

In a world where the majority of the population is born with special abilities known as "quirks," there's a simple guy out there, not given much importance. Despite that, he possesses one of the "quirks" that is probably the golden finger he never asked for. But being a simple guy, he'll act accordingly. ((This is purely made for fun, all rights to the respective author of Boku no Hero.)) (Oh, and English is not my native language.)

TritonVSoreo · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


What does it take to be a hero?... Wait, let me rephrase the question.

What is required of an individual to be accepted as a hero?

A strong quirk?

A strong will?

A strong contact base?

To me, all of those are perfectly valid, if you think like that, you're really not wrong...

And what do you need to really be a villain?

A strong quirk?

A strong will?

A strong contact base?

Also for me, I think that all of these are valid, the philosophy and morals of this world seem confusing and lax to me, not because they are complicated and difficult to understand, but rather because of the weak foundation on which they are founded, which leaves many gaps in logic to analyze

Heroes and villains?

I don't know, more than for the good of the people, it sounds like an internal struggle for social power. Why do heroes desperately seek people's attention? They are heroes, they are not models or political leaders.

So what is the need?

Maybe in this world the best vocation or profession is that of a hero, but in reality for me, that has little importance

Do I want to be a hero? If I'm truly honest, No.

But not a hero who lives off people's applause or camera flashes, I can help others, I clearly can and want to, will there be a burden on my conscience because I saved people's lives?

But what do I really want? I've already lived a life before, and now due to the manipulation of something or someone I'm living another life for some price I don't know.

Then I looked at my body, a body that doesn't belong to me

I sighed and diverted my attention to the television, I changed the channel, the vast majority of channels talk about the ranking of heroes and the feats they have done throughout their professional career, I really wanted to watch something else, where were the documentaries? about penguins or about polar bears?

Sho, both in his old life and in his current one, always loved documentaries about animals, be it any type and from any place in the world, he searched and searched, but apparently today is not a good day to watch television

What about sports channels?

I was curious about that topic, with the presence of quirks, how would it affect the overall sport? Would it be divided into classes by quirk?

Mutants against mutants?

Issuers against issuers?

I searched through the channels, but I stopped on a channel which was showing a football match, I leaned interestedly towards the television, I wanted to see if it was different from the football of my old life, or if it is still the same

The match was progressing smoothly, a few minutes passed and I concluded that the use of quirks was prohibited or simply not allowed, well that would make sense after all, with how varied the quirks are, the sports bodies would be made to impossible to balance it to be truly fair, now, what about the mutants? Most likely, they have their own type of game separate from the traditional one, something that I'm too lazy to investigate

Analyzing what I had seen, I leaned back lazily on the sofa, someone watching me would probably call me lazy, but what happens is that they are not taking into account an important detail...

He he...

I moved my hand across my forehead to wipe away the sweat that was actually building up since I awakened my quirk a week ago, and I've been training every day since then, but how do I do it? It doesn't seem like was doing the big thing...

Simple, I increased the weight of my body, every action I take will be considered an effort no matter how little, I still didn't go crazy and increased my weight until it looks like I'm carrying an elephant on my shoulders, I just increased it a little, enough to make me sweat and slowly exercise my body

In this way I kill two birds with one stone, I exercise both my body and the control and power of my quirk

I changed the channel, landed on one that showed a guy talking with a smile about the strangest quirks ever found.

I became interested too and paid attention

Ability to turn your fingers into spoons?

That your flatulence is much more putrid and smelly?

Hands for feet and feet for hands?

Without realizing it, I let out a small laugh. What was I supposed to be seeing? Heh..., I really understand those who can't give up leisure, it's like a drug that acts differently than usual.

Seeing all those "unique" quirks, I thought to myself for a moment

In this world, the peculiarities are divided into three types or categories, where they explain the difference between them and the way each one manifests its power, if I remember correctly, they were:

(Emitters, Transformers and mutants)

My quirk is an emitter type, which is the most common type of quirk there is, although of course, just because it is the most common does not mean that it is the weakest or the strongest.

I crossed my legs and then concluded

What type is "All for one" and "One for All"?

What catalog do those two fit into?

I wanted to catalog and investigate a little more, but out of nowhere I heard an annoying voice behind me.

-Are you going to be on that couch all day? Go out to the park and breathe fresh air, go and touch the earth or the grass at least! Believe me, it's better than lying here wasting time-

Mom came out of nowhere and gave me a light scolding, ah, this would be one of those childhood moments that you later look back on with nostalgia.

-I'm sorry, mom, I'll go now...-

I was never one of those who treated her mother as if she were a servant, not in my previous life, much less in this one.

I will respect my mother

Sho got up from the couch and quickly went to her room, he searched through the closet on one side of the wall and took out a cap, it was a simple cap with no design, it was only designed to be functional, not ostentatious.

