
Villainous Heiress And Her Ex's Tyrant Boss

Participating in Cupid quill contest!! Please show your support! "He lied, cheated, and dared to reject me with utter disrespect!" This is the fury of a vengeful soul, who shows no mercy. Hailey Gao's whole being is fueled by an unrelenting fury. She's out for the blood of her boyfriend : Mason He, who spurned her in the most degrading manner, igniting a hatred she can't ignore. This is when Hailey's path crosses with Adrian Zhan, a tyrant in the business world whose very name instills fear. • • "Together, we'll crush our enemies," Adrian proposes, sparking a risky alliance. "And make them regret ever trying to ruin us," Hailey retorts with a sly smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. • • What begins as a supposed fake relationship, a transaction of mutual use, takes an unexpected turn. • • "We're in a relationship now. You are mine alone; remember that." • • Hailey is startled as Adrian seems to invest genuine emotion into this charade. Is her ex's boss truly in love with her, or is he skillfully playing a game of deceit to make their faux relationship disturbingly real?

Kuchi_G_ · Urban
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29 Chs

Torment In Flames.

The emergency line swiftly connected, and a voice emanated from the other end, calmly stating, "Hello, this is 911. How may I assist you?" As Hailey absorbed the operator's words, an undeniable tension gripped her, causing her to gulp nervously. Her heartbeat quickened, echoing in her chest, and a profound sense of unease settled upon her.

"He was there... he was really there," Hailey thought, her anxiety intensifying with each passing moment. The operator's voice echoed once more, "Hello, this is 911. How may I help you?" Hailey's breath caught, her eyes darting around the room with an increasing sense of panic. "I need to calm down... it must be my imagination," she reassured herself, though her grip on the phone handle tightened, and her breath became irregular.

A sudden realization struck Hailey as she glanced down at her feet, discovering blood stains—the remnants of the reporter's unfortunate demise. The gravity of the situation hit her, and a chilling realization dawned: the guy had, indeed, lost his life.

"Hello? How can we help you?" the operator's voice pierced through the chaos, demanding attention as Hailey grappled with the harsh reality unfolding around her.

Upon hearing the voices on the other end, Hailey snapped back to reality, summoning her composure. With a voice both steady and slightly trembling, she uttered, "I'm sorry, I was mistaken. I'll hang up now..." Swiftly, she cut the line, severing the connection.


On that very night, the ambiance of an upscale resort bar embraced an air of sophistication, bathed in a dim, alluring glow. In the VIP room, a figure reclined on a plush chair, adorned in a meticulously tailored black suit that exuded opulence. Jet-black hair framed a composed face, partly concealed by an elegant, dark mask. Seated with quiet confidence, he idly played with a black lighter, casting shadows on his expressionless yet intelligent eyes, fixated on an empty corner of the room. Lost in contemplation, his long fingers traced delicate golden patterns resembling a skull on the lighter's surface.

Minutes drifted by as he seemed immersed in thought, eyebrows drawn together. Unwavering, he continued playing with the lighter, a silent observer of his surroundings. Suddenly, a man emerged from the shadows, interrupting the solitude.

"You finally came, How dare you arrive here late?" the masked figure inquired, abruptly halting his play with the lighter.

The newly arrived man couldn't help but smirk in response to the masked figure's inquiry, asserting, "You're not the boss of me, remember? We are business partners."

The man with the mask let out a deep sigh and inquired, "Any progress?" The other man scoffed dismissively, taking a seat on the plush chair positioned across from his partner. With a calculated nonchalance, he rested his elbow on the armchair, balled his fist, and placed his cheek upon it, a malevolent smile playing on his lips. "The idiot died... but don't worry, I cleaned up his mess," he declared with a sinister grin.

A maniacal chuckle escaped him as he continued, "I can't believe he thought we would pay him after that... I knew she would catch him eventually, and surprisingly, she did it quicker than I expected."

