
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasie
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139 Chs


Ivan left the Palace to ' avenge' his father-in-law. Elite guards went with him to the Ocean Flower Gardens.

" You just had to listen to me." Blood pouted as Ivan swam

Sharks suddenly appeared and bit the guards as Ivan ' fought' them off.

" GO, I'll lead them away!!!!" Ivan yelled

" YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" they yelled as Ivan swam

Ivan saw the other Pillars playing cards at the entrance of the portal. He felt a smile spread on his face. His sharks ran rampant behind him making a trail of blood follow after him.

" What took you so long?" Jaxon sighed " Such an annoying villain."

" I'm here now. " Ivan teased " You guys are funny."


Sera hit into Ivan and both fell into the portal. The others followed after and the portal was gone. Sera and Ivan became a legend about love and people were waiting for their return.

Inside the portal.

" Guys, meet my wife, Sera. Sera these are my friends, colleagues whatever way you wish to define it." Ivan sighed " Now why did you follow me, Sera."



" Hmm." Ivan reacted seeing Sera like a rabbit

" Good luck. You'll need it." the other Pillars smiled

Ivan sighed, " Guess we're on our honeymoon until I can toss you back home."

Sera had determination in her eyes as they were thrown out the portal. They saw planets, stars of every kind and above was a whole sparkly nebula.

" Wow...." Kali exclaimed

" AAA....AIR!!!" Vance choked

They looked at Zander and Zyder in a bubble and cursed them in their hearts. Two different ships suddenly came from no where and began firing lasers at each other. The villains were being tossed around holding whatever little air they had. Zander's voice came into their heads, " Welcome to one of my smaller dimensions- Outerspace Gladiators."

Another space ship appeared, the other ships ran for the hills and the villains were scooped up. They were dropped at the feet of a man in a throne and a cold sweat were on the villains thinking what to do.

" What's up, Drake." Zander smiled

" Nothing much. So what did you get yourself into so many systems have been coming." Drake sighed

" Who are you?" Becca asked

" Version three Villain System player Drake. Profession: Tyrant and sub-profession: Planet-crusher Tyrant." Drake told

" They are more versions of the system!" Gaia frowned

" Seeing your reaction you just got into version one huh?" Drake sighed " All the Best."

[ Mission: Grand Thieves

Entry into any portal will be denied until you have taken position of the dragon egg that will appear in the grant empire of Flames and sacred sun stone of the wonderous Sun Kingdom. No one should find you nor suspect you have done it only then will it be the perfect crime.]

" Zander...." Yasmin frowned

" That wasn't me." Zander replied looking around.

Drake smirked, " Where's you're other half Zander?"

" He slipped away." Zander smiled wryly " This is a world of so many loud noises if they wake Zaiden up....I'm screwed."

Zander grabbed Zyder and went to the pod entrance.

" Drake, you're in charge. Complete the mission quickly, you'll be coming with us to the other dimensions as well so pack your inventory and GOODBYE." Zander yelled

The pod was shot out to were Drake found them drifting and Zander bit his thumb imagining the worst.

" Will this be hard?" Becca asked

" Absolutely. The rulers of the Empire of Flames and Sun Kingdom are both part of the Seven Overlords of the Galaxy. Even I the Overlord of Darkness wouldn't play with those two if I didn't have a Deathwish." Drake laughed

" So why go?" Laasya asked

" Cause it's a mission and now you can't skip mission like in version zero. Failure can block your skills, items and more for even a month. I found that out the hard way." Drake sighed

" Where do these twins pick people like us from?" Urvi sighed

Ivan clapped his hands as everyone was sighing to their similar fates.

" Guys, Urvi's pregnant. We need to baby proof everything else will harm the baby." Ivan announced

The space ship hit into a meteor and the pillars dived to catch Urvi. They came to see that the coming missions will be.

" I can kinda manage. You're overreacting." Urvi groaned

" Over- is our specialty and you know it. We could have taken over the country using politics but did we-NO-" Ivan smiled

" You're right Ivan, let's do it just like in the beginning. Let's have fun, complete missions and be down right villainy." Waniya beamed " Our little buddy seems to be going on an adventure with mummy."

Urvi was silent feeling the holding her portable fetal doppler and smiled at the screen.

"When was it? How long has it been?" Navaeh asked

" It seems I was pregnant during the war for the country. I'm now 20 weeks. I wanted to surprise you but everything just happened." Urvi smiled

" No baby bump?" Kali teased

" Illusion Spell." Ivan exposed holding Sera from behind who blushed

[ Ming: Hellooooo. I really liked what you did in Forever Ocean.*laughing emoji* Now.....]

" What's this?" Drake smiled looking at the screen " Something those twins don't know about. How interesting."

[ Ming: Hey Drake. Must be nice being in top twenty * frowning emoji*]

" Yeah, I'm quite happy." Drake smirked " You may continue."

[ Ming: Whatever....Zaiden and Zander made a deal with the Great System, the overseer of all systems that was artificially me. They want to own their own dimension and had to give most of their power but mid-way the transfer Zaiden took them back along with some of the Great System's power sealing them within themselves. This gained the hate of Good System towards them. Originally the unsealing of the powers within depended on the growth of their new players but Zaiden found another way which he's speeding up and the Great System was also making ways to eliminate them before Zaiden completes it thus this will mark the beginning of the System War II-]

" Wait-" Xayn frowned

" The System War....It's starting again?" Drake frowned

" What are the System War?" Reese asked

" We can't talk about it. Especially a system." Drake frowned

They looked confused and Drake had a wry smiled before opening his mouth

Drake went " The System War occurred #$@#%#^$%&%#^# -"

The loud shrieking made everyone drop to the ground and Drake stopped

"What?" Jaxon frowned

" I can't say it nor can you hear whatever little knowledge I have. History from the beginning of the War and the appearance of the twins practically vanished. I'm now more interested in this 'Ming' and how she knows such a secret that led to many deaths." Drake smiled

" This is Police Unit 7864. Overlord Darkness is being suspected smuggling unlicensed persons on your ship. Please allow entry onboard."

" Overlord?" the driver asked

" They think they can stop a my ship. Take out the plasma cannons and show them why I, Drake Shadowplas am a Overlord." He laughed " As for you, time of a history lesson so you don't embarrass me. We are in the 43rd century after all."

The villains gaped at the confident man put on glasses in front of them as firing echoed behind them.