

it was filled with darkness _ no sound afar _ I alone was at the center of that black space _ dyed in night_ a pure black void

"where.. I am"

my mouth tried to sound _ but nothing came out _ no words _ no vibration- just pure silent

"what happened.."

no matter how I tried, no memories _ my mind was fuzzy _ as if my vocals cords were tie up between them _ in this shadow space, were there was no sense or reality _ _ a far away light materialized his form inside the void _ enlighten my personal dark space

it was at that time that _ my delusional threatening world appear to be a nurse room the feeling of being relieved

my threatening void

my heart frequency went down to its normal beating


a shadow figure was standing at the nurse room door main entrance, I got surprised a bit _ who was it? there was no way I couldn't knew that _ not if I can't even bugle my one very body


I felt silent _ few steps echo was ringing deep inside me, like a shoes cherry dance_ stronger at each split second _ no sound - no words _ moving my body was beyond will _ concealing my self - in deep silent_ waiting for the culprit to show itself

suddenly the echoes sounds stopped for good, my surroundings became silent _ no sound - I could felt it deep inside my soul _ the uneasy feeling of being stared _ like a predator staring at his prey _ intensely

" Takamiya kura.. "

- yes that's was my name - I answered my self without thinking - I would have probably said it all loud if I words willingly went out of my mouth _ she couldn't hear me at all , naturally my eyes balls drove into one corner _at the same time_ luckily I could move my pupils on my own command _ my gaze met the one body - the mysterious figure who broke apart my self dark world - a tall lightly dark skinned woman , her long black hair was at mess all over her head- _ afro hair style? I didn't knew but it was quite well looking_ her long wide nurse coat was floating backwards _ it was strange, there was no sight of wind _ or was my body couldn't even feel the conditional change around me ? her shoes was simple and quite unappropriated for a nurse - was it alright?

" patient number Xxx _ suicide attempting .."

she was looking at some sheet notes _ , at first I couldn't hear any of the words she was spouting , unconsciously reading her lips movements _ the same to answer my call... to my self.. _ reading people lips was an easy feat- since I was a child - witnessing people words from afar - by reading unconsciously her lips -

"..suicide attempt.. what is she talking about? "

filled with confusion- beyond my understanding -

" severals broken bones and ribs.. Brain damage ..uh... heart frequency lower than 2℅.. I see.. " the girl nurse started to talk without minding kura _ reading without once of self awareness — kura health booknote - she wasn't aware that he could read others people lips movements - she poured smoke from her mouth - and released it a few seconds after

"... poor child- a few hour to live uh.. that just how the world work -" she was pouring out the smoke from her mouth - a lightly gray smoke with odd scent

" what? I am going to die? that's not true right? "

kura was shouting his anger and confusion , denying his own truth - "why do i have to die ?" "wh y do i have to die?" I can't.. I don't want - he was yelling his anger - without words , he couldn't speak at all - his body was against it, beyond his self will - no one could've hear him — the feeling of being suffocated - by an unbelievable pressure

"someone please..."

the nurse doors once again opened inwards _ another woman was standing at the entrance

" is that you Roberta?" asked the woman with her tiny voice - while Crossing the doors line - immerging her self - inside the room - filled with steam of despair

".... what do you want Karin?" asked Roberta _ without bother paying her a gaze

"are you reading the patient Xxx health report?" she asked- but this time her eyes was gazing at kura - strongly and coldly - it was like looking at a piece of trash_ a low life garbage _ her cold blue eyes were merging with kura_ eyes to eyes _ contact _ without sharing a words _ a gaze full of expression _ beyond words

"so.. what trigger him to attempt a suicide..? asked Roberta - while looking at kura health note on her Left hand

a twelve old kid who thrown himself down Kyoto bridge is not common nowadays, he must have had it very rough -poor child - Roberta was fully in thought- at each gaze she showed to kura's face , she couldn't help it but to think of her late son who passed away, she was often tell herself —"he would've be at the same age if he were still alive " she sighted- but only gray smoke went out of her mouth

" it's still a mystery to us , only him hold the truth for his demeanor — —you shouldn't take smoke here..."

