
Waifu Summoning System

Helios dreamed of getting reincarnated to another world, and his wish was granted, meeting and bedding powerful goddesses, succubus's, you name it while destroying others along the way with his incredible system. Want to follow Helios on his journey? Stick around and read the upcoming chapters I don't own any characters apart from the MC and OC's, this is a fanfiction, also please read all tags before continuing

Platinum_Freak · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 Mifuyu Yukino

Furrowing her delicate brow's Mifuyu Yukino laid in pain, she bumped into someone which made her fragile package fly, leaving her extremely upset. Her eyes shone with anger as she looked up to see who did it, but she didn't expect what she saw with her eyes

A tall handsome young man, with black long hair and icy blue eyes similar to hers. Her anger quickly faded the longer she stared, as her beautiful face slowly turned red as smoke came from her ears.

"So Handsome" She quietly muttered to herself, trying to hide her face in her palms out of embarrassment. She was a shy woman who didn't like confrontations and chose to live by herself, but she never acted like this in front of a random man.

"Are you okay?" She heard in a sensual voice which made her a bit wet and even shyer. After calming down she finally peeked through her fingers and saw the young man trying to help her up. Gaining courage she reached out and took his arm as he took her to his embrace.

Looking at the reaction of this beautiful woman, Helios couldn't help but pull her in his embrace, with her large breast on his chest he was happy.

He could pull these feats off simply because of his looks, if your handsome women would tolerate and like your behavior, if you were ugly through they would call the police and you would go to jail for sexual harassment charges.

"Where are my manners, I am Helios Sar, you are?" Helios said as he released her from his embrace gazing into her icy blue eyes.

"Uhmmm...I'm Mifuyu Yukino" She said sheepishly, still shy and horny from the encounter. Helios nodded, as his gaze shifted to a large box she was carrying, he walked to it and picked it up with ease.

"Yukino-san, do you mind if I help you, since its my fault after all"

"Ah...but...ok.." She nodded as she followed behind him into the receptionist area.

Helios led inside as he had small talk with Mifuyu, he observed the people coming to and from giving him curious glances from time to time, Youkai's were interesting looking monsters that were unique in some way or the other. The youkais also believed he was one of them, as he didn't have the smell of a human. He couldn't blame them as he was the only high human so his smell was unique, attracting those to him even if they were blind.

"Ahh There you are Sar- san, we have received the payment and reservation please fill out this paper work" A normal looking young man with black hair covering his eyes rushed over with a book in his possession

Helios turned his attention to the upcoming stranger, it was none other than the original mc of this series, the new manager of this establishment.

'This bastard, you dared to mind control and r*pe Mifuyu in the series, you'll see what I do to people like you' Helios grin as he wasn't planning on letting this motherfucker do what he wants this time, she was his this time.

"Yes, that's me, I assume you're the manager?" Helios feigned ignorance, placing down the package for a second, grabbing his pen.

"I am, my name is Takahashi. Pleased to meet you" The young man bowed a little before giving Helios the book and where to sign. While Helios was signing where Takahashi was showing him, Mifuyu tried to excuse herself before Takahashi saw her, however luck wasn't on her side as he caught her trying to leave.

"Ahh, sorry I haven't noticed you Ms., What room are you from?" Takahashi asked as Helios finished signing the documents.

"Ummm..Mifuyu Yukino"

"Mifuyu Yukino, room 503, you haven't been paying rent for 4 months, if this keeps going on, eviction might become a possibility" Takahashi threatened with a small smirk, Helios saw that smirk and wondered just what the fuck was going on.

'System what the fuck is going on?'

{Host all of original mc in this world were modified to become villainous for the sake of the host and his goals}

'That's just bullshit, now I have to worry about all these physcos'

{Host does not need to be angry, without this you would most likely not use your abilities to its potential and fulfill your goals. Conflict create missions, host get rewards simple trade}

'Fine just give me the mission' Helios decided to just get on with it, it made no sense for him to be hesitant as it would usually lead to mc getting cucked from other series and he was no fan of that bullshit.

{Save Mifuyu from the Clutches of the new manager of Youki}

{Requirements:1) Let Mifuyu move on from the lost of her husband

2) Prevent Takahashi from finding the mind controlling ring and using it on her.

Reward: 10,000 SP, 100 WSP, Touch of pleasure}

Mifuyu felt cornered, she didn't want to abandon her apartment as she had fond memories of her and her husband there yet couldn't afford to pay the rent as it was simply too costly for her alone. With a panicked face she tried opening her mouth to say something but failed to do so.

"Don't be like that Takahashi- san, I will pay for her" Without hesitation Helios transferred money to the apartment's account as both parties looked at Helios in shock and disbelief for different reasons.

Takahashi was shocked and angry that his initial plans were quickly thrown through the window and Mifuyu was shocked that a complete stranger, who she just met was willing spend so much on her, it simply isn't common in japan and its the first time she experience someone using so much money on her, she couldn't help but feel her heart raise as her face flush.

(Master of bullshit I am)

"Ahh yes, sign here" Takahashi tried to remain professional, leaving after Helios sign, but not before giving him his key for his room with a small frown.

"Uhmmm Sar-san…" Miyufu tried to say something but Helios covered her pink lips with his finger, and whispered into her ear.

"Follow me"

He carried her package once again as this time, they walked in silence to their respective apartment in no time as they were side by side.

"Sorry...I'm always troubling others to help" Mifuyu finally said as they were standing in front of her apartment, 503 which was exactly beside Helios 502

"It's fine, it was nothing to carry" Helios boasted, Mifuyu held his hand gently, slowly a cold sensation passed over his palms.

"Frost?, are you a yuki-onna" Helios questions her as his hands were sparkly cleaned. She blushed and whispered just enough for Helios to her what she was saying

"Yes..it wasn't a big deal… ummm please don't stare so much.."

She continued telling Helios about herself, she couldn't talk to people properly, she was always afraid of what people were thinking of her if she said something. She also talked a lot of her deceased husband and how she missed him, she just couldn't seem to move on.

Helios also sooth her heart and mind, as he talk sweet words melting some of her pain away, he wasn't an idiot to a woman's feelings and he wanted her to completely move on from her husband as he doesn't want her to keep remembering him after he conquers her.

"You've been through a lot haven't you" Helios said suddenly embracing the Mature beauty who choked on her tears, slowly streaming down her face, she didn't care anymore and hugged Helios and cried her eyes out.

The two stood there in arm's for a long while nature expressed its comfort at the scene that came from a fairy tale.

Moments later Mifuyu stopped crying as Helios rubbed away those dried up tears on her face, with somewhat red eye's Mifuyu stared at him longingly. Closing her eyes she leaned in. Helios saw this and wrapped his arms around her waist, inviting her with a caring gaze in his eyes, he took her lips as the two went into their own world

"~mhmmm~" Mifuyu moaned in his mouth, Helios tongue started exploring her mouth searching for treasure as he found her tongue going into a wrestling match, Mifuyu wasn't as experience as Helios so he dominated from the start, however she didn't care as kissing him was the most amazing sensation she felt in her life.

Her body was heating up, as her little garden was leaking as Helios groped her round butt and thighs with his massage skill giving her immense pleasure, it didn't take long before she shuttered.

"~Mhmmm~Uhmmm~" She came from kissing, this was the first time this happened in her life, not only so it was her best orgasm in her life too. Her previous husband was nothing compared to Helios, he was simply too great.

Helios stopped kissing her, taking time to memorize her seductive appearance, while she blushed heavily trying her best to catch her breath. With ragged breath she looked at Helios with resolve and muttered in a sultry voice

"Please make me forget about my Husband"