
Volleyball Dreams: A Horimiya Tale

In "Volleyball Dreams — A Horimiya Tale," we follow the adventures of Izumi Miyamura, a quiet and unassuming 9-year-old, as he stumbles upon the exciting world of volleyball. Set in the universe of the beloved manga and anime "Horimiya" and " "Haikyuu" this introduces different chapter in Izumi's life. Izumi's journey begins when he encounters a group of kids playing volleyball in the local park. His curiosity piqued, he decides to join in, despite having little knowledge of the sport. With the guidance of a newfound friend, Kohei Tokura, Izumi embarks on a path of self-discovery and growth. As Izumi gradually learns the ins and outs of volleyball, he forms lasting bonds with his teammates and discovers a passion he never knew he had. Through ups and downs, victories and defeats, he strives to improve and become an integral part of the team. But this story isn't just about volleyball; it's about friendship, perseverance, and the excitement of childhood adventures. Join Izumi Miyamura as he navigates the challenges of life on and off the volleyball court, with the unwavering support of his loving family and newfound friends and a special someone. "Volleyball Dreams" is a heartwarming tale of self-discovery, teamwork, and the magic of pursuing one's dreams, set against the backdrop of the beloved "Horimiya" and "Haikyuu" universe. alternate title— Horimiya — To The Top!! will be a slice of life sports series, gonna explore a lot of different things and Haikyuu or Horimiya canon events are not gonna happen any time soon. crossover characters? there will be a lot.

freshleaf · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

[33] Animé, Algebra, and Friendship

Izumi, sitting next to Rin on the sofa, was genuinely interested. "So, how far have you gotten in Naruto so far?"

Rin thought for a moment, "Not too far, actually. I watched the written test in the Chunin Exams yesterday, but I haven't watched any episodes today."

Izumi nodded, "Oh, I see. That part was really funny, especially when Naruto passed the test without writing anything on the paper."

Rin chuckled, "Yeah, it was hilarious. But you know, his speech was surprisingly cool."

Izumi couldn't help but dream a little, "Yeah, it was cool. I wish I could pass exams without writing anything, though."

Rin playfully teased him, "Oh, really? But what would you give a speech on in the exam hall? 'Sensei, let me tell you about the perfect spike in volleyball.'"

Izumi blushed, "Come on, leave me and my volleyball alone."

"Sure, but first, can I come to watch you play volleyball?" Rin asked with a playful grin.

Izumi seemed surprised. "Sure...but why the sudden interest?" he inquired, curiosity lacing his voice.

Rin shrugged, her expression still playful. "Just thought it would be fun to watch you in action."

Izumi couldn't help but smile at the idea. "Well, you're always welcome. I'd love to have you there."

Rin, having mastered the remote control, grinned playfully. "All set! Let's talk about volleyball later. Naruto it is!"

Izumi chuckled and agreed, "Yeah, I guess we should. So we are watching episode 27— you've been watching at a snail's pace, haven't you? Only a few episodes in three weeks?"

Rin feigned offense, teasing Izumi, "Oh, that's rude!"


"Apology accepted. Also— I actually started watching Naruto just this week."

Izumi was taken aback, "What? Weren't you interested in it since our zoo trip?"

Rin explained, "I was eager to start right after the trip, but some other things got in the way."

As they talked, the catchy opening song, "Haruka Kanata," began playing, momentarily interrupting their conversation.

Izumi couldn't help but smile, "This opening is so catchy."

Rin nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it's probably one of the best songs I've heard so far." They settled in for the episode, ready to enjoy the adventures of Naruto and his friends.

As they watched the episode, Rin leaned closer to Izumi, her eyes focused on the screen. "That girl who gave Anko her kunai is kinda creepy, don't you think?"

Izumi, who was already know that the girl was Orochimaru in disguised, couldn't help but smile at her observation. "Oh, that girl. She's quite a unique character in the series."

Rin raised an eyebrow. "Unique, huh? She seems a bit... unconventional."

Izumi chuckled, "You'll see, she adds an interesting flavor to the story."— more like adds creepiness but it's the same thing I guess.

As the episode explained the Forest of Death exam, Izumi couldn't help but notice Rin's growing concern. He leaned in, nudging her playfully. "Getting a bit worried for our ninja heroes, Toshaka-chan?"

Rin chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it sounds intense, but that's what makes the story exciting, right?"

Izumi nodded, "True, it's all part of the adventure. But don't worry; Naruto and the gang always find a way."

Rin smiled, reassured by his words, and they continued watching, eager to see how the young ninjas would overcome the challenges.