Karin was a gentle girl , her cold gaze often bought her some misdemeanors _ the same as Roberta she was a nurse_woman - on equal footing

" he got Brain damage .. I don't sure if he still even remember his name...— shut up let me loose for once " say Roberta half hearted _ at that time she thought that it was a really nice thing that kura auditive conditions were frozen _ the truth about death is always hard to bear and can curse grudge and hatred to the soul

unfortunately kura was able to read people lips _ he didn't miss a thing about the nurses behaviours _

" what are they talking about? is this some kind of joke?" he was speaking to himself - he was going crazy- the hard reality _ "what memories .. I don't recall a things " he head backlashed him back _ each time he was trying to peek into the deepest part of his _ soul - _ like it was going to self destruct , blowing his brain to tiny bit _ he couldn't scream _ nor cry _ just a silent pain _

" are they coming?" asked Karin at Roberta _ " yeah _ it should be the time" just after Roberta ended up her answer _ kura nurse room doors opened backwards _ a couple walked inwards_ toward the nurse room keepers _ Roberta didn't bother to drove off her smoke— the young couple didn't mind at all

" takamiya family.."

Karin opened her mouth first while walking towards them _ Crossing them _

" I'm sincerely sorry"

afterwords she shut herself outdoors and disappeared from sight_ leaving only Roberta behind

" no.."

hearing Karin apologize _ the woman felt on her knees — her shredded face was covered with hers hands- she couldn't handle it , the pain of Losing her son —


kura's mother _ tears took over her face _ drooling like stream water

" nii-chan "

a young girl was clenching on kura bed ,with all her might _ kura could feel the strength of her grip over the sheets _

"no..don't cry _ mom _ kagura"

the sight of his shredded family _ kura couldn't stand it _ having your family shred a tear for you was good and nice _ but for kura _ seeing them crying _ make him feel bad _ he was continuously repeating to himself

" I don't deserve it.."


his gaze was looking at the fierce man standing tall_ without waver or shred a tears - he was looking at kura very eyes _ without fail even for once_ immediately kura understood _ even at the gate of the last breath _

"family rule is unavoidable _ "

-kura light faded away _ his mind became easy _ at the sight of his soul leaving the body _ floating in air _like they were fused as one _ beyond normal sight

" look like he finally passed away"

say Roberta while glancing at kura very body _ lying on the nurse bedroom _


" damm brat _ in the end he managed to smile"

at that time Roberta smoke felt on the floor- she couldn't smoke anymore-_ kura body was smiling _ happily_ without life _ as he had the best way of life ever _

"nii-chan .."

kagura gazed at her old brother stain face _ without emotions or reaction _ without life itself

" don't leave me alone.. "

tears bound into her again _ she cryed _ more than earlier _ hearing a child cry can shattered even the strongest heart _ kura father softened his punch _ and bowed himself to his very son _ his lifeless body _ it was strange _ for Roberta State _

[ brace your end with might and smile _ it doesn't mean the end of everything]

" I'm leaving my body... woah is that for real ..?"

kura soul _ floating like wind_ was gazing at his body _ binding more than few white tape _ he couldn't even feel that he was wrapped like mummy _ tainted in white tape _

" I died without even know why.... ah.. I didn't even said my goodbye to them properly, I'm kinda disappointed "

he was talking to himself— without self-restraint _ no one could have peeping on him _ once again he was alone _ beyond the world logic and perception

'ah...too bright"

kura covered his eyes out of reflex _ to protect himself to the spotlight that suddenly popped out of nowhere - Piercing the upper floor_ only him could have see it _ _ the end_ train _ the last road_ the bridge between life and afterlife _ his doomed fate

" waaaa..h"

kura body got pulled _ inside at incredible speed _ sucking it whole _ countless events were popping and vanishing inside his brain _ without stop _. making him feel pain _ and unbearable pain _ it was like his body were chopped apart _ outrageously _ he let out a loud and painful scream_

he passed away _ due to surge of amnesty pain

"mmmh.. "

he was trying to open his eyes _ slowly _ it was pitch black _ he thought that maybe he was still day—dreaming _ he got relieved _ for instance _ he thought that maybe everything he had gone through was just a mere dream _ a set up made by his imagination _ he couldn't feel the pain anymore _ that pain _ he was In Harmony with himself_ when a hollow cry echo through his hear _ resonating his soul to his very tiny particles _ wake him up right away

" what was that.."

