
Entry 1


September 2, 2017

"What's wrong with my daughter?" My mom burst said as she punched the wall, anger boiling inside of her.

"Ma'am," the doctor sighed as he adjusted the mask on his face. "We've already told you several times that nothing is wrong with your daughter."

"W-What do you mean nothing is wrong? Something is definitely wrong! She's...she's not...normal," my mom said, making sure to get real close to the doctor and whisper the normal part. If that was her attempt to prevent me from hearing she most definitely failed.


"She cut me! She cut my goddamn arm! What...what kind of child tries to k-kill…"

"Mommy! I said I was sorry...it was just an accident!"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up! You-you demon child. Doctor...doctor please. Run a test, DO SOMETHING! I-I can't handle this shit anymore!" My mom fell onto her knees, rocking back and forth as tears slowly dripped down her rosy cheeks.

"M-Mommy! I'm sorry! I'll be good...I promise," I ran up to my mom and hugged her, she then scowled and slapped me.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't lay your fucking hands on me!"

"Ma'am! That's your child! How could you do that to your child? What kind of mother-"

"Doctor, how many times do I have to tell you. She's not my child. That..that thing is a demon! I gave birth to a demon doctor!" My mom screamed and the tears began to flood out of her eyes. She crawled over to the doctor and tugged at his coat. "Doctor, please. You have to help. Do tests, she's not well."

"Ma'am...I don't understand the issue here. At this moment you seem to be the one that is unwell. She cut you by accident and apologized, yet you continue to insist that your own daughter is a demon." The doctor pulled his coat out of my mom's grasps and backed up in disgust.

"Accident? Hahaha...accident. Is that what you think it was. No doctor no...it wasn't a fucking accident. That crazy child tried to kill me! Her mother! I-I was sleeping and then I felt a hot breath on me. I-I open my eyes to see what? Her! She's on top of me with a knife in her hand and those golden eyes they...looked so soulless. I knew she wanted to kill me. I pushed her off of me and she started swinging the knife around all crazy like, screaming at the top of her lungs and chased me with the knife. She cut me then dropped the knife. She walked off to her room like nothing happened! Does that sound normal to you?"

"She's six...she's still a child."

"Are you telling me a child can't be crazy? A child can't be a murderer?! Why the hell won't you believe me?"

"Because you sound like the crazy one. You're here at the hospital...groveling by my feet and yelling like you're at your own home. I have much more serious things to take care of me." The doctor began to walk out but then he stopped and took a glance at me. "Your eyes...they're pretty."

I smiled brightly and shyly fumbled my fingers. "Thank you! I'm sorry about my mom."

"I should be telling you sorry. The two of you should head out. Try to calm your mom down then head on home."

"Thank you," I said once again and waved the doctor goodbye. I looked over at my mom who was curled up in a ball on the floor. "Mommy," I said and slowly walked towards.

"Stop! Don't come next to me!"

I grit my teeth in annoyance and walked over to her. She began to scream and I immediately grabbed a handful of her hair and shoved her to the ground. "Mommy...would you please be quiet! You're scaring people."

"Get off of me!" She screamed and struggled to get out of my grasps.

I pushed her head on the ground and saw her wince in pain. I slightly smiled at her expression. I wanted to see it again. I did it again. Then again. Then again. Again. One last time...I promise. She stopped moving. My goal was not to kill her, just hurt her a bit.

"Doctor! Doctor!" I cried out making sure the tears on my face were clearly visible.

The doctor ran in and saw my mom on the floor with blood oozing out of her head. "What-what happened here?"

"S-She...she started saying weird things and kept on banging her head on the floor. I-I tried to stop her! I really did!" I cried and began to shake in fear. "W-Will she be ok? Is...is my mommy dead?!"

"N-No she'll be fine!" The doctor ran over to my mom and examined her injury. Other doctors began to rush in and a nurse took my hand and guided me out.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I screamed out and tried to run back to her.

I was taken to a police station and I had to stay there for the night as they tried to figure out where to put me. It was very amusing, all of the pity looks they gave me. At the same time those looks irked me. Why were they pitying me? I wanted those looks to disappear...I wanted to hurt them like I did to my mom.

"You poor poor child," one of the officers said as he brushed my hair.

"Don't touch me," I whispered.

"What did you say?" The officer leaned closer to me.

"I said don't touch me!" I screamed and scratched the officer.

"This...this brat just scratched me!" The officer said to his co-worker, making sure to put emphasis on brat.

"She's been through a lot," the co-worker said, "just leave her be."

The next day I was informed that my mother was alive but not so well. She was in a coma and she believed it was a matter of time before she woke up, but she would have brain damage. After that I wasn't too sure what else was being said, all I heard were a bunch of words.

Coma? I did that. Brain damage? I did that.

"I can't wait till Mommy wakes up!" I smiled at the doctor.

I can't wait till she wakes so I can find out what else I can do to her. What else can I do?

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Veruna."

"You have very pretty eyes Veruna."

"Thank you!"

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