

The wind was blowing through my hair as I dashed after the man. He screamed as he saw me gaining on him and started crying which made me laugh. He had stolen a feather from Melanie when she was in one of her bird forms and when a feather gets plucked it feels like someone grabbed a large chunk of your hair and ripped it out. Naturally, Melanie was very angry about this so now we are chasing him and soon enough we will kill him.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were a person." He yelled at us desperately.

"Still it pains me that you would pluck a feather from any unassuming bird that had pretty feathers. And let's be honest if we let you go you will probably do it again." I said faking disappointment. "Also I'm not the one you plucked the feather from it was her."

I motioned to a cheetah that was running next to the guy and to be honest, she looked bored because of how slow the guy ran.

"How are keeping right next to me?" He asked. "You look like you're gliding."

"Well, I'm definitely not running." I told him.

"What then how are you…" He glanced down.

I looked down as well and looked at the vine I was standing on.

"Well, I have earth powers so I am controlling the vine to go forward quickly as I stand on it," I explained to him.

"Why are you telling me this you realize if I tell the authorities they will come after you right." He responded.

"You won't," He looked at me, confused than the realization hit him and he started running faster. But it was no use.

"You are such a slow runner I am running circles around you." I teased as I was going around him.

He tried to run even faster but it was too late. I didn't go around him just to tease him now the vine was wrapped around his feet and tripped him. His body hit the ground with a loud thud. Out of nowhere, Melanie appeared next to him.

"Well, I've done my part do what you want," I told Melanie.

She slowly walked closer with a low growl coming from her throat. As she got closer the man tried to escape but the vines had pinned him to the ground. Instead of just finishing him off she bit his leg. She continued to bite various places as he screamed and writhed in pain. Finally, she got to his face and neck but instead of just biting his neck and killing him as I expected she took one of her claws and stabbed his eyeball.

"Little harsh don't you think for just taking a feather," I stated.

Melanie turned to me and growled with an angry expression on her face.

"Just saying, chill out."

Finally, she decided to just end it and bit his neck and tore his head off from the body. I sat there waiting as she ate the guy. I looked at her kinda funny and she narrowed her gaze at me.

"What I didn't do anything," I said defensively.

Melanie changed back and said, "What, I was hungry from all that running"

"Hey, I didn't say anything about that and, what was all the evil staring at me for?" I asked. She looked at me darkly and then based on her expression I saw she wouldn't tell me.

"Let's go home," she said.

"But it's boring there!" I exclaimed.

"Do you have any suggestions? I thought we could strengthen up the security system."

"Fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes at her because she was always soooo cautious.

To me, I would rather be found and have fun instead of staying hidden and be bored but I guess she doesn't feel that way which is fine, I guess.

" Yay!" She cried in joy.

"What do we even need to do to make the security better?" I asked.

"Tons of things could make it better." She said excitedly. "I could even possibly talk to the animals and they could alert us if people come." She said more to herself than me. She gets lost in her own world when she thinks up ideas that she never puts into action.

On our way home I noticed her getting distracted a lot.

"Hey is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, I was just thinking about our parents," she said. They had been murdered 7 years ago.

"You know we could have done nothing." I reminded her.

"But we could have done something, if only we weren't too scared to use our powers." She said angrily.

"If we used our powers then we would have been killed and you know that."

"We use our powers now," Melanie pointed out.

"We are older now and know how to use our powers properly."

"I guess, but do you really think this is a proper use of our powers?"

"Are you seriously doubting that now, it's too late for turning back now. Everyone is out to catch us so don't even talk about stopping. Also, be honest you enjoy it." Melanie blushed and looked down. "Come on now let's go make our security stronger." I urged her.

"Ok," she smiled. We continued our walk.

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