In the episodes they were watching, Orochimaru's ominous presence grew stronger, and the tension in the story escalated. As Rin watched, a particularly eerie scene involving Orochimaru sent a shiver down her spine. The way he moved and spoke was chilling, and it left her visibly unsettled.

In this tense moment, Rin's fear got the best of her, and she unconsciously jumped closer to Izumi. Their proximity created an awkward moment between them.

Rin's heart was pounding as she inched closer to Izumi, seeking comfort from the eerie scene. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't help but fidget with the hem of her shirt. She stammered, "Miyamura,Sorry,I...uh, I got startled, you know? It's just that Orochimaru is so...uh, creepy, and..."

Izumi turned to her, noticing her unease, and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Orochimaru gives me the creeps too. We can watch something else if you want."

Rin's emotions were a whirlwind as she felt his comforting touch and heard his considerate words. She mumbled, "N-no, it's fine. Let's continue watching. I'm just being silly, right?"

Izumi smiled warmly at her, making her heart race even faster. "You're not silly at all, Toshaka. Don't worry; I'm here with you."

As they continued watching, Rin's embarrassment slowly melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and connection with Izumi, making their anime-watching experience all the more enjoyable.

As Rin and Izumi wrapped up their anime-watching session, they found themselves on the edge of their seats, intrigued by the fate of Team 7 in the Naruto series.

Rin couldn't contain her curiosity. "It's so intriguing! What's going to happen to Sasuke? He's literally been bitten by the snake guy, and Naruto's unconscious too! I want to know what happens next."

Izumi grinned, aware of Rin's excitement. "Well, we've already watched for nearly two hours, so I can't watch more today as I have to go back to my home, Also I also can't give you any spoilers, but I can tell you this—things are going to get wild."

Rin chuckled, feeling more entertained than ever. "You're making me even more excited."

Izumi concluded with gratitude, "Well, that's what I'm intending to do. Thanks for inviting me today."

Rin smiled warmly and replied, "Don't worry about it. You made my day more fun, so I should be the one thanking you for coming."

Izumi and Rin exchanged friendly banter as they walked towards the door. Izumi teased her, "Hey! We wouldn't have had so much fun if you hadn't invited me."

Rin playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Miyamura. Accept my gratitude already."

Izumi grinned and pushed further, "Alright, alright, Toshaka-Sama!"

Rin feigned exasperation. "You're unbearable."

Izumi couldn't resist. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Changing the subject, Izumi asked about their math homework. "By the way, Toshaka, did you finish the math homework?"

Rin nodded. "Yeah, I finished it a while ago."

Izumi seized the opportunity. "Can I take a look at it? I've been struggling with a couple of questions, and we have to submit it tomorrow."

Rin was more than willing to help. "Sure, you can borrow it if you want. Just give it back at school, alright?"

After saying that Rin retrieved her math notebook from the study table and brought it back. She handed it to Izumi with a friendly smile.

"Here you go. I hope it helps you with the homework," she said.

Grateful, Izumi expressed his appreciation. "Thanks for the notebook. You really are a lifesaver, Toshaka."

Rin smiled warmly. "Don't worry, I'm just helping out a friend. By the way, you can call me Rin."

Izumi was taken aback. "What? Like your first name?"

Rin confirmed with a nod. "Yeah, it would look weird if we do a six-month project together and still call each other by our last names. But more importantly, I feel like we're close enough to be on a first-name basis, don't you think?"

Izumi agreed. "I guess you're correct. Then you can call me Izumi."

As they stood at the door, Rin and Izumi decided to try using each other's first names. It sounded simple, but it quickly turned into a comedic moment.

Rin hesitated, "Izumi."

Izumi grinned and said, "Rin."

They exchanged awkward glances, then burst into laughter. It seemed much harder to switch to first names than they had thought.

Rin chuckled, "This is going to take some getting used to."

Izumi agreed, "Definitely. But it's worth it, right, Rin?"

She smiled warmly, "Absolutely, Izumi. See you at school."

And with that, they said their goodbyes, knowing that their growing friendship was just beginning to bloom.

[A/N— At this point I probably should write a Izumi X Rin story— yeah! That's not gonna happen I will make better Romance between Izumi and Kyouko! And there will be no romantic traingle~ Izumi and Rin will just become best friends (kind inseparable best friends) and nothing more! I want to write Kyouko being jealous of how close Rin and Izumi are... stuffs like that, Idk where I'm gonna put Nadeshiko Kagamihara and Aki Adagaki here— I just introduced them and nothing after that!!!!Ahhhh it's frustrating—well I will just follow what I have planned and add things on that if I feel necessary]

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