
Chapter 209

Chapter 172 Seven People Destroy the City! (Subscribe!)

The low-level fantasy world, Guangyuan City.

At this time, more than 200,000 troops had been gathered here, led by Man Wanshan, General Marshal Pingmo, who was ordered by the head of the Qianyuan Kingdom.

At the same time there are militiamen and hundreds of thousands of warriors.

The fact that Yu Cheng was inhabited is well known, and during this time, whether it was a liar, a court alchemist, or even a lot of hidden masters, came forward.

Constantly telling the horror of the demons.

Naturally, the demons did not disappoint. After the former city was destroyed, they scattered in all directions. Every demonic soldier was equivalent to a master of the world.

In this martial arts world where there is only internal strength, it would be good for ordinary masters to be able to fly over the walls.

Even a real master is just tapping acupuncture points in the air and exhaling into a rainbow.

For the terrifying power of the Mozu that can fly into the sky and escape the ground, each has its own abilities, waved to break the river, and stepped on the mountain to collapse.

Not to mention that the world has not even developed a system such as technology that can enhance warfare.

The upper limit of space or the world is different. People cannot break the mountain because no one can do it. To achieve this kind of strength requires a lot of spiritual power.

But dynamite can!

Because the use of explosives is essentially to understand the world, but to use the things of the world to achieve one's own goals.

Explosives can blow up mountains in this world.

Similarly, explosives can break mountains, but their power cannot break space.

The force that breaks space, "August 13" is almost the strongest force in the world.

This is true in any world.

Because space is the most basic element of the world.

Unfortunately, the demons possess the power to break the space, and as the space is continuously strengthened by the blood book, their strength is gradually unblocking.

"Hey, mankind has gathered, do you want to resist?"

Outside Guangyuan City, a team of demons was sitting on a few trees to rest, and one of the demons showed disdain.

It turns out that when they invaded that intermediate plane, the demons had a greater advantage than the human race, and even destroyed the human race for a time.

Had it not been for the intervention of gods and demons, perhaps the master of that world would have been replaced by demons.

And the human race in this world is even weaker, and the body breaks when touched, even weaker than the newborn baby of their demons.

Now the living environment is better. Many demon newborns have the strength of Tier 4 or 5 right after they are born, which was hard to think of in the past.

"It doesn't matter, the more you gather, the better.

The leader of the team closed his eyes slightly and said with disdain.

Originally, with their strength, this time could be wiped out instantly, because Damn it's space suppression prevented their strength from being used.

Even in order not to break the space and let themselves fall into the cracks of the space, they dare not use too much force.


The space near Guangyuan City hadn't been reinforced by the blood technique. With their current strength, it was a little tired to rush to here.

If the original strength, a place like Guangyuan City, it would be destroyed when passing by.

"Hey, that's all right, let's start work, but don't dare to neglect, you will get angry if you wait any longer."

This is the first mission of the Demon Race, and it must be done well. Lord Lord God can watch them perform.

A team of seven demons, one treatment, one defense, two good at speed, one good at long attack, and two main melee players.

Very normal configuration.

"Then let me try it first!"

The demon who attacked from a distance set up a black long communist, condensing gas as an arrow, and the black and red exhaust gas gradually condensed into an arrow, aiming at the closed wall of the city gate.


A black ray flashed, and a black mysterious shadow appeared on the arrow in the sky, flapping its wings as if there was life, and falling accurately on the city wall.


Just like a missile exploded, the exhaust gas arrow directly blasted half of the city wall, and the soldiers standing on it were blown into dust.

"Enemy attack!


"That's it!"

The affected soldiers fell to the ground and wailed, while the others had their eyes wide open.

Where is the enemy?

The explosion happened suddenly, as if God was angry.

"Hey, I'll do it faster!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in the sky, and a black goshawk fell and turned into a figure, with one foot on the ruins of the city wall, and a pair of pupils were like silver flowers.

Those who were seen by this eye did not consciously give a cold repair.

"You are flying!

Another smoky figure appeared, only a moment slower than the Yinhua Demon, and turned into a thin figure with a thin knife in hand and a chain on the handle.

"How about Bibi seeing who killed more before they arrived?"

Yinhua Mozu added lips, and his tongue was very long, like a ghost.


The Black Smoky Demon just chuckled, the figure moved, and dozens of heads flew into the sky.

"here we go!"

"Cheating is not a good habit!

The wings spread out, as if death descended, not surprise, but fear and death.

"Devil, devil!

"Don't come here!"



The two demons were killed instantly, and blood flowed into a river for a while. The gathered troops made every attack maximized the damage.

With black smoke, silhouettes, and Xuanyu moving, the crowd fell one by one.

At this time, another red arrow fell, causing a lot of casualties.

"You are really impatient.

A plume of poisonous smoke drifted past, corrupting hundreds of people into blood, and a demons holding a skull came out of the gap.


