
Warhammer Inquisitor

At the end of the dark 40,000 years, the enemies in the Milky Way launched their final offensive. When the end of the Era comes, the eternal war will come to an end. The human empire has now reached its destined final moment. But the gear of fate does not end. The fate of the Milky Way will be determined by him and them as it was ten thousand years ago. What will happen at the end of this dark 40,000 years?

DaoistViking · Videospiele
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50 Chs

Gang War

Bell looked at the red flash that illuminated the entire cockpit in front of him, and the hot melt injector lit up a red light like a small sun in front, and the scorching light gushed out from both sides of the Aquila, illuminating the surrounding tunnel of flesh and blood. Thunderhawk itself.

"The Inquisitor is really crazy." Ragnar's voice said in the communication frequency band, which is the internal tactical communication frequency band of the Deathwatch team, and its authority can avoid the override code of the Inquisitor, so if the team members want to If you want to complain about Vito or simply want to scold him, then this is a good place.

"Indeed, since he led us all into the belly of the Tyranid biological ship, this is a... amazing springboard?" Lancelot's voice said, "Ha, this is our first time to go to the Tyranid ship. A monster has a springboard in its belly! Right, old wolf, what's the matter with your expression?"

"The psychic interference here is very strong. I'm sure the queen must be here, but I don't know how the judge knows." "Didn't he say that? Burned the head of a node creature with a lobotomy reader Ah." "I'm not sure the creation can be used in this way, Ragnar my brother, I think the Inquisitor accomplished the task in some other way." "Another way? What way."

  Bell looked at the flame beam that suddenly went out in front of him. The dark red light shone into the cockpit from the front, and the Aquila had already rushed into the end of the tunnel of flesh and blood ahead.

   "We've come in! Ready to fight at any time!" Bell said and pulled up the joystick, and Thunderhawk followed Skyhawk to turn and fly under Tyrann's huge flesh dome.

The vector nozzles of the two fighters spit out scorching flames, and they fly in the organ blood vessels of the biological ship. The huge biological body itself means that the organ specifications are far beyond imagination, and the size of the blood vessels is almost as wide as the avenue of a hive city. , countless capillaries criss-cross here, weaving a dense network of flesh and blood.

  Thunderhawk and Skyhawk nimbly walked through these flesh and blood jungles, they flew through gaps in organs, between bronchi ends and large muscle structures.

  Bell swung the joystick to walk among these wriggling biological parts. The judge's spaceship was flying in front. He continuously used laser cannons and automatic cannons to break the dense capillary network, clearing out the tunnels that could pass through.

  They flew over the dense bronchial network, and flew over the wriggling giant heart of the giant beast. The rushing black blood rolled down and surged under them and entered the whole body from the blood pump hubs, just like a rushing underground river.

Skyhawk fired a missile and blasted a big hole in the wall of flesh and blood. Two fighter planes flew into it and flew deep into the body of the biological ship. They passed countless skeletons, muscles and strange beating organs, and the whole world was squirmed. Surrounded by flesh and blood with scarlet biological components.

Bell seemed to have come to a planet corrupted by Nurgle. Bell still remembered the planets they had been to. The entire planet had turned into some kind of horrible living creature, and the wriggling flesh and rotting skin filled the planet. every inch of space.

It was a nightmarish experience, and unfortunately Bell is now in the same place. The purpose of entering this kind of place last time was to kill the disrespectful person at the heart of the bottom-shaped planet and blow up the planet. The heart let it fail and explode, and this time it seemed just as crazy planned.

  The speed of the Skyhawk slowed down, Vito landed on a piece of fleshy ground, and Bell also drove the Thunderhawk to land on the fleshy platform.

The hatch of the Aquila, as smooth as silver drops, slowly descended, and Vito stepped off the ship wearing a breathing mask. He looked at the four Astartes who walked off the Thunderhawk in the same way. helmet.

  The four giants and Vito met at the position between the battleship and the fighter plane. Bell looked at the degrees displayed in the helmet and raised his head, "This place is full of poisonous gas, Judge, we will die quickly if we take a breath."

   "That's why we wear breathing masks, and I dare say this must be the first time in history that humans have entered the body of a Tyranid creature!" Vito said proudly, looking around the flesh and blood barriers around him demonstratively.

   "Woo, it looks like I have created a first record." "I don't think this is a good thing, Inquisitor, we are now alone in the Tyranid body, and we don't know the location of the queen at all."

  Vito shook his finger and then pointed at Olaf. The three warriors all looked at the old wolf. The priest, who was a head taller than the three of them, stood there speechlessly. His condition did not seem to be very good.

"Old wolf, my readings show that your brain reacts very violently, especially the left brain." Bell said, Olaf sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder, "It's nothing, Bell, I feel the power of a subspace shadow , if I'm not mistaken, the Queen of Worms should be around here."

"That's right, He's right here, not far from us, let's go and visit Him." Vito said, waving his fingers to signal for a few people to follow, and Ragnar and Lancelot followed immediately, "You guys Did someone bring the melta bomb?" "Me!" "It sure is my good old wolf cub! It's just going to be so violent."

  Bell looked at Olaf, the old wolf just shook his head slightly and then stepped up to follow.

They walked on the land of flesh and blood, they walked in from a huge cave at the end of the hall of flesh and blood, the wriggling walls were actively moving around, muscles and blood vessels were intertwined in all visible places, injecting powerful biological power into this road Inside the void beast.

   Lancelot slashed at the wall with his sword, and the muscle barrier immediately twitched, and blood gushed out from the broken muscle, staining the giant's feet red.

