
We all know what will happen if you get power in iIlegal way,World police are coming after you

A transport helicopter is waiting them outside they go back with this and mission are success,Nikolai is still a live and this Russian man is tough as fuck.

While they are on their way to coming back ,US Navy and US marine crop are ready and start attacking Khaled-Al-Asad and his arms groups in Middle East country.

The revolutionary force led by Khalid-Al-Asad came to power during a violent military coup in the Capital city, securing it mineral wealth and cementing itseft as a major power in the Middle East(Kuwait,Saudi Arabia,Iraq).

Their Coup culminated in the dramatic execution of former president Yasir Al-Fulani on national television.

Following their rise to power,United State military invaded the country in an attempt to remove them from power.

Us invasion in Middle East are happening again and the war between US military and Khaled-Al-Asad are start.

Khaled-Al-Asad force are not weak, they are supply by Ultranationalists who are wishing to return country back what it was during the days of the Soviet Union.They do believe that the Russian Federation has the best interests of the the Russia people at heart, but in siding with western interests both philosophically and economically.

They perceive this to be destroying or weakening the Russia state.

The Ultranationalist idolize the Soviet Union out of a sense of national pride, though their actual commitment to communist political and economic ideals are left ambiguous and unknown.

In this war for national liberation,they consider the power of Western world,specifically United state of America and the United Kingdom,to be major obstacles in their patch,as well as any Russians who do not support their arms, which include the political wing of the party which advocate peace with western world.

The extremists group's fund come from several criminal activities such as human trafficking,drug trafficking,hijackings, arms dealings and kidnappings.The also links with terrorist and arm dealers around the world,their leader is also a arms dealer before become a party leader.

A large fleet of aircraft carriers, Amphibious Assault ships and other Navy ships stationed in the Persian gulf deploys thousands of United States marines, including 1st force reconnaissance company,to a small coastal gulf town,with Black hawk helicopters.

According to US military intelligence and marine spotter,Al-Asad is broadcasting propaganda from a TV station on the west side of the town.

Flying through anti-aircraft and RPG-7 fire,Black Hawk helicopter manage to deploy the marines about 60 yards from the target building.

After landing to the town,Sergeant Paul jackson and marines form 1st recon are searching for Assad while fighting the resistance.They finally reach the TV station after a series of fight with rebels but still no found Al-Asad.The broadcast are recoding and they get trick.

After fighting another heavy battle,US marines able to push in to Capital city where Al-Asad making last stand,fighting has intensified in the Capital City.Anti-Aircraft fire and burning buildings light the night.

The battle is set in Al Qunfadhah,Saudi Arabia.Their M1A2 Abram tanks are stuck in the bog and cannot move forward.

Sergeant Paul Jackson, Lieutenant Vasquez and other recons are fight through enemies line to reach and defend disabled tanks.They got ambushed by two heavy protect machines guns.So they split in half, one squad advanced on enemies while the other provides fire support.Paul Jackson group manage to enter half destroy building and use their(resistances) own machine-guns to kill them.

After the ambush,they face a large force of rebels groups support by Russia T-72 tank on the highway overpass,fortunately Jackson found a FGM-148 Javelin between the dead soldier and finished the three tanks.The group of escorts and Resistance are in heavy fight.The rebels group didn't not allow to waste the chances of able to destroy the tanks,They fight brutally and try to blow the tanks with explosives.

They asked for air support but get denied because anti-aircraft gun are too close to their location so they need to take care of that first.After Jackson destroy anti-aircraft gun with C4,two attack helicopters are come to support them and they finally rescue the tanks ,Engineer teams are come to repair the damage tanks.

After they save Nikolai,they bring him back to safe houses in Hamburg,Germany.On the way,suddenly they get signal of missile head to them and their helicopter are hit by Stinger missile.

Ilberis secretly cast a protection spell on them and the helicopter are fell to the ground.Unlike in original game,SAS trooper Paulson and pilot are not die here because of his spell, remember he is here to save everyone and all of them will survive.

AC-130 gunship is coming to support them but stay far away and that will take some time,So they must try to survive by themselves until they get air support.

Russian Mi-8 helicopter is searching for any survivors from the crash.In order to avoid this they sneak to the tunnel and hiding in a building from patrolling soldiers.Unfortunately they lost their suppressor during the crash,so Ilberis,Soap and Price have to finished three Russia soldiers who are chilling around with their knife.

The MI-8 helicopter are come back again,so they hide in the farm for a while.Ultranationalists soldiers are keep searching for them so they moved sneaking and quickly.

They find a barn where Russian soldier keep their weapons and raiding it.After they captured the barn,Ilberis found a FIM-92 stinger anti aircraft launcher and blowing the annoying helicopter with a single missile.The explosion sound attract enemies around and a huge convoy of enemies are come to them.But this time their air support,AC-130 gunship also call hell from sky are arriving.

(Yeah,I know this chapter is short,I need to replaying call of duty again to write and forget the time but next chapter will be normal)

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