I put it on and left my room, I walked down the hallway and got to the kitchen where my mom was, she saw me arrive and smiled slightly.

-Here, eat and have fun-

It was still early, it must have been around noon, she handed me a giant onigiri

This will be enough...what was the need to make it so big? I won't go far, it's just a walk in the park.

Another interesting thing about this body, it eats a lot, I need a lot of food to satisfy hunger, and I still don't understand where so much food goes if my stomach must be the size of a fist, I'm only five years old

I didn't give it any importance and left the house, I went down the stairs until I reached the first floor, and in case you are wondering why I can go out alone being so small...

I left the apartment complex and the first thing I did was turn my head to the right, and the recreational park was practically in sight, I need to walk at least a minute to get there, plus my mom can see me from above, so I gives permission

And because of "permission", I didn't even ask for it, she forces me to go to the park, there is nothing to do about that, but I guess it's okay, going out and breathing fresh air doesn't hurt anyone

I adjusted my cap, and walked casually towards the park

It is said that this place is relatively safe, that it almost never suffers attacks from some villain, but come on, caution never hurts, I simply need to be attentive..., although I am not always going to be on guard like some kind of deranged military man. , I just need to be aware of the environment

I may be being a little paranoid, but I really need to get used to Japanese culture and the technological advances of this advanced era in time, although the technological advances do not seem focused on the inhabitants in general, but rather on the private sectors of the country

I clearly remember those fully functional robots of about 50 meters that appeared in the anime, they were also put against some students on their first day of admission. What kind of madness is that? But if I look at the environment, the streets and the buildings are not much different from those I remember from my old world

Really out of touch, but also out of my control and understanding

Almost no time passed and I was already touching the grass of the park, the breeze was fresh and the trees rustled in the wind, I just took a big breath.

Help lighten the weight of my mind

I looked around, the park was full of children playing and shouting, they were accompanied by their parents and also others who were here on their own, I studied the situation and walked calmly along the dirt roads, I felt the wind against my face and then I thought carefully...

(I think it was time to go to a much more advanced level...)

Make at least one friend

Damn, this time I have really made it difficult for myself, since when did it evolve this way?...., I left my jokes with myself aside and looked if I could play with some children around here

I didn't feel alone or anything, but just having my mother to talk to is not something I'm very in favor of, I could make friends at the daycare I'm at, but to them I'm already the "weirdo", and that Surprisingly I continue like this after revealing my quirk in front of the whole class a week ago, I guess for those kids my presence was never pleasant.

It's okay, I understand and I don't blame them either.

While I was looking for a place to fit in, I looked at a small lagoon in the distance, it was almost at the end of the park, I don't come very often, therefore, I knew little or nothing about that lagoon, it looked like it had a considerable depth, also in Some frogs of different dark colors rested on its shore.

I got to the shore just out of curiosity, I had never been so close before, even so it didn't look suitable for swimming, the water looked green, I could smell that typical smell of water covered with vegetation

so I took advantage and also took a deep breath

It felt good to breathe here too

-Are you here to see the frogs too, kero?-

An unusual voice came from my left, it spoke suddenly and also with a strange ending to his words, I raised my eyebrow a little and looked towards the origin of the voice.


A girl with a strange hunched posture approached me, she looked at me with an innocent expression, she had quite dark green hair, she had a very wide mouth that sinks a little in the middle like that of a common frog, eyes oval with large black irises, her lower eyelashes visibly pronounced..., she was wearing a baggy T-shirt and shorts, apparently she was also barefoot

She made a gesture that I recognize, she put a finger near her mouth, an involuntary tic.

She also had big hands, probably bigger than mine.

-Eh...Yes, I wanted to see the lagoon, I don't come to the park much, so I wanted to explore and get to know it -

I'll be honest, she looked peculiar, the way she approached me and the way she's standing took me by surprise, but I still didn't show any rejection and answered her question, if I look at her correctly, she should be the same age as me. , or at least something close to my age

She looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes and smiled happily.

-I know many comfortable places in the lagoon, I can show you, it will be fun, kero~ -

She approached me jumping on all four of her limbs, just like a frog, she stopped and with her peculiar hand with long, wide fingers at the tips, she grabbed my arm.

I wasn't particularly uncomfortable, I just wasn't used to this kind of different behavior, I know there are quirks that cause that, but I'll get used to it. I didn't move my hand away from her and let her guide me, this girl didn't seem to have much contact with the other kids, I mean, the games started a long time ago, but she's here alone talking to frogs in a pond.

While we were walking along the shore of the lagoon, I asked him a sudden and direct question.

-What is your name? My name is Nosaku Sho, nice to meet you-

She stopped and made two small jumps to turn towards me, she made her characteristic twitch with her finger.

I used my childish tone of voice in favor and the question sounded casual and simple.