"I will send my men to find more idiots like that man," the masked figure responded, a hint of amusement tingeing his tone. The other man's smile widened creepily from ear to ear, and he remarked, "Alright then, but don't forget my end of the bargain." With those words, he vanished into the shadows once again.

The man with the mask reclined, staring at the now vacant space where his partner had sat. He absentmindedly played with the lighter, finally turning it on. With an expressionless face, he fixated on the flickering flame, contemplating, 'Slowly... slowly... I will torment you.' The room enveloped in an eerie silence as the flame danced, casting shadows that mirrored the darkness of his thoughts.


Meanwhile, the enigmatic girl Javin had encountered at the crosswalk found herself seated on a bench outside a closed coffee shop. The glow of street lamps illuminated the silent park area, interrupted only by the occasional sounds of passing cars. In the late hour, the usual bustle of people was absent, and a couple of homeless men peacefully slept against the wall near the bench, snoring softly.

Glancing at her phone to check the time, the mysterious girl couldn't help but think, 'She is supposed to be here by now.' The clock already displayed '10:00,' and an air of anticipation surrounded her.

'She should be here by now,' echoed in her mind. Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of the bench, its headlights casting an ethereal glow on the empty road. The girl's gaze fixed on the vehicle as the front door window wound down, revealing a woman in her early twenties. Blonde curls framed her face, blue eyes sparkled, and a warm smile graced her lips.

"Sorry I came late, Xiao Hua. Will you forgive this aunty of yours?" she said, the sincerity in her voice breaking through the night's stillness.

As the girl settled into the car, she reflected, 'I guess my efforts of running away into this city didn't go to waste.' She nodded, acknowledging her aunt, and as the passenger seat door closed, her aunt voiced concern, "Why come here? There's no way you will find your brother here. Just go back and stay with your mother; she needs you the most right now."

Xiao Hua sighed deeply and began to unravel the tangled threads of her troubled past, sharing, "you of all people know My dad ran away with all my mother's money and married another woman. Now my mother isn't in her right senses... well, to be frank, she was never in her right mind, right from when I was little. I have always been scared of her. I don't want to see her now; the asylum is the safest place for her," she admitted quietly.

Aunt Li Mei appeared momentarily shocked before composing herself. "Your mother was never like that before. I know that because she's my sister. There's a reason why your..." she began, but Xiao Hua, with a sense of urgency, interrupted, "Aunt Li Mei, that's why I need to find my brother. He is linked to why mother is like this. By the way, did you get me admitted to the exact school my brother attended when he was my age?"

"Why do you even want to go to the exact school? It's not like it would lead you straight to your brother," Li Mei questioned with a hint of skepticism.

Xiao Hua gazed ahead and responded, "he said if I go to the school, it would lead me to him."

Li Mei's eyebrows furrowed, and she gave Xiao Hua a flat look. "Who are you talking about?" she inquired, attempting to make sense of what Xiao Hua had just said.

"Well , I met someone in my dreams. he told me about it," Xiao Hua replied with a neutral expression.

Li Mei, not entirely convinced, probed further, "Who is he? And why didn't he just tell you where your brother is and who he is ?"

"I don't know who he was but he said I wouldn't be able to handle it if he told me, and it isn't time for me to meet him yet," Xiao Hua calmly explained.

Li Mei, maintaining a deadpan expression, retorted, "And you said my sister is the one out of her mind. I guess I would soon go crazy as well because of you ."

A cold tone crept into Xiao Hua's voice as she stared at Li Mei and questioned, "Did you do it or not?"

Li Mei exhaled wearily and relented, "Okay, alright, whatever. Yes, and I even got you an apartment. I will pay all your fees and accommodation expenses. Just focus on studying and finding your brother."

"Thank you," Xiao Hua acknowledged, a momentary thaw in the tension.

Li Mei nodded and declared, "I will take you to the apartment," as she initiated the car and navigated through the city's nocturnal streets.