
Warrior godfather

In 2006, the Flash was crowned king in Miami, the run-and-gun storm set off by Son of the Wind swept the league, the Black Mamba showed his sharpest fangs, the Wolf King sank into the extreme cold of Minnesota, and the little emperor was eagerly waiting for the opportunity to ascend the throne. This year, the old era is slowly coming to an end, and the new era is slowly rising. This year, the Warriors are still the butt of people's mouths. This year, Curry experienced the darkest summer of his life. Zhang Yu vowed that he would show the world a golden dynasty!

AKG_1436 · Sport
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167 Chs

Chapter 5: I happen to know a genius

The living room is full of sundries, and on the dining table are all kinds of takeaway boxes, especially those from McDonald's and KFC. Zhang Yu is the same as Yuanzheng in this respect. He likes fried chicken burgers the most.

The small kitchen is full of unwashed dishes, the surface is full of oil stains, and the bedroom is scattered with stained clothes and pants, exuding a musty smell.

This is the price of becoming the head coach of the NCAA at the age of 23.

When you put all your energy into one thing, it's hard to think about anything else.

Zhang Yu inspected the entire apartment with emotion in his heart.

He read a sentence and felt it made sense: When you make a mess of your life, you will be successful at work.

Although Zhang Yu has no obsession with cleanliness, she can't bear this kind of living environment. She made some plans in her mind and quickly started the "apartment sanitation and cleaning plan".

"Damn it, it's finally over..."

Zhang Yu worked hard for three full hours before cleaning the apartment, and he planned to save the rest of the details for later.

The rubbish he cleaned up was full of three plastic bags, and he had to go downstairs to throw it away with great effort.

Zhang Yu collapsed on the sofa, turned the temperature of the air conditioner to the lowest level, and kept wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel.

It was already 10 o'clock in the evening, and a crescent moon was hanging high in the distant sky. The moonlight was not very strong, and it was very soft against the light of the stars. The sound-proof glass covered the voices of passing students outside the window. Only the faint sound of talking and laughing reached Zhang Yu's ears.

Zhang Yu stared out of the window in a daze, and a few thin clouds floated over quietly, covering half of the moon. The moonlight was like veil like fog, and a thought that had been floating in his heart since he traveled through it became extremely clear.

I have traveled so far, will my parents be particularly sad?

During the day, Zhang Yu needs to adapt to his new identity and face different people. He is very nervous and has no time to think about the past life. Now that he is relaxed, he thinks of his parents immediately.

He froze for a while, then frantically searched for the phone. With trembling fingers, he found a number in the address book, stared at it for a full minute, and then gritted his teeth and pressed it.


"Hey, Xiaoyu, it's not Saturday, why are you calling?" A voice that clearly belonged to a middle-aged woman sounded, revealing surprise that couldn't be concealed.

Listening to the familiar Shandong dialect, Zhang Yu felt relieved, and said in a soft but firm voice:

"Mom, I miss you."

The memory of the original body is correct, Zhang Yu's parents in this life are his parents in the previous life, only ten years younger.

His parents haven't changed, his home hasn't changed.

"What are you doing? Didn't you just call a few days ago, what are you going to eat at noon? Oh, I forgot, the United States is now in the back (evening), what are you eating?"

Li Yinghua was a little strange, why did his son suddenly speak like this?But being able to receive a call from her son made this simple middle-aged woman very happy, and she immediately cared about Zhang Yu's life.

"I had steak..."

The nagging that used to be impatient in the past sounded so pleasant to Zhang Yu at this moment, he even had the urge to shed tears and answered in detail.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yu reluctantly put down the phone.

And in far away China, Li Yinghua looked at the call time displayed on his mobile phone, and said to Zhang Yu's father Zhang Haijun beside him:

"Old Zhang, why do I feel that Xiao Yu is a bit weird today, and I don't think I'm nagging."

"If you don't think you are nagging, you are not happy, if you don't think you are not happy, it's really hard to serve!" Zhang Haijun said.

Li Yinghua was in a good mood, smiling and not angry, if it was the past, Zhang Haijun would inevitably be nagged all night.

After Zhang Yu hung up the phone, he went to the bathroom to wash up, returned to the bedroom, and lay on the bed with his eyes closed, but he was completely sleepless. The words of Michael Shrewsbury kept echoing in his mind-"at least enter the top [-]".

For Zhang Yu before time travel, this was an almost impossible task, but now...

"You should be in the darkest moment of your life right now..." Zhang Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

He turned over and looked in the direction of the window. The curtains blocked the window tightly, but the moonlight and starlight shone in with powerful penetrating power, casting a dim but permanent light on the ground.


The next day, Zhang Yu came to the Hinkle Arena early, and the Bulldogs players also rushed to the arena for training.

Stevens walked in wearing an American shirt, and said in surprise after seeing Zhang Yu:

"Ronan, did you watch the game video all night again last night?"

"No, I'm just a little excited and can't sleep." Zhang Yu said weakly.

He had heavy bags under his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was pale, his hair was messed up like a bird's nest, and a few tangled hairs stood upright rebelliously.

"Are you sure you didn't sleep well, not just fell asleep?"

"I fell asleep...well, I admit, I only slept for 3 hours yesterday." Zhang Yu yawned big.

