
Void Walker: The Uni-Stone

Autor: Lucarian
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What is Void Walker: The Uni-Stone

Lesen Sie den Roman Void Walker: The Uni-Stone des Autors Lucarian, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.My name is Void, I am an existence, born from the combination of a fragment of each of the infinity stones after they were shattered, and combined into a fragment of a stone that I call the Uni-Stone....


My name is Void, I am an existence, born from the combination of a fragment of each of the infinity stones after they were shattered, and combined into a fragment of a stone that I call the Uni-Stone. I have chosen to make it my mission to form the Uni-Stone and to keep it in my hands only, as the true power of the Uni-Stone can't be allowed to fall in the hands of those that would use it's power for unsatisfactory... choices. I have to do this...and I won't let anyone stop me.

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