A quiet hero? Unknown by all, yet all know. Who... or what is the Nomad? A/N: A Self-insert in the DCU. An A.U tho (alternate universe) Possible Jumpchain Please critique my fic, it helps me to grow as a writer. This one's a bit weird and I've never written in quite a way that it's not from the protagonist's perspective. I was heavily inspired by the fic "Midnight aristocracy" on spacebattles to write like this so yeah. Enjoy.
1942, Somewhere in the french countryside.
{Thomas Constantine POV}
"oh when the dawn comes on..." they hummed together.
The Song of battle was in full motion.
"READY MEN, READY!" their commanding officer raged.
Gunfire was the constant melody, it's rhythm unrepenting and cruel.
I rose up just a smidge above the trench, my trusty M1 Garand in arms and fired, a cumulative boom resounded as hundreds fired simultaneously . No target in sight, but who was I to judge orders, it's a bloomin' war going on.
I crouched down once me mag ran empty, reaching for me pouch containing more.
"There'll be bluuee birds over..." we mumbled together.
Great balls of fire illuminated the night sky light fallen the fallen suns on an alien planet.
Rummaging through me pouch I found it, replacing the mag once more.
Mud, blood and debris doused us from a nearby mortar strike.
'Not long' I mused 'Mary Ann's due soon...'
'I'll get through this' I wiped me eyes from the mud to see once more, 'I'll get home, and if it's a girl we'll call her Cheryl'
"The white cliffs of Dover!" More Gusto was put into this one, we knew the end was near. Our time in this show close to being over, we could sense it.
The familiar whistle of mortars penetrated the sound of constant gunfire.
Another downfall of filth attempted to drown the good soldiers of this unjust war, but we will endure... we will learn to swim even through the rivers of blood that follow.
'And if it's a boy, We'll name him John'. The collective rush of footsteps could not be masked the the hail of bullets being thrown our way.
I manned me ladder, I was unsure of going home, but I bloody well wouldn't go down without a fight.
"TOMORROW JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!" We boomed, our last stand would not be in vain.
"READY" The commanding officer joined us on the ladders, we were the what remained of this front, our battalion having radioed in earlier informing of any allies that our front was lost. Nonetheless HQ responded stating we would receive backup.
They were either mad or desperate.
We couldn't judge at this point, so were we.
Rumours circulated throughout the allies of a woman that would fight on the frontlines dancing through hails of bullets and bombs like some sort of warrior maiden of myths, like those who served the round table.
I glanced towards me left, the ladder next to me being occupied by some form of ... Black knight?
He looked out of time, covered in many dark plates of what I could only assume was armour, it looked light, so I could only presume it would protect much. His head obscured by some slick helm of black glass, supported by metal on its sides. His whole figure shrouded in the black armour.
He carried only a few knives and a broken sword hilt around his waist ... What good it would do in this war, I could not know; However, should he manage to ensure this battle was won, I wouldn't question it.
The war was already on fire, adding a little blaze of crazy supernatural beings wouldn't make too much of a difference at this point.
The whist of war was wrung.
I paid im no heed, with the final embers of my strength I heaved myself of the ladder and onto the battlefield.
The chaos didn't bother me, the sight of corpses strewn across the land didn't bother me, the gunfire didn't bother me, nor the impending doom that we faced head on, after all... Good soldiers follow orders.
I raised me rifle and fired, once, twice.
'Shite, of course I'm out'
But I carried on. Their screams would serve as me fuel, I would keep calm and carry on.
I numbly trudged forwards, pain was a distant memory and a dear friend, it couldn't stop me.
I tripped upon one of the many forgotten corpses of this battle, it would serve as nourishment to the soil, blooming the most wonderful flowers once this war was over. No matter, I will get up.
But no matter how much I tried, me body failed to move. I idly tilted my dead to face the enemy fire, only to see the unexpected.
At that moment I felt a fuck tonne of emotions coursing through my already failing body.
The Black knight.
He moved through the enemy trenches like a hot knife through butter, an artists brush on a canvas.
It was if god almighty guided bullets away from it. Its hand reached out to the nearest soldier's neck, a blur struck it, the kraut could only flail helplessly. The knight flung the man towards his comrades, from there only panic followed.
The corners of my vision began to blur, but I couldn't close my eyes, not now.
'Aww fookin' hell' I felt hazy, time felt irrelevant, I couldn't measure it if I wanted to.
I blinked.
The Knight Raised his broken hilt, a dark blade rose. He was being swarmed, but I could tell he wouldn't tire... he wouldn't falter, he would carry on.
His dark blade descended upon all that approached. I began to see double for all except the knight, his blade was the grim reaper's scythe, it sliced through them clean.
Their screams continued, but so too did the gunfire.
I blinked once more.
My vision was almost gone.
It was Quiet. It had been so long since I had heard the quiet. I felt at Peace.
'Sorry Luv' My vision darkened once more.
'Don't fink I'll be makin it home for supper'
As I slowly closed my eyes, I could just make out the knight approach me.
He reached into a pouch on his waist and pulled out a bean of some sorts. After briefly glancing at both the bean and me-self, he shoved the bloomin thing down me mouth.
'Fukin' poetic that. Getting a bloomin' bean shoved down me gob just before I died'
And Just like that, the song of battle was over, and the lights went out.