"I will stay with you, and protect you, so please don't die" this saying I, (Yeon) would never thought some one would ever tell her that. Furthermore, become my lover
eveything changes, with a sentence "I will stay with you, and protect you, so please don't die". This is how I became in love with the girl who saved me.
My name is Yeon,a highschool outcast, I get bullied everyday. I hate school, I lost my dignity and my life serving these girl. Oh yeah there name are Hyuna, Umi, and Sharon. These girls were the wolf pack of the school. They run the school, even the teacher nor the principle can touch them. Yup, you heard that right, these girl makes my life miserable, they torture me till sunset with baseball bat, they throw me around, they use me like an object. That is when I had enough. I got up and ran to the top of the school roof, i turned around while running to the roof, Hyuna," Hey get that son of bitch she cant die yet, Im still bored, get her,HURRY !" I ran as fast as i could to the roof, but they were to fast. They caught me. Hyuna catches up to Yeon," Im sorry, please don't hurt me. Please I wont run away." Hyuna and her friends starts laughing," This bitch think were gonna let you live, were gonna break you soul." Their psychothic mind takes over, while they beat me up in the hallway. They broke me to pieces, as my bone shatter.
As Hyuna, Umi, and Sharon leaves the classroom they laughs about how fun today was and can't wait to go shopping. The room became silent. I was in pain, my leg broken to pieces, I got up and walked, walked, and walked. I stood up on the roof. looked down as i close my eyes, I felt the bitter wind across my face, right when I was about fall. Some one ran and grabbed my bruised arm. I looked up to see this girl, very beautiful, white pale skin, she screamed, while she saw my arm. As she pulled me up, I asked ," WHY WOULD YOU SAVE A PATHETHIC GIRL LIKE ME, I LOST EVERYTING MY LIFE, MY VIRGINITY, AND MY DIGINITY." She came up to me, rubbed my cheeks and said, "I will stay with you, and protect you, so please don't die." I never thought that a beautiful girl like her would save me. I cried, while she carried me to the hospital. At thus, this feeling, i will not let go..