
Vows and Sin

Autor: hazelblackwood
Contemporary Romance
Laufend · 3.7K Ansichten
  • 23 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Vows and Sin

Lesen Sie den Roman Vows and Sin des Autors hazelblackwood, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.(18+)A woman recently came out of an abusive marriage thinking that she is free, it's soon taken from her when her uncle's arrange her into another marriage with a feared man and head of the French ma...


(18+) A woman recently came out of an abusive marriage thinking that she is free, it's soon taken from her when her uncle's arrange her into another marriage with a feared man and head of the French mafia. Hatred for the married couple spills causing dark secrets and lies to unleash into the marriage which will endanger the couple. Will one of them get killed from their past or both families go into war from the secrets which may cause the deaths for the married couple. - "What? What is it Saint!" I plead. Saint peers down at me thunder striking in his gaze as his dark pupil drowns the color of his eyes into pure darkness. "You really want to know?" He dares. I dart my tongue out, licking my lips nervously and nod. "Each time I look at you Irena. All I could think of is touching every fucking part of your body. Claiming you as mine. You're an addiction. A slow, cruel torture that pulls me in and makes me wait. The more you make me wait Irena-" he paused drawing in a sharp breath. "I'm afraid I might destroy you."

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I start to read the book and I am so invested the tension between Irena and Saint is putting me on edge and the plot is so tense I want more


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