Matthew Graves came over with a serious face:

"Ronan, I understand your feeling of becoming the head coach, but you must rest well. There is still half a year before the next season. Do you have to work until late at night every day for the past six months?"

"I really just didn't sleep well yesterday..." Zhang Yu wanted to explain, but seeing everyone's unbelieving eyes, he simply gave up.

He thought a lot last night, and got up in the middle of the night to record many things from his previous life, so as not to forget them in the future.

In the previous life, these things were just "weapons" for Zhang Yu to fight against others online, but now, they are important "knowledge reserves" that determine how far Zhang Yu can go as a head coach.

"Ronan, go and take a break, we'll do the training." Matthew Graves suggested.

"That's right, you're just watching anyway." Stevens added.

Zhang Yu was speechless. Stevens' words were a little bit heart-wrenching, but he was right.

He yawned again uncontrollably:

"Ha...then I'll go back first..."


At this time, Matthew Graves' cell phone rang, and he raised his hand as a gesture, took two steps to the side, and picked up the cell phone:

"Hi Mike... You went to see Coach Lickett, he must be very happy... How are you thinking... What? You accepted the offer from Ohio State?!... Well, good luck Lucky, Mike."

Finally, Matthew Graves hung up the phone and walked over with an ugly expression.

"What happened? Is there a problem with player recruitment?" Zhang Yu asked first, feeling that most of the drowsiness had dissipated.

"Mike Conley, a talented high school student from North Lawrence High School, rejected us and chose to join Ohio State University." Matthew said helplessly.

"Mike Conley? That's a genius who was selected as the best high school student in McDonald's in the United States. It's unlikely to come to Butler, right?" Stevens was a little puzzled.

Matthew explained:

"Coach Lickett was very optimistic about Mike Conley when he was a freshman in high school. In recent years, he often went to North Lawrence High School's games and had a close relationship with him. He hadn't decided which school to go to before, but he was hesitant to come. Butler."

"Why did he choose Ohio State?" Stevens asked.

"Mike Conley was hesitant after Coach Lickett was injured," Matthew looked at Zhang Yu and said hesitantly, "He made a decision after learning that the new head coach of the Bulldogs was Ronan. "

He didn't say the whole thing, but everyone knew what he meant.

Mike Conley's mistrust of a 23-year-old Chinese head coach, Zhang Yu's presence, killed the last chance of him joining the Bulldogs.

Even though the coaching staff knew that it would be difficult for a talent like Mike Conley to be successfully recruited, his reasons for rejecting the Bulldogs still made them wonder: if the head coach of the Bulldogs was still Lickerett , Will Mike Conley choose the Bulldogs?

Although Zhang Yu didn't know what they were thinking, he could more or less guess some of it, and understood that he was about to face the first difficult problem in his head coaching career - how to build a strong lineup.

Yuanshen has been binge-watching game videos for the past few days, and he is worried about this matter. He has watched almost all the game videos of Indiana's high schools, and wants to pick talented high school students worthy of recruitment.

However, Yuan Bo's talent in basketball tactics is as good as his vision for judging players' talents. In this regard, he is at the same level as the great basketball god Michael Jordan, and he has not achieved anything so far.

But this is not a problem for Zhang Yu. No one knows better than him who will become a superstar in the future.

With a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, he stood there calmly, with his left hand on his chest, and his right hand resting on his chin, rubbing his eyes, looking at the auditorium in the distance of Hinkle Arena, as if it wasn't Mike Conley Instead of refusing to join the Bulldogs, he voluntarily vetoed the recruitment of Mike Conley.

"Matthew, start a new recruit." Stevens said, "A genius like Mike Conley would not choose the Bulldogs."

"It's already the end of the recruiting season. Many talented high school students in Indiana have already chosen their schools, and it is difficult to recruit outstanding players." Matthew looked embarrassed.

"Matthew, you should look farther. Outside of Indiana, there are countless basketball geniuses." Zhang Yu looked away and said lightly.

"Of course I know that, but those geniuses probably don't even know the name of the Bulldogs." Matthew Graves sighed.

Outside of Indiana, Butler University has no reputation at all. He has hit the wall too many times, and then he simply focused on Indiana's local basketball talents.

"I happen to know a genius, and he probably hasn't made a choice yet," Zhang Yu said.

When he said these words, his eyes lost focus, as if he was caught in memories, and he seemed to be looking forward to something, and there was a faint excitement in his voice.

Matthew's complexion perked up:

"What school is he in?"

"Charlotte Christian High School." Zhang Yu replied.

Matthew has been in charge of the team's recruitment work for many years. He thought about it, and his face turned disappointed:

"As far as I know, Charlotte Christian High has no talented players graduating this year."

"If he is famous all over the United States, it won't be our turn." Zhang Yu's voice was very firm, as if he had thought about it a long time ago, "Let someone book two plane tickets, and we will go to Charlotte tomorrow."

Matthew was a little stunned and said:

"We don't have to go in person, just let him come to Indiana for a workout."

Zhang Yu shook his head slowly:

"This player is different, he is a real talent, we have to show enough sincerity."

But Matthew still insisted:

"Ronan, no matter how optimistic you are about him, you can't go to him in person. You are the head coach and you represent the Bulldogs."

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally changed his words:

"Okay, then contact Charlotte Christian High and invite Stephen Curry to come and try out."

 Please collect and recommend tickets~