
Walking in my sister's shoes

Alexander and Alexandria, twins, lived with their stepfather after the passing of their mother at the young age of 5. Alexander had to become the person that his sister looks up to. But is he up to the task? Alexandria sees her brother as her hero, he can do no wrong. Is she blind or wilfully ignoring what is in front of her? Is there such a thing as twin telepathy or is that nonsense?

Bianca_Murphy · Fantasie
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9 Chs

POV (2)

Sasha's POV

"I don't think that she's a devil that you can't tell her you like her brother?". Are you sure everything is alright between you?" the officer asked. My face got heated as the question stunned me for a while as I never thought no one would think that.

"NO! She's the best friend any can have, but they don't get along as twins. So yeah, I'm nervous to let her know I'm dating her brother". I replied.

"And before you ask, no I did not knowingly or assisted in getting her drunk. I would never do that as I know her tolerance is low and .."

The officer cut in then "and...?"

I sighed and closed my eyes as I whispered. " and she is from an abusive home and always says that her brother is one of her bullies."

"What?! This good friend opened up and tell you of her home situations and you dated her brother? Didn't you think that maybe he didn't like you and wanted to stick it to his sister so he approached you? She freed herself from her home by having friends and you joined it back with her abusive home, as you say. Were you on her side at all?" the officer fumed.

"No wonder she fainted when she heard this. How insensitive could you be? So you know she has low tolerance, why did you let her drink?!" he shouted.

"I.. I.. I didn't let her drink, I didn't know that what Carly gave her was alcohol I thought it was juice!" I screamed, then I covered my mouth with my eyes wide in shock at what I had said. " I mean uh...uh" I cried.

'Did I truly hurt her? Shouldn't she be a true friend and let me be with my love? Isn't she selfish to want to be leave him?'

I heard someone calling my name and saw that it was the officer trying to get my attention.

"We're finished with your questioning. Your parents are outside waiting on you, don't leave the country in case we have more questions. You may go" he stated. I got up to leave and stopped to ask about my friends, only to know their questioning are not done as yet.

' I wonder what they are saying. Will I be implicated.' I saw my parents waiting and was happy they came and weren't angry. I just want to go home and forget this day happened.

Karla POV

"I was so happy when Jared came up to me and and started a conversation. I had a crush on him for quite a while. He was known as one of the three hotest guys in school, that every guys wanted to hang with and every girl wanted to be with. I felt like I had won the lotto. They were Jared, Alex and Demetri the gods of school. They excel in all sports, their chiseled features and muscular bodies makes hearts fluttered. Girls would give anything just to be seen for a minute hanging on their arms, more so have them smile at you and touch you with their fingertips, or sit at their table. Anyone who sits at their table is rumoured to have slept with them. They were a prized to be had and I became a millionaire."

I looked at the officer's face changed and where disinterest was became a frown. His mouth opened and ask a question that had both our faces mirroring confusion. "The pleasure of being a millionaire mattered more than your friend."

'Are they trying to pin this on me?'

"No she mattered! But you don't know her she can be selfish when ready. Should I hold back my love life for her or, should she be happy for me?" I cried and stood up in a temper.

"Sit down Ms. Matthews! What are students today thinking? Does no one know what is means to be loyal anymore? When did it change from friends over boyfriends to the reverse? So what you're saying is that the girl that is in the hospital *right now* deserve what she got because she didn't chill out and be happy for you! And you are saying this and said that you are her friend! So friend let me ask you, why did you get her drunk enough to be assualted? What didn't you just leave her alone seeing as she wasn't chilling out? Why did you lower her chance to resist whatever comes her way. This is a party where drinking and god knows what is happening, why didn't you be her friend and left her with her facilities intact to refuse any thing she didn't want to experience! Why?" he roared in my face.

I was so shocked by how he spoke to me rather than what he said and I started to cry 'can't nobody understand how being her friend affected me, what I went through'. "I want my mom" I said while cryring. I just wanted to leave and forget everything that happened.

He gave me a looking that said he is disgusted with me and said roughly that my mom is waiting for me and that I should go anywhere as I might be needed for questioning. As I heard that I ran I was so happy to see my mom and leave all that happened behind.

Carly's POV

"What do you want to know? Because I don't think I need to be here as I did nothing wrong." I asked as I step into the room.

"Have a seat Ms. Carlisle" the officer instructed me. "You don't seem that upset that your *friend* is in the hospital?"

"Of course I am. But I didn't put her there so how upset should I be?" I questioned.

"Okay Ms. Carlisle, can you give me your events of what took place?" he asked after giving me a look I dimsissed.

"Well Demetri is one of the three gods at school. Looks, smile, build all in one package. Its the first time I saw Dria let loose like that she was drinking up a storm of chaser after chaser no one could stop her. I was shocked when he came over to her, took her hand and she went with him. After that we all got seperated til I heard two screams, one sounding like Sasha's and I ran to see what happened. On the way I saw the twins running into a room and when I reached Karla was out like a light, Carly was crying and holding onto her, Cutter was assessing Dria and James was repeatedly punching Demetri."

The officer sat there and look at her giving her statement and wonder how can it be that dry as she said the girl is her friend. "So who is the party in the wrong in your estimation?" I queried eager to hear what she will say.

"Dria, is there any doubt, if she hadn't lower her inhabition with the alcohol and led on Demetri would this have happened. She is a green bush not a luscious plant why play otherwise." she scuffed confidently.

"Do you think that the others have that same sentiment as you that Dria is at fault or are they saying Demetri is at faulty?. She went with him and led him on as you said, but does she deserve what happened to her? Can't she like him and want to go somewhere a little quiet and talk? Does it have to me that when these gods notice you they must get intimate with you?"

'Demetri's fault! What is the hell is he saying' "Look you asked me my opinion and I gave it you asked me my supposition my assumption and I gave it now can I go?"

Before he could answer the door open and a female officer pushed in her head to say she needs him for a minute. He nodded and said "I'll be back with you shortly Miss Carlisle, sit tight" with a smirk on his face.

Officer's POV

Female officer: "How's it going so far, Chris?"

Chris: "I'll tell you that nut job in their has me thinking that this is not a simple case, Barb."

Barb: "What do you mean?"

Chris: "Too many persons are involved. Too many persons are against Dria. What happened all the girls had an interest and in their minds she being who she is, is the cause rather than the focus be on what actually happen. In all of this only the guys had her interest at heart and seems like they actually like her."

Barb: *sigh* "The accused in question is the Mayor's son. And based on the testimonies presented by the girls, it doesn't look good."

Chris: "Especially when they have her as a selfish drunk. "

Barb: "One of the girls mentioned that she has an abusive home. Let's see what that gives us..."

Chris' phone rings and interrupted what she was saying.

"I'll be sending officer McKennon there, she is to have no visitors until he arrive." I heard him say. He looked at me and said "that was the hospital, she's awake. I'm sending in Miles, I'll take no chances who knows how far the Mayor's reach his."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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