Tang Jin rushed straight, several human beings were photographed into pieces, and the fist marks were in the air, and the ground sank three feet!

Two close main battles arrive!

But for weak humans, there is no difference between the main force and the main force. Even the demon race responsible for the treatment is an insurmountable mountain for them.

A squad of seven, sweeping a city!

Whether it is a quagmire or a temple general, in front of this fearful force, they all seem so insignificant.

"What kind of enemy are we fighting with?

"It's terrible, ah, ah!"

"The god is angry!"

"Devil, devil!"

The devil, mercilessly, whether it was a soldier who rebelled to the death or a civilian who bowed down to the head, all were killed, and another city turned into a dead zone.

The Qiuyun magical atmosphere enveloped this land, almost at the same time, everywhere was lost, and no one survived!

Qian Yuanguo had lost more than half of its territory in just a few days, and with the improvement of blood skills, the strength of the demon clan's soldiers was still recovering, and the attack speed was getting faster and faster.

It's like a circle is not heading towards the Qianyuan Kingdom at all, but is going to war across the board, what do you see!

Three nearby countries and even Xing people on the prairie have been attacked.

The warning issued by the world is correct, this time the demon did not come for the territory, but for the killing!

If it was a simple aggression, civilians might be left behind, but this time, it was an assassination!

The emperor is afraid, the people are afraid, and the foreigners are also afraid!

Fear made them put aside their prejudices and began to unite, but no amount of ants can shake the elephant, let alone a idol that is gradually awakening!

"Almost, I feel that the will of this world has been shaken.

In the original Yucheng City Lord's Mansion, the demons hugged left and right, all of them were beauties, succubus, fox and so on.

The light of blood flashed in his eyes, and the devilish energy rolled, blackening the people who were soaked in the entire city.

The world is basically the winner, and on the orc side, Gurangi has also thought about his opponent...

A fleet that is several times larger than the first time is staying in a star area to occupy the territory and gather supplies.

Three ships the size of the mothership of the first fleet guard a larger ship planet.

In the ship planet, there are different races lying in the freezer compartment, they are waiting to wake up and enter the new planet life.

Basically, the process of other gods entering the plane is the same, entering, attacking, occupying, as a turf, developing dependents or assimilating races from the original plane as new subordinate races.

Especially this kind of universe plane itself has various races.


Moreover, the planets are scattered from each other, and colonization and population development are inevitable. Only a large enough base can collect more beliefs.

Not many people are as crazy as Li Yang's orcs, and not many people are like Li Yang, who need to upgrade by burning the universe.

Since the beginning of the age of gods, Li Yang has always been a scorpion pulling a papa, a poison!

Just as the colonization progressed in an orderly manner, the gravity of their target planet and even the surrounding star district government changed strangely.

"It's not good, gravity is changing, for unknown reasons!"

In the surveillance war room, a red light suddenly lit up on the virtual screen in front of the observer, and an alarm sounded.

"what reason?"

"I don't know how to call tired Fake!"

The observer hadn't finished speaking, and the changes on the screen made him swear.

"The wormhole mark appeared, and the location is...in the center of the battleship cluster!"

"Quickly move the fleet at the estimated location!"

The observer roared anxiously, but it was too late.

The green spatial fluctuations directly smashed the nearby spaceships together.

A planet suddenly appeared at lightning speed, and its huge body directly smashed the nearby spaceships, turning them into new cosmic junk.

"How is it possible, a planet? Jumped out of the wormhole? This must be a cold joke of the worm star man's grandmother...

Although it is nonsense, but that's it, a planet jumped out of the wormhole.

Even the old captain who has sailed between the stars for a lifetime can't believe his eyes at this time.

In fact, the surprise is more than that. People with good eyes noticed that the surface of this strange planet that jumped out of the 4.3 wormhole seems to be undergoing some changes.

The original snow-white surface turned black in a squirm.

On one side, the white smooth surface gradually turned black and red, and the continent sank.

"Is that a face?"

An orc's face appeared, and the eyes were as fiery as a burning flame, and the two protruding canine teeth of the lower jaw were so embarrassing.

I really think that the planet has a long face.

"What kind of planetary creature?"

There are no wonders in the universe. Some creatures are even larger than the planet. Some military officers of the family family brought by the gods can't help thinking that they are a bit more knowledgeable than the natives.

"No, those black spots are gathering a lot of energy!"

Almost when the face of the orc appeared, countless bullets, lasers, plasma and even antimatter cannons occurred from the surface of the entire planet. The two eyes of the smiley face emitted terrifying light like laser eyes.

"Quickly defend, avoid urgently!"

Fortunately, the fleet generally has automatic defense shields, but in this case, the shield energy is also weakening. If it is attacked in this way, it will soon be destroyed.

The fact is also daily. Many small spaceships have been bombed.

"Protect the planetary ship!

The Sanshou aircraft carrier-class spacecraft is like the most loyal guards, guarding the planetary spacecraft and protecting the spacecraft from gradually retreating.