_ his head went upright and deepdown _ all he could see was a pitch black space _ without light _ only the countless whispers that were overflowing with malice _ all over the space _ out of fear he pulled few steps backwards _ distancing himself, at each step_ the whispers seemed to be more stronger than before _ running backwards, kura body hit on something _ instantly freaking out _ slowly turned himself _ something was struggling on his shoulders _ he could felt theirs sharpen nails Piercing his body _ the whispers seemed to be more powerful than before_ he could hear it deep Into his mind _

[ it's say that devils corrupt mankind heart _ make them waver to darkness _ ]


once again _ events started to overflowing _ inside kura mind _ driving him.near to craziness doors _ the pain was high and unbearable _

a light enlighten the dark space _ driving away the whispers _ the once pitch black space was now filled with warm bright light _ kura head whose were covered with his hand loose theirs hold _ at the sight of them _ two angels like were floating _ on this once empty dark space _ filled with light _ it was two young woman - theirs large clothes was white as snow _ and bright like new born star _ impossible to look at them for to long _ theirs brightness and overwhelming presence were beyond imagination


the two figures fled towards kura , gazed at him with strong and cold eyes _ once again kura felt like being stared deep into his heart_ his existence _ the unbearable feeling of being looked like a disposable garbage _ he couldn't stand it_ in that nurse room he was powerless _ but at least now_ the case was different _ he could've move as he pleased, he stared back at them - deep into theirs very eyes _ creating an eyes contact field

* wha..at*

kura suddenly felt his spiritual body heavy _ he couldn't even breath _ or speak _ falling down on his knee_ they were still gazing at him _ with mighty and arrogance _ the soul pressure they were exerting was strong _ it was like reversing gravity itself

" stop it, eziël , otherwise he'll turn all flashy - "

one of the angel just spoke her mind _ trying levite the pressure on kura _ it was Eriel the Harmony angel_


Eziël cursed _ before canceling her reverse gravity pressure _ " why don't will kill that sinner right now" she asked while gazing at Eriël reaction _ the short blue haired angel concealed her self and answered _ not showing any emotions _ her face was stoic _ with and genuine smile on it _ she was frightening at first glance _ her blue Piercing eyes _ endowed with six flowers leafs _ the crimson lotus

" our main goal is to judge whether or not he'll become a fallen one and oppose a treat to[ God]... killing him is forbidden for us "

Eriël fled towards kura _ her large scale wing was outstanding _ three time the size of her small body _ white as snow _ fusing with the space color itself _ at each wing flap _ shining tray stars were released _ filled with overflowing purity _ the feeling of a being warm and softness

" what do you mean by a treat to God ..."

kura who was on the blue line spoke himself _ his word crossed space _ Piercing eziël ears _ who bulged a bit _ upsetting lines appeared on her forehead _ she couldn't bear kura presence anymore _ gravity started to accumulate above her _ without sweating a hand _ strong gravity field were being accumulated into one point_ creating a distortion in space itself

" ugh.. what is that.."

kura felt the incredible kinetic field that was increased above him - unleashing heavy pressure waves_ as if gravity itself were driven into one corner

•• do you intent to disobey [God will]?•• asked Eriël sternly while looking intensely at eziël _ the surge pressure suddenly vanished _ like he didn't even exist _ the broken space started to regrow itself_ engulfing his hole

•• I know how much you resent the fallen one , I do the same _ but being overwhelmed with hatred will only fed the beast _ do you want to be it!? the trigger?••

Eriël the Harmony angel was the most devoted angel towards [God ], God will are absolute laws _ beyond theirs owns , for her devoted self _ accomplishment towards[ God will] was the greatest pleasure an angel could hope

" you talk to much as always "

eziël dispelled her gravity field _ she was aware of it " no one can oppose [God will" ] " what are you wanting for.. gauge him "

eziël the gravity angel is a righteous one _ and hot blooded - she despise the malice itself _ she can purge a whole civilization _ who befall to temptation

•• gauging me ? what the hell are they taking about and who are you anyway?••

he didn't knew them _ but they was looking down on him _ with cold gaze _ theirs mighty attitude was unbearable for him_ feeling like hell _ down to this white colored once dark space

'" sorry we didn't introduce ourselves- thought is meaningless for you to know it but.."

unlike Eziël, Eriël was kind _ and smiling _ for not scare the others she usually close her eyes _ to create social vibes around her _ like a little pup earning for attention _ she raised her hand to answer kura meaningless request

" my name is Eriël _ the one created by God will and rule over Harmony _ and the one behind me is eziël the angel who rule over gravity_ you kura takamiya or should I say [Azazel _ son ] _ you are not allowed to heavenly realm .."