-Oh, I forgot to tell you my name, kero~, my name is Asui Tsuyu, but I prefer to be called Tsu, it's also nice to meet you Sho-chan-

Yes, I already knew your name, it was just to be totally sure, I had seen you through a screen, for me, your existence before were mere pixels on a computer, and now that you are holding my arm, I am in deep thought.

The combination of cartoon with that of a human formed an appearance quite similar to that of the anime, it's just that it has those details that make her look made of flesh and blood.

She was still holding my arm while she was talking to me about "places where frogs are bigger and stronger than the others", and I, well..., I had nothing better to do right now, so I paid attention to her explanation.

-You say there is a giant frog in this lagoon? Is he like the boss of this place?-

-Yes-kero~!, he has a back full of scars, he must be the strongest frog in the lagoon, I once saw him swimming near the shore-

She seemed excited while talking about "The strongest boss in the lagoon" while I gave her a little tug on my arm, she seemed to be having fun, so I didn't bother to contradict her, but she then stopped and threw me a question, apparently A doubt arose in her suddenly.

- Sho-chan, what is your peculiarity? Your body looks normal, is it one of those that acts invisibly?

She probably means that I'm an emitter type, she's not wrong anyway, she asked, and I don't mind telling her what she's all about my quirk either.

-Well, you could say that if it acts invisibly, my quirk is called [Weight Control], what it does is that it gives me the control of adding or removing the weight of the thing I touch, I can make things lighter , or heavier-

I tried to make my explanation as simple as possible, we are just two five year olds chatting, I don't want to sound too technical, in this situation it would be somewhat out of place

-Does it work with anything? So can you make me lighter kero~?-

She asked quickly, again excited

-I can, although I don't recommend that you jump too hard...

Taking advantage of the fact that she was still touching my arm, I activated my quirk and ordered the flow to advance towards Tsu, although I clearly held back, if I take away too much weight from her then she won't be able to control her body at all, and she will also fly away if she jumps with somewhat considerable force.

And I say that from experience.

also called that energy "flow", I learned that this energy is present throughout my body, and that when I try to act on an object to make it heavy or light, it has a response time, it is literally instantaneous, whatever it touches my body, and if I have my quirk activated, it will immediately change its weight

-what a strange feeling kero~, I feel like I'm made of paper, Sho-chan, your quirk is very funny- she showed a big smile on that strange mouth of hers

Then she jumped, she felt like a cloud when she was in the air, she landed on the trunk of a tree that was near the shore and supported herself easily, her frog quirk can be interesting too, she played in the trees for a while, then from above he asked me:

-Sho-chan, how long does the effect last?-

She looked at me as she pressed herself face down against a tree branch

That is also a question for which I do not have an answer, an example is me, you see, about four days ago I used my quirk to slightly increase the weight of my body, as you already know, but the effect of the weight still remains after four days, since then I haven't activated my quirk on my body even once

So I am totally helpless before that question

-It lasts a week without me doing anything to it-

I gave it a random range because my quirk has only been under my control for a very short time, I still need more time to get to know it better, so I better not enlarge the numbers too much

She jumped again and fell silent in front of me.

-Could you give me back my normal weight? Dad must already be on his way to pick me up kero~ -

I grabbed her arm and in an instant I removed her "flow"

Tsu felt like a big rock had been placed on her back, it was her original weight, her adaptability played a joke on him.

-While we wait I'll show you my quirk, it's called [Frog], my parents told me I was born with it, I can do everything a frog does, look-

She stuck out her tongue and advanced a long way through the air, it must be at least a few meters long, how can she manipulate a tongue as long as that? I know that the tongue is a strong muscle, but hers is already practically a higher level, besides, how can so many meters of tongue fit in that mouth? Then he retracted his tongue and from one moment to the next it was as if nothing had happened

-Oh, I can swim super fast too kero~-

I actually knew her quirk well, but seeing it firsthand was a totally different experience.

-You really have a very interesting quirk-

I made a comment without realizing it, she escaped me

-Thank you kero~ -

After that we continued chatting for a while, until the strange voice of a man was heard in the distance.

-Tsu!, I came to look for-..Eh?

Tsu ran towards the man and hugged him.

I just looked at the man... Toad Head? He looks similar to a bullfrog, quite similar, in fact, I think this is the first time I have seen a mutant with my own eyes and not through a screen

-Is Tsu a friend of yours?

The toadman's voice sounded peculiar, obviously that frog head and neck offer him another type of vocal cords

-Yes dad, we were walking around the lagoon today, it has a very funny peculiarity kero~

The man, upon listening to his daughter, relaxed his shoulders and his face seemed to expand to make a croak, then his face returned to what it was before and showed a kind of... Smile?

I guess my first goal of coming to the park turned out to be successful...