
Rachel's P.O.V

(This book is based after the final season of the Netflix verson of Voltron. It will mentions of the old paladins but besides that it is new paladins)

My mother once told me of a time where aliens and humans lived in harmony, and peace. Before this a war lasting more than ten thousand years ended thanks to 5 people. The Paladins of Voltron, each one piloting their own lion. When all the lions form together they make Voltron, the Defender of the Universe. To end the war, one of the Paladins had sacrificed themselves to save the whole universe. Not soon after the war a rumour spread like a wildfire in the wind, claiming that the Voltron Lions had disappeared. All of the Paladins left behind, with no trace of where the Lions had disappeared to.

The harmony my mother always spoke of lasted many decades until something unspeakable happened, causing us to be plunged into another war. My mother who at the time had claimed to have known the Red Paladin. Before he passed, he had told my mother that he had multiple dreams of where the Lions had gone. He claimed the night the Lions disappeared they went off to find the Paladin who had sacrificed herself. Immediately after he told her she took us both into hiding 3. I was only six when I was ripped away from my friends without even a simple goodbye.

My mother taught me how to fight like an Altean, and Galra soldier. Like some of my ancestors, the Elselle, I too inherited Vi Incrementum. A rare ability of the Elselle. The Elselle who have this ability are said to have an adventurous but horrifyingly dangerous life. As I grew older, my training grew more intense. My mother would show no mercy, saying that if I was to grow up in the middle of a war I would learn to defend myself.

It has been ten years. The stories my mother told me about the paladins and their adventures had made me more and more curious over the years. I was sent out by my mother almost every other day to steal food. Though one day she insisted on going herself. I didn't think much of it, not at the time, of course. I was still so naive, young. She did not come back. Not for a long, long while. I tried not to assume the worst at first, but when the days had slowly leaked into months, I started to fear the worst, scenarios and thoughts running through my mind, over and over.

It wasn't until I woke up with a jolt, hearing multiple things being knocked over one night that actually used abilities get my mother taught me while we were training. This was six months after my mother went missing. It was happening just in the other room. I had shot up, adrenaline pumping through my veins, and grabbed my dagger. I slid my bare feet off the bed, touching the floor silently. No one should have been able to find this place. It was hidden in the middle of nowhere no one knew where to find it except for one person, but that just could not have been right…Not after so long. This is how it all started was someone breaking into my house..... This is how I became one of the paladins of Voltron.