
Walking in my sister's shoes

Alexander and Alexandria, twins, lived with their stepfather after the passing of their mother at the young age of 5. Alexander had to become the person that his sister looks up to. But is he up to the task? Alexandria sees her brother as her hero, he can do no wrong. Is she blind or wilfully ignoring what is in front of her? Is there such a thing as twin telepathy or is that nonsense?

Bianca_Murphy · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 05 After the Party

At the Hospital

I was not fully conscious of what was happening at the time I just knew that I was feeling out of sorts and in pain. Everything around me was blurry from the tears shadowing my face and I felt that my face was swollen but I felt calm when I felt the twin's hands on me. I felt a sharp pain and my breathing calmed a little. I felt hands setting my clothes in their correct position and I was being lifted, "it hurts" I cried and heard a voice says to sleep it will be alright. When I woke up I took stock of my body and felt better, my face felt heavy but not as much as before. I raised my hands to feel my face and was stopped by a pull on my hand. I turned my head and saw that I have an IV Drip in my hand and realized that I'm at the hospital. I became aware of sounds by the door so I concentrated on listening and that's when I heard my friends talking about Sasha and the injury suffered when her head hit the wall she was unconscious for two days and now that she's awake she's suffering from headaches; she has been placed under observation for 24 hours.

"What exactly happened?" James questioned, his voice sounding hoarse like he's been yelling for a while.

"Yeah, a simple party you guys had said and because you said you would look after her we okayed it!" screamed Cutter.

"Yes a simple party. Who knew she couldn't handle that and cause such a big problem? "Carly snorted.

"Problem Carly?' confusedly asked Karla. "Problem? She was also raped because you piled her full of chasers and alcohol!? And because I wanted a break to be with Jared I let you convince me to help, thinking you were doing it for her. But you don't care about her, do you? From you heard about the party your demeanor changed and as we got closer to the date you keep asking if we're going especially targeting Dria. I never thought anything about it as I thought you were using the party as a means to come out of her cocoon." She laughed. "But no Demetri wanted her to come to the party to sleep with her and promised to give you the night of your life, so for sex, you betrayed the person who has been your friend for many years. How sick can you get?" she screamed.

"Sick?" asked Carly. "Rather than living my life I had to draw back and curb my actions and speech around her, why? Why can't I be me, be who I am? Yes, she had a bad childhood but she had it not me. So why must I act like I was the one who had it?".

"Shut up!" they all screamed.

"She has never asked that you curb yourself or stop being yourself in order to be her friend. Never. If anything she encourages up to be our best self even with all the problems she has." stated Sasha.

Everyone head spins around as no one knew when Karla had left the bed, hurt room was next door Dria's. she smiled and said "you guys were loud couldn't help hearing." They all gathered asking if she's okay and what she's doing out of bed, but she stood firm. "Carly, are you blaming me for being hurt? I got hurt for a scheme you put in place, is the fault mine? She questioned angrily.

"If you had these thoughts, why didn't you leave the group? Why stay and you are being held back?" asked Karla. I would have accepted you no longer wanted to be a part of us rather that the deceit we're swallowing right now" she cried. She lost her footing the and was caught by Cutter.

"You're all putting the blame solely on me? But where's your part? You all wanted to be free of her, not just me. Karla you were with Jared getting down and the time you took to come was after Dria screaming, where were you before all that, why didn't you stay with her and wait till the twins reached so you could be free, huh? Jared took preference."

"But..?" interjected Sasha.

"Quiet!" screamed Carly. "You don't get to talk Ms. Holy Righteous. Didn't you leave her also to be with her brother, her twin, Alexander? Did you let her know that you are vying for the position of sister-in-law?"

I couldn't believe what I heard, they used me as an excuse to not be themselves then they caused harm to befall me but the fault is mine. I started hyperventilating as I remembered what happened, the pain I felt when he hit me across the face repeatedly, the disgust when he assaulted my and tried to rape me. This is my fault, mine. This is what I deserved because I'm a jinx; I take everyone from my life who loves me so I don't deserve love, care and compassion. Then the twins are with me falsely?

I heard the machines making noise but my focus was on what I heard, I couldn't breath and my sight was going dark and I knew that I was going to faint and I hoped beyond hope that I would never wake up.

Friend's POV

We were arguing our points when we saw doctors and nurses ran past us and went into Dria's room, we followed but was stopped at the door but could still see into the room. We were shocked when we saw the oxygen mask on her face and they trying to bring her back. After hearing that they can now feel her pulse they came to speak with us.

"Can anyone tell us what happened?" the nurse asked.

"We don't know we were out here talking amongst ourselves and saw you guys rushing to the room.

"Well based on what happened we can assume that she heard what you lot were saying. The police are here now to take your statements" the doctor replied. "Its best you give your statements as it will take some time. What she heard cause an anxiety attack and she is in a coma. Where are her family? I need their contact information."

"She lives with her elderly grandma and twin brother, her grandmother is not able to travel so we'll call her brother to come and speak with you." James replied

At that time the police had reached and we went with them for questioning and to call our parents.

At the Police Station

After the police came to the hospital and escort us to the station we were placed on a bench to sit and one by one we gave our parents information for them to be called, they were also given Alexander's telephone number to let him know about Dria's condition. After giving the information we were taken into different rooms to be questioned about the details leading up to Dria being hospitalized.

James POV

After entering the room, I was told to sit in a chair and the policeman #1 says "tell us what happened."

"My brother and I were finalizing our move into the dorm so we told the girls and Dria's to go to the party and we'll meet them there. When we had the last load and transported it to the dorm and getting ready to go to the party we got a call from an unknown number to say that Dria is hurt. So we rushed there and saw Demetri on her, her face was swollen like being hit repeatedly, her clothes were torn and he was gyrating his body on her and she look out of it."

"That must have hurt your pride, you failed to protect her?" says policeman #2 with understanding in his eyes.

After taking a deep breath I replied "yes. I felt like I failed her, she has never gone anywhere without my brother and I but we weren't planning to be long and she was with friends. How am I to face her now? She only heard something not everything and is in a coma. How will I manage?"

"Manage?" asked policeman #1 and #2.

"What about her guardian?" requested policeman#1.

My eyes started to shift left and right while I continuously held and rubbed my hands. I felt myself yawning a lot and in a timid voice I said "she is being abused at home".

Cutter POV

"Have a seat!" I was told by the policeman that accompanied me into the room. After he and I were seated he said "whenever you're ready? Anything you think that we need to know?"

I wondered what he meant, I mean this is an officer and Demetri has link seeing as his parents are rich, will he really listen to what I have to say or is he doing he due diligence but not really paying me any mind.