Fury were amazed, confused, excited, and somewhat fearful. Firstly, they don't know who the person in the video is. Secondly, why it's showing the stories of certain people, and thirdly, what it wants to achieve - fame, money, power? These were the questions they were asking themselves.

"Hey, egghead, what was that about the Avengers plan? Because looking at the video list, it seems like your plan is successful."

"The Avengers plan is to form a group of superhumans willing to fight for planet Earth, because we're not alone in this universe, and based on this video, there might be more universes."

"Mmmh, seeing what Avenger 1 and 2 are saying, it means we'll have to defend the world from catastrophe twice."


"And the other names, I don't recognize them. Thor? Isn't he the Norse god of thunder, Ant-Man, Spider-Man, who are now superheroes that are animals or mutant animals protecting the city?"

"We'll have to investigate the names on the list because it may tell our story, and now we can prevent certain problems."

"Right, right. Well, scrambled egg, you go ahead, I'll call you later because some of us have to work."


After Nick Fury left the house, Tony stared at the screen before heading to his personal scientific laboratory. There, he created a document with all the names that appeared on the list, eagerly awaiting the next video because if the video is about his future, then Iron Man 1 will tell the events he experienced a few hours ago.






Odin, who was seated on his throne, tightened his grip on his spear upon hearing familiar names, Thor and Loki. He was sure the person in the video was a multiversal existence, and this might be his work to sow chaos and destruction in the universe or possibly to prevent certain catastrophes in the future.

Frigga, Odin's wife, who stood beside her husband, couldn't hide her surprise upon seeing the names of her two sons. Possibly something is going to happen to them, and that's why the videos are being shown. Meanwhile, with Thor, he was more than happy to see his name on the screen, thinking it will tell his future as a king and the great battles he will fight. But with Loki, he found nothing interesting in the first video; what caught his attention was the six Infinity Stones. But now that he saw his name, he feels curious.






The Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, who has protected the planet for a long time from enemy forces wanting to destroy it, now that she saw the screen about Steve Rogers' story and the list of names, she knows the future has changed, and chaos may ensue. She leaves the training ground to go to her room.

Once inside, she closes everything, then enters the mirror dimension, a place identical to Earth where she can fight without creating destruction in reality and spy on enemies. Once inside, she uses the Time Stone to see the futures.

Seconds passed, and the Ancient One furrowed her brows because now the future of this universe is blurry, but within this future, there are more good scenes than bad. Although this seems positive, it could be quite the opposite because unknown situations could arise, such as the death of an Avenger much earlier or someone else having to die for a person who was destined to die in the future.

The Ancient One is somewhat annoyed by this person who is playing with the universe's future, but she can't do anything. All she can do is sit and watch the videos, but she hopes that the people in these videos can become what they are destined to be.





At the End of Time

"No, no, no, this can't be because everything changed."

"The timeline is breaking, but... it's repairing itself."

A person sitting on his throne looking at all the papers containing information about the future now doesn't seem concerned. Those papers that had dialogues that people would say in the future are now blurred. He throws the papers and approaches a window where a large thread of light can be seen through that window.

This thread of light is the timeline, which is supposed to be only one and go straight without any deviation. But now that timeline begins to form new small threads known as time branches, but these branches grow a little before returning to the timeline.

The person who was watching this doesn't know what just happened. He guards the timeline to prevent disasters and especially to prevent them from entering and destroying this universe, but now that the timeline is unstable, he's not sure how long he can safely maintain the timeline.

"I need to find who is destroying the timeline."





Our Protagonist's Universe




"Ow, ow, ow, my head. Ow, I fell off the bed again."

"What time is it?"

"It's 3 in the afternoon, so late. Wait, what time did I sleep?"

The young man was all confused, not knowing if he overslept or was just sleeping.

"I finished the video after almost a whole day. Let's see if I got something good."

He approaches his computer, turns it on, enters his password, and opens YouTube to see how his video did.

"5 likes and 121 views. I don't know whether to laugh or cry."

The young man was devastated. He thought that going to another world by a dark company that forces him to make videos weekly would bring him some fame, but seeing that his video is not well-known made him feel sad.

"I'm going to get something to drink."

He gets up from his chair, turns off his computer, and leaves his room to go to the kitchen to get something. But when he left the room, his computer turned on, showing the YouTube channel of this world, but then the screen changes, and now an account appears on YouTube (universal), and his account now has more subscribers than planet Earth. You could say that he had almost 10 times more subscribers than the Earth.

This is because his video is known in many known and unknown universes, and also the visits are skyrocketing. The exact number is unknown. The screen changes back to the previous YouTube, but a message appears on the entire screen.

[Keep going, changing universes, and sooner or later, you'll have rewards.]

The message disappears, and the computer turns off. The young man who left his room saw the inside of his home, a living room with a television and some armchairs, a fairly equipped and simple kitchen, a dining room with six chairs. The house was quite simple but cozy.

"This apartment is nice. It's only one floor, and you can see I'm on a high surface."

The young man looks out the window to estimate what floor he's on. After some thought, he determines he's on the 3rd or 4th floor, but he doesn't complain. He has a home to live in this new life.

"Let's see, I still have some food, and it looks good, it doesn't seem to be spoiled. I have no idea if my identity is the same as before or if I'm just another stranger in this world."

After investigating and observing his entire house, he found nothing strange except for certain photos of a child with his family, several photos of happiness with the family but all stored in a box in the closet of the bedroom to sleep.

"It seems I don't have parents."


"But that's ugly. I arrive in this world where they put me to work making videos to not die, and above all, I have no relatives or close family. What a good way to start."

The young man puts everything away, then decides to put on some simple clothes to go out and explore this new world, although he's sure it's identical to his own. He decides to see it with his own eyes. So, he grabs his belongings and leaves the apartment, locking it but before going down a floor, a voice stopped him.

"Takumi, is that you?"


Takumi turns around to see the person who spoke to him, realizing it's an elderly woman carrying some groceries. She just returned home to store the groceries she bought. Upon seeing her, Takumi doesn't recognize her because he doesn't know her.

"Oh, hello. How are you?"

"Good, good, and you, Takumi? How are you?"

"Good as well."

"That's good. Ready to go to your new school?"


"Yes, don't you remember? You told me you were nervous about your new school."

"Really???..... Oh, yes, thank you for reminding me. I didn't remember because I was working on a project, hehe."

"Oh, I see. Well, I wish you luck at your new school on Monday."

"Monday???.... What day is today?"


"Friday???.....AH, IT'S FRIDAY... thanks for reminding me; I have to finish something."

Takumi hurried to open the door to his apartment to go back in and quickly closed the door. The elderly woman, seeing how Takumi quickly returned to his apartment, thought he forgot something important. So, without asking more, she returned home.

Meanwhile, Takumi entered his house cursing quietly to see that the week is almost over, and he only published one video. Unfortunately, the contract he signed requires a minimum of 2 videos per week, and he's willing to do it because he doesn't want to see the consequences of that person or company that brought him to this world.

"Damn capitalist people exploit me at work. I almost took a day and a half to make the video, and all thanks to the tools they gave me. If it weren't for that, it would probably take me 1 or 2 weeks or much longer, possibly a year, because of these effects."







[New Marvel Universe video, Iron Man protagonist, don't miss it]


<Author: pum pan pim pam, here's a new chapter. I hope you like it, and please support the story. If have suggestions, feel free to make them, possibly chapters on mondays saturdays, I'm looking at dates but who knows :D>




Word count: 1992

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