Eriël fingers were pointed at kura face _ she was making fun of him _ despise the heavy reality

" Azazel son? I'm.not allowed to the heavenly realm?... explain your self?"

hearing kura second request _ eziël felt upsetting _ but she didn't lift a fingers this time _

" * explain ourselves?* eziël laughed

"you..failure of the greatest sinner ever existed _ us heavenly spirits don't had anything to say to a shitty lowlife like you _ just looking at you make me sick "

kura didn't believe what he was hearing_ angel are know to be the one who guide mankind towards light _ but the one around it_ was arrogant and bold _ looking everyone from above _ kura clenched his hand and grin his teeth _ he could've feel it - the surge for punching her deep into that false innocence looking face

" you got Azazel cells inside you _ making you carrying upon his greed _ heaven is world without evils or greed _ but only pure Harmony _ you can't cross the nirvana gate unfortunately "

eziël and Eriël body started to fade away_ like crimson lotus golden light _ slowly _ dispersing theirs self across the transferring gate

" stay here - inside the abyss void_ surrender your mind to malice and be part of the cherubims family that drove in this void .. .. please do it for me.. okay? [Azazel son ]"

the light completely fade away _ leaving kura alone in the dark space once white _ without light_ darkness rule Is absolute

" wait.." kura shouted _ but it was late _ theirs spirituals body totally vanished from the abyss _ along side with the light _ without light malice regrow at incredible speed_ whispers _ filled with malice and despair drowning one soul _ down the path of light

"what was that.."

the fact were hard to shallow _ kura dismissed the truth emitted by the angels , with his full mind —. but no Matter how much he was struggled to clear his mind _ the same thought overflowed deep inside his soul [ Azazel son] _ the hidden truth of his forgotten life _ hazy memory , blank like paper scrap

- darkness were overflowing with his surroundings , whispers became more intense, it was angers _ devils whispering filled with anger - the devils minions were upset _ ready to snap out_ light suddenly appearance was the trigger _ along with Gods angels _ for devils black whose only live in the deepest black of the world _ being exposed to light was like witnessing hell itself _ theirs whispering filled with temptation , beyond language understanding _ devil formula

kura was in deep center of the void _ his mind was fovide - in deep thought _ all things he could think about was the [angels appearance] deluding the whispering around _ enduring the suffering _ without bugle a single finger , the whispers became hazy_ at the sight of no reaction ,

[fearing devils is common sense but why?..]

they became more violent _ whispers to physically _ devil hand pierced kura body - there was no unleashing blood no scattered particles no cry no pain no reaction _ just crossing crimson hand over the body


far cry sound broke the void peace, it was not human cry - but a hollow growl _ the crimson devil whose hand merged with kura soul _ started to overflow with all kind emotions _ "sorrows "- "pain"- "joy" "anger" " pride " "hatred" _ dwelling within his body _ de red devil _ cried out loud - the pain was unbearable , like a mind disaster _ he couldn't withstand the countless waves of events that were flashing deep to the core _ he was trying to pull his arm of _ meaninglessly - it was struck _ like it has fused with the soul _ the sharing pain was outrageous- the little devil was in pain _ crying out loud _ kura didn't bugle at all _ he was lost in thought- without no sense of reality- no awareness of his surroundings

the void was pitch black _ no one could have been seen- expanding itself to limitless , the center space of the void started to crack _ slowly- evenly _ a blinding purple light emanate through the hole in space - enlightening the entire void body

[ devils fear light as death _ bathing themselves inside strong brightness mean disappearing from the world]

the crimson glow crossed kura body _ the devil couldn't withstand it _ he screamed at the sight of his body turning to glowing red light _ before disappearing, broking kura mind state to reality

" crimson light..?" .

