
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasie
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139 Chs


Tor was surprised as the girl was stabbed with Max's claws. The villain's face became stern as he appeared in front of the villain.

Max managed to block Tor's attack with his claws and he felt his body sink into the floor. Eight black swords appeared around Tor's body as his claws slashed downwards into the hero's face.

Max shrugged off the pain in his face and punched Tor in the gut. The villain ground his teeth as he grabbed the hilt of a sword and brought it down on Max. The hero made some distance between them.

'How long will you sleep, Hailey?" Tor said

He saw the girl raise as eight white sickles appeared around her body and grabbed one. Tor and Hailey advanced, Tor swiped upwards as Hailey lunged downwards and Max hopped into the thin place between.

Hailey's free hand grabbed a sickle and swiped at the hero. Max landed on his hands and pushed himself upwards although Tor's sword stabbed into his thigh. As the hero twisted his body to disarm him, Hailey extended her arm and sliced into his side with one swift movement.

Max ignited a fire in the youngsters' faces and landed on the ground. The black swords and white sickles cut through the flames allowing the villains to advance toward him. Max pushed back and his claws gleamed in the light.

Tor ran into an arch with two swords in his hands and when Max was about to react. Hailey ran forward onto Tor's shoulders sickles between her fingers and strongly came down on Max's torso. Tor while balancing Hailey stabbed Max in the stomach.

The villains flinched suddenly and Hailey looked at Tor. Max's claws rose with flames imbued in them and cut Tor's chest and the insides were revealed. Blood poured out of his body, the severed muscle was clearly seen, and had ragged breathing.

"Go get rid of it." Tor panted

Hailey jumped out the window, Max looked alarmed and an unknown car suddenly sped off into traffic.

Tor's left arm was numb and barely hanging onto his body. Although the inhumane glow in the villain's eyes didn't waver as he advanced toward the hero. Max's claws clashed with his sword strongly in loud clashes.

Max jabbed forward, and the villain tilted his body and thrust forward into his shoulder. Tor released the blade and prepared to rearm himself but Max's claws descended quickly. The villain forced himself under Max's body with a sword in his hand and leapt backwards.

Tor's mouth bit on the hilt of the sword in Max's shoulder and pulled it with him until it came out of his flesh. Tor advanced, and twisted his body to slash at the hero's chin before pulling back. The two advanced and Max saw the villain release his weapons.

His morale was raised until Tor shifted into his crocodile and crunched down on both his legs. His death roll began powerfully and people scramble out of his way.

Max did his best to roll along with Tor and clawed at his eyes and snout fiercely. The crocodile finally released him as a cherry voice echoed, "What can I do for you, Tor...Hm?"

"Heal me," Tor answered returning to human form

"You look pretty bad to me." the voice sulked

Tor smiled, "Just the shoulder, you lazy sloth."

Max noticed the phone taped on the staircase and witnessed Tor's shoulder wound close up. Tor walked up to the exhausted Max who noticed the poised that was heavily in his system.

"It's been fun." Tor went cutting off his head

"Crazy." the audience reacted

"Scary." the man, Uillaim frowned

Neo's phone returned to his hand as he made a call, "Either we have a rat or a problem."

His rage was calm but rage burnt strongly in his eyes like an inferno. Hailey was cloaked in invisibility as she ran after the black car. She saw a shimmer and rolled under a car as bullets started to rain.

Drivers were in chaos as they drifted on the road and crashed into each other. Hailey hopped on a wrecked car and grabbed a light post. She spotted the car and jumped towards it as an arrow fired into her shoulder.

The villain removed it while she was running forward with a single goal in mind. She jumped over an incoming car and pulled her upper body down to dodge an arrow. She landed on her hands and allowed her legs to land and propel herself forward.

Hailey picked up a windscreen piece, twisted her body upwards, and threw the hard into the sniper's forehead. She advanced, and an electricity pole crashed down although she persisted with her wounds. Hailey jumped up and crashed onto the car's roof.

She used her sickle-like can opener and pulled the metal. Muzzles were aimed at her, shifted her body, and pushed her body threw the window. With a sickle in hand and slice off the head of the closest person.

The guns fired at her body but Hailey would not fall and killed another person. Blood leaked out of her rosy lips and rose up into a mocking smile. They ran out of ammunition.

"What is she?!" they reacted

Hailey rose her sickle, their faces were in horror and she noticed their gaze wasn't on her. She turned to the light...


A truck bashed into the car and Neo sharply turned his head with worry. Everything exploded into strong flame and the area was closed off by police.

"Today chaos broke loose on the main highway. Several were injured and dead. A noticeable accident was a car that collided with a truck transporting diesel and had no survivors due to an explosion.....Is this perhaps the signs of Blood Lily wishing to extend their borders? The Blood Lily is an infamous group of criminals known for their extreme methods and their desire to expand their influence. This incident follows the same pattern of their previous activities, making it a likely candidate for their work."

"What was that?" Yasmin reacted to the new report

Vance asked, "Did you do something, Zaiden?"

Eyes looked at the teenage villain Boss trying to enjoy his coffee before work. Zaiden shifted in his seat, feeling the weight of Vance's gaze. He let out a sigh and his face distorted with the development of a headache. A message from the heroes soon came in: Let's meet up.

"Ha." Zaiden frowned dropping the mug onto the floor

He stared at the shard with a complex emotion but no one noticed the change except his brothers and Dylan. His brothers were the only ones to comprehend his emotions and they exchanged knowing glances with Dylan.