"Ugh." Lancelot said disgustedly and stepped forward across the pool of blood. They walked along the corridor of flesh and blood to the end. They came to a bridge composed of unknown muscle structures. In fact, the bridge was very weak. , seems to be more like a connecting part between certain organs.

But objectively, it is still used as a bridge to provide a passage. A group of people walked on the bridge and walked over the creeping rift valley. Bell popped his head and looked at the abyss below. The muscles clamped at the end were wriggling repeatedly, as if Provides the mobilizing force for a large organ.

Bell couldn't tell what that organ was. After all, no one had ever entered the interior of the biological ship. They had indeed created history. Put it into posterity for the study and fight against these nightmarish creatures from beyond the galaxy.

  Bell stopped in his tracks. He turned on the recording function of his helmet and began to record all this. But the moment the recording function was turned on, Bell raised his head, and he heard a muscular boom.

   Several people turned their heads and saw that from the flesh and blood wall at the end of the bridge, the blood vessel-like parts were broken and broken, and the gaps were hanging down from the corners.

  A **** thing slid down from it. The thing stood up slowly, dripping with scarlet blood, and its rattling swirling mouth was full of teeth like a meat grinder.

   Such pure white monsters were expelled from the blood vessels one by one. They fell to the ground and stood up soaked in blood. The monsters slowly raised their long knives and claws to look at the few people on the long bridge.

   "Wori." Vito said emotionally, and then the dense screams responded to him, and those monsters rushed from both sides of the bridge to the center of the bridge in groups.

"What's that?!" Lancelot yelled and raised the knight's sword, Vito pulled out a bolter and shot a monster's head without saying a word, "White blood cells? Who cares! Hit it!" Damn it!"

  Bell raised his bolt gun and immediately began to fire violently towards the bridge on the left. Those monsters rushed along the bridge unobstructed and were blasted down the bridge densely and fell into the wriggling meat trap.

  But there are so many of them, they rushed forward like wild beasts with the ferocious vitality of the explosive bombs, "Rush forward! Ragnar! Lancelot! Open the way!"

  Ragnar howled and took the lead, the chainsword cut a scarlet blood path among the monsters on the bridge along the way, Lancelot followed behind with the knight sword in hand, and the two giants charged forward and advanced quickly.

A group of people rushed forward along the face of the bridge, dismantling and slashing with chainsaws rapidly, knocking all the enemies on the bridge off the bridge, they rushed down from the bridge, and jumped to help the team walk along the rocky steps of the fleshy cliff Dash and fight all the way.

The explosive bombs continued to fire violently around, blasting all the enemies who tried to block the way into pieces of flesh and blood. Vito watched the pure white monsters climbing up in groups in the flesh and blood abyss on the other side. They were like apes. It surged up violently, climbing up the surface of the rock steps and trying to stop the advancing people.

But these monsters that climbed up were immediately cut into pieces by the roaring chainsaw axes and power swords, or were directly blasted half of their bodies by the bolt gun. In the explosion and smashing of flesh and blood, the group of people resembled the ancient legends. Like the dungeon warriors, rush and kill along the way.

Lancelot jumped down the uneven stairs, stepped forward quickly, and cut off a vertical synaptic blood vessel with a sword. The thick blood vessel wall fell from the air and fell to the ground, becoming A bridge spanning the chasm.

   Several people jumped up and crossed the rift valley. When they reached the end, Ragnar kicked the blood vessel bridge down the rift valley, and fell into the abyss with a bunch of white blood cells.

   They continued to rush forward and reached the end of the road. There was a huge cliff of flesh and blood blocking all the way. It was a dead end!

"Inquisitor, I think we've reached a dead end!" Lancelot said, pulling out his bolter and pointing at the monsters climbing up the cliff. They all pointed the muzzles of their bolt guns in all directions and fired fiercely, and the bolts splattered a large amount of flesh and blood among the pale enemies.

  These ferocious enemies fell to the ground, but their numbers continued to come.

  In the flames of the bolter, Vito pulled out the plasma gun, and he fired a shot at the end of the wall of flesh and blood. The plasma plasma instantly melted through the end of the wall of flesh and blood, exposing a thick blood vessel.

   "Jump in!" Vito shouted, "What?!" Ragnar exclaimed, but Vito pointed at the entrance of the blood vessel with the gun and shouted, "Get in! Quick!"

  The four giants didn't hesitate, they immediately jumped in one after another, and finally Vito himself jumped in, he invaded into the blood, and flowed down through the blood vessels.

Vito pulled out a grenade on his belt, pulled off the insurance and threw it upwards. A moment later, an explosion occurred not far away. Under the same effect as water pressure, the explosion spread outwards and then exploded. the middle of the blood vessel.

Pushed by the shock wave of the explosion, Vito rushed out of the blood vessels at a faster speed, and fell to the ground as if being washed out of a sewer. He lay on the ground covered in blood and looked at the surrounding Astartes .

  The giants all stood up cursing, and Vito got up from the ground also cursing, "We must take the stairs next time, this is simply outrageous, and we are still far away from this monster's brain."

"We're here, Judge." Bell's voice said, Vito stood up and looked in the direction the four giants were looking at. Under this huge dome of flesh and blood, there was a brain at the other end of the huge space. A brain connected to countless cables of flesh, and one of its countless cables was connected to a huge pale creature.

  It was a creature with a huge physique. Its large deformed lower body sat under the brain, and its tiny body grew above it. Countless arms and slender claws bent and swayed in front of it.

  Vito looked at the creature without eyes. It stuck out its curved tongue and looked at the few people who broke in. There were two tyrants around it.

   "It seems that we have arrived." Vito said with a smile, pointing the gun at the monster in the distance.

   "In the name of the Emperor, prepare to die."