he muttered at the sight of the light who were illuminating the entire abyss _ it was like sun _ large sized torch _ burning with tenacious red flames _ the light wasn't warm like the angels one _ nor filled with purity _ rather the crimson sun above him were filled with none - no sensation- it was like staring at a radiant star without heat - no sound or vibration burning fiercely _ and quietly

"what a strange light ... "

kura slowly floated towards the glowing star _ when someone suddenly appear Infront the light _ towards kura very eyes _ a short haired young boy were gazing at kura with fierce eyes_ from above _ kura clenched his hand , he was well aware of it _ the feeling of being looked down _ again _ he was taking to pity as a lowlife

" who are you. ?"

he shallowed his anger - and let out the first line

•• Lucifer king of underworld••

Lucifer the demon king , the underworld ruler

"are you also here to look down on me ?"

asked kura with burning eyes _ shining inside Lucifer crimson pupils

•• don't misunderstand me, I'm not here to look down on you or whatever - space distortion is what brought me here ••

say Lucifer while gazing around _ he was like a child looking around the playground _ he could see angels remnant - glowing light - floating all over the void - unlike kura

" distortion space? could he mean ezië?" kura inner voice were raging inside his mind _ eziël gravity once distorted the void space - creating powerful waves

" eziël ..uh!" say Lucifer calmly- his eyes were starring at kura _who got and uneasy feeling - like someone was peeping deep on his soul

•• I see••

Lucifer spoke before instantly landing Infront of kura reach

•• you possess the same scent with the fallen one _ are you perhaps his son?••

asked Lucifer while peeping into kura memories- without waiting for answers

" kuh.."

he was backlashed -driven out of kura's memories _ blood started to drown into his right eyes - he was bleeding red

•• uh..what.. happened••

kura was dumbfounded- he didn't knew anything _ for his perspective _ the man Infront him started to bleed out of nowhere

•• kukukukukukukuk...ahahahahahahaha ••

Lucifer started to laugh _ he voice were raging deep inside the void

•• now I understand while those angels descent to a place like this ••

Lucifer hand pointed towards kura - he raised his fingers

•• you got the seed of the fallen one— the trigger to move the world once more —— be happy Azazel son __ ••

"Azazel son..?"

those words it was the second time he was hearing it _ without knowing what it was _ the only one who wasn't aware of his true self _

•• Azazel son ? ••

Lucifer looked at kura with curious eyes _ he was picking interest on him

•• let me tell you a story- about the one called Azazel••

][Azazel the second angels created by [ God] Lucifer palm were wide open _ in a bright light taking shape _ Azazel doll mimicking were floating at the top _ wrapped in Crimson light[]

[ mankind were filled with enormous greed _ backing them to endless wars and desolation- God witnessing mankind true self _ born without information- [God ] will was to grant mankind his self information _ angelics souls were bestowed to protect mankind from darkness and depravity _ amongst them was Azazel _ the second ranking amongst angels _ with the duty to protect a woman _ a war maiden who fought and survive countless war _ she was a true legend amongst mankind _ despite wielding a sword [ Jeanne d"arc ] _ she was cute as pettiest _ at the first sight - Azazel befall his name and duty - he was deep in love with her_ broking [God ]instructions- he manifested himself to the mankind world _ the maiden acknowledge him and thus a love bond were created - by and fallen angel who threw away his standing and a war maiden who threw away her sword _ a forbidden love _ mankind and heavenly being _ [God] will can't be overlooked _ angels legion descended upon mankind world to extinguish the fallen one — who surrender himself - for his wife and the hidden fruit of his love to live — angels are unable to transgress [God ] will _ they can't harm mankind _ but angels as themselves were not restricted _he was destroyed just Infront of the one his loved one _ but God information are immortals _ in oder to prevent him from resurrect _ his soul dwelled across the Styx _ deep inside the underworld _ and not long ago _ the woman was chased around the land _ label as a witch who associated with devil _ aware that she couldn't escape her fate_ she surrender her son to fate wheels _ the new born son were abandoned to a temple in a foreign land , she could have stayed with her loved child _ but she choose to surrender her self _ label as witch _ she was judged evil and was given the death sentence _ burned to stake _ until she vanished in dust smoke _— the child was adopted in new family _ a peaceful life _ until he turned into his twelve _ memory started to overflow on him _ along with pain _ war and killing events _ the pain as if he was the one who received it .. without being able to bear it _ the child commit suicide to end his suffering _ to be truly free _ but Azazel curse remnant was dwelling with the soul itself not the body ]

