
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasie
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139 Chs


Caesar went to the lowest level of the prison during the chaos finding only one cell.

" Just leave me. I have nothing waiting for me outside." a voice went

" Then live for some one. Is what he said." Caesar responded

" Some one else. I'll see when I see him." the person finding it interesting smiled

Caesar entered the cell and the shadows swallowed them. They appeared in Zaiden's office. He laid asleep on a table full of papers, his white hair covered his eyes and no sound was made.

" So his natural hair color is white." Caesar thought since Zaiden had his hair dyed brown even before they meet

Zaiden opened his eyes revealing the base of his purple eyes was red. Caesar was well aware it meant he had a wicked idea.

" Hello." Zaiden sluggishly smiled

The female prison looked at the boy and smiled " I would like to be your secretary President."

" Come here." Zaiden yawned

He touched her forehead.

[ Welcome dear. I'm your Game Guide < Beauty >..... Interference from an annoyance.... You have been give the Boss' Eyes Villain also Secretary Villain]

" I am Laasya Claw. Canine Race, werewolf species." She introduced taking some of the papers from the desk

A window appeared in front of her.

[ Affinity with < Beauty of Lost love > has risen]

" I didn't do anything. I'll have to go through this System to understand it."

The building in Jumbo's Turf was Zaiden's company, Verte Vie or V.V. which was involved in entertainment, medical and technology. It became popular for all the relief it gave to the poor victims of the first Multi Mask incident. The teenage 'prodigy' was looked on like an angel.


" Listen, if you won't help me with my work don't call me during working hours." Zaiden smiled

" Boss....we have a problem." Xayn told

Zaiden teleported to the Blood Lily headquarters finding in full of most of the Villians Shadow Hound had released. Zaiden raised his brow, made a chair to seat on and looked on at the scene.

" We would like to join Blood Lily." a representative went

" Hmm....." Zaiden went and smiled wickedly

Their was a mischievous glow as he pointed to the renowned Villain, Eclipse.

" Vice president." Zaiden told

He pointed at twelve other renowned Villains.

" Executives. Now to prove yourselves...right?" He smiled

" YES BOSS!" they answered

" You can go get comfortable." Zaiden smirked as they left

He returned to V.V. office finding Caesar waiting.

" Not gonna give them them the System?" Caesar

" I'll have you know my system is the hardest to qualify for." Zaiden sulked

"There are others?" Caesar wondered

Zaiden's face paled holding his mouth astonished at himself. He looked up to Caesar with uncertain eyes of a wounded beast.

" I didn't hear anything." Caesar smiled

Caesar looked down at the beastly child with a smirk. He had gotten closer to the the boy who was always on guard.


" What?" Zaiden exclaimed

Caesar got close to his ear " You said you were bored."

Zaiden looked at Caesar's toothy smile and patted his head.

On the screens was D-rank hero, Kiki Hero-Turf. Kiki was hosting a function to advertise her products with her sister. A hologram of a woman in a masquerade mask smiled.

" I am Multi Mask's Secretary, Cerberus. I will supervise the game." Cerberus smiled

[ Hidden Mission: Cause absolute destruction to bring fear. As a Villain fear from enemies is more important]

" If I don't want to play your demonic games?" Kiki yelled

" Sadly that is not an option. Just survive are the rules." Cerberus smiled

A cold sweat ran down her spine looking at Cerberus red eyes " Survive?... Survive what?"

" The Executives. Thank you. Just survive until sunset." Cerberus told

" I have a question?" The A-rank hero, Kate asked

Caesar changed the channel to one showing the now B-rank hero Volcan celebration for his new rank at Hero Association headquarters.

" Now the Vice President of the Association will say some words."

Eclipse appeared on the podium.

"Eclipse!" A person shouted

"Wait. I am the Vice to Multi Mask. Also shouldn't you be finding your Vice before sunset preferably." Eclipse smiled

" Why before sunset?" He was asked

Cerberus was asked the same question. Both of them smiled like the were in synch as the opened their mouths " The bombs planted will blow a radius of five kilometers "

" Do you like your gift." Caesar smiled

Zaiden smiled widely at Caesar.

[Hidden Mission completed. A right Hand Man's gift to Boss]

" You are a capitalist Mr. Villain." Zaiden said looking at Caesar's window showing his rewards.

Zaiden stood up.

" Where to Boss?" Caesar wondered

" I will help all those poor souls." Zaiden smiled holding his hands together

A ray of light emitting from Zaiden contrasting his wicked sadistic glow in his purple eyes.

" I refuse." Kate frowned " You terrorists will run out of luck."

A lance hit into Kiki's sister suddenly. The crowd scrambled, Kiki held her sister's injured body with a rivers of tears and Kate looked up to a roof top a man with a lance. He wore a dragon mask but she knew he was smiling satisfied with the the kill.


" They sent us to here die." Kate thought seeing columns of fire shot upward everywhere and hoolding the wound on her side from her narrow escape.

" At least I don't think this is hell." Cerberus went

Eclipse was held up a wall by A- rank hero, Titania

" You are kidding me right ,Eclipse!" She frowned

Eclipse corroded her face when he touched it. Titania slapped herself to numb the pain on half her face and her left eye was blurry.

" Today. I will kill you!" She announced

The room started to melt as well. Eclipse vanished into mist leaving them in the corrosive room. He appeared behind the Vice in a secret location.

" Shall the fun begin." He thought

Robotic beasts began attacking in the corroding room.

" I WILL END YOU ECLIPSE! " Titania yelled

Zaiden couldn't hide his excitement of the two death-like situations. The heroes were racing against time.

" So. It's the everyone dies or everyone lives in the search for the Vice. Whereas it's only the best fight in the jungle at Cerberus end." Zaiden thought " Or if someone intervenes or they staked up on luck.."

" This will assist the plan move forward won't it." Caesar smiled

" Of course....to help all the people in need." Zaiden frowned looking at the driver

Caesar stared at the driver with Zaiden

" No!" Zaiden went " Let's.... slow... down-"