Lucifer hand clenched violently _ dispersing the play mimicking that was in the center of his palm

•• quite a nice story don't you think?•• say Lucifer - he was smiling evil - the same as playing with a child heart _

kura eyes were opened wide _ he couldn't believe it at all _ his eyes were trembling _ Lucifer story _ no reason to believe it _ after all Lucifer is known to be evil and full of malice _ but deep inside _ kura knew that Lucifer story was true _ he eyes became empty _ like he was in trance _ the hidden truth _ behind his memories _ he started to shout - to cry aloud _ no sound- as if we was speechless _ sadness and sorrows mixed with hanger and pain _ the pain related to the overflowing of past wars events - the sadness and sorrows of Azazel _ anger towards angels and God _ kura far cry were enormous as if he was losing his morality _ his self awareness __ blood leaked all over his body _ floating Infront of him _ the bloodlines started to accumulate _ before exploding away _ along with kura pain _ slowly regaining his right mind _ his self being _ somehow _ the surge events that was droving endlessly on his mind vanished instantly _ from his soul _ a bright light illuminated his face - a bright pure blue light _ clashing. with Lucifer radiance

•• wonderful..••

praise the king of underworld - at the sight of it - a long dark scythe was floating Infront them - tainted in black till the blade _ it's radiance was not on this world

•• soul eater Belialth gore .. ••• say Lucifer while staring a the scythe -

•• kukukukukukuku••

he started to laugh highly

" Belialth gore?"

muted kura _ the scythe blade was reflecting on his eyes - without thinking _ his hand grab the edge _ his eyes opened wide _ they were match for each other , Lucifer opened his hand wide _

•• your anger and hatred awaken the hidden weapon - that was asleep inside Azazel cells .. what a fun development .."

Lucifer flew backwards _ distancing himself from kura

" now you got the power to challenge angels and even gods "

Lucifer body started to vanish

•now what will you do? son of Azazel••

Lucifer was smiling _ he's already knew the upcoming events

" demon king of underworld.."

kura opened his mouth - called Lucifer [ demon king] Lucifer smile disappear after hearing it _ kura eyes were filled with unshakable[ will]

" earlier in your story you say that , Azazel soul flew to the underworld - and I suppose my mother own as well since she was carrying the son of a fallen one _ there's no way she could have been acknowledged to heaven .."

Lucifer did understand well the whereabouts of those words _ he smirked a bit _

" what did you do with theirs souls?"

kura gaze was glaring at Lucifer the demon king -of underworld _ unshakable will and strong determination were overflowing deep inside him

" ...." Lucifer got silent for a while before answering kura request

•• sinners are sinners _ and are judged equally_ a fallen one who overthrow his duty and[ God ]will _ the six underworld layers [ the eternal world ice prison ] the fallen one soul - freezing eternally _

a deprived soul who took countless life and sacrifice her self to be with her loved one - what's more suitable than the third underworld prison realm

[ eternal prison of loneliness] a wandering soul walking over and forever --eternally without cross a soul - till the end of time

kura hand stretched on beliath _ the sound of gridding teeth __anger was overflowing on him

" earlier you asked me - what I was gonna do for now on right? .. I will let you know straight"

kura pointed beliath gore blade towards Lucifer -

" I'll kill you - angels along with God_ and set free what is dear to me""

hearing kura resolve_ Lucifer started to laugh highly _ in ecstasy_ an interesting one caught the eyes of the demon Lord itself

•• kill me ? I'll glad to see that _ that if you can reach my stance _ ••

Lucifer face were vanishing- away from the void — the light along him

••Harmony can't peep deep in evil heart, the trigger to the world , watch your downfall eziël ••

Lucifer completely disappeared from the abyss void _ without light _ darkness will born again alongside him the nightfall entity _ with Eternals whispers

kura was standing inside the black void _ beliath deep into his hand _ whispers were overflowing all over _ but as now - he was not affected by it no more

•• well.. shall we make this place mine?••

circus code prologue end

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