
VILLAIN: Rebirth of the shadow lord

*WSA entry for 2024* [Warning: the content is not for the faint hearted]. ..... "Our lives have been built on a foundation of deceit. Heroes, once envisioned as the champions of humanity, our guardians—individuals willing to risk everything for our well-being. But what did these heroes ultimately become? They wielded their power not for salvation, but for self-interest. Rather than embracing their duty to save and show kindness, they reveled in pride, desiring godlike reverence from the very people they were meant to protect. Once champions, they now hungered for dominion over humankind. Amidst this disillusionment, a man named Sam found himself powerless against the tide of corruption. Yet, a sudden and unfortunate turn of events presented Sam with an unexpected opportunity to confront these so-called heroes and set things right. In the face of this adversity, Sam declared, ''They must all endure suffering and plead beneath my feet!!!'" ***** 100 power stones: 1 extra chapter 200 power stones: 2 extra chapters 500 power stones: 3 extra chapters ... Please vote, comment, share and review, it is the true motivation for authors to keep going for their supporters. ***"* Check out my on going novel Shadow lord returns

Alexcj · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Run for your life

Sam and Peter briskly made their way to the bar area of the club, grabbing their trays. As waiters, they dove into their duties, placing drinks on the tray and gracefully serving the patrons. Despite the champions having conquered Earth, humans adapted, though the world only grew more chaotic.

In the unforgiving tier five cities, ravaged by war and never rebuilt like their higher-tier counterparts, survival was a relentless race. No rules governed these cities; it was a lawless arena where one either adapted or perished. Dangerous gangs thrived, openly smuggling illegal drugs in a grim routine.

Contrastingly, higher-tier cities boasted effective rules enforced by dedicated individuals. Compliance was mandatory, and breaching too many rules resulted in deportation to a lower-tier city. The dichotomy of order and anarchy defined the post-champion Earth.

During the desperate struggle against the champions, humans cornered by superior strength resorted to experiments. The goal was clear: create a force capable of matching and exterminating the champions. Out of this pursuit emerged 'beasts,' formidable creatures designed to defy and defeat the overwhelming power of the champions, an audacious response to a world reshaped by conflict.

Initially, the beasts proved manageable, effectively restraining the champions, though not posing an imminent threat. However, the situation took an unexpected turn as the beasts began evolving independently, surpassing human expectations. Despite the unforeseen development, humans embraced it, believing it served their interests.

These beasts, now endowed with powerful crystals in their chests, harnessed energies enabling extraordinary feats and abilities. The evolution, however, spiraled out of control, transforming the once-contained creatures into wild, untamed beasts. No longer allies, they attacked anything posing a perceived threat on the spot.

Now facing two formidable adversaries—the relentless champions and the uncontrollable beasts—humanity found itself at a dire crossroads. The war against the champions was slipping away, and the potential beast invasion threatened to wipe out humanity. Surrendering to the champions became the only viable option.

In a desperate move, humans sought assistance from the very champions they had resisted. Defeated and now subject to the champions' rules, humanity faced an uncertain future. The once-tamed beasts, now relegated to the shadows, lingered as a reminder of the price paid for seeking dominance in a world reshaped by conflict and experimentation.

After a taxing day of serving liquor and cigarettes, enduring insults along the way, the once-bustling club now stood deserted. Sam and Peter, their shifts over, retreated to the staff room to change.

"Ugh, this job's a real pain. I get why you despised it now," Peter groaned, stretching his aching back from the constant standing and movement.

Sam, silent as he changed, felt the exhaustion of the night weighing on him. It was 4 am, and all he wanted was to crash on his bed at home.

"Yeah, I get it. You're probably dead tired, so I won't bug you. Much," Peter quipped with a smirk.

"I'm heading home. You should do the same. Not wise to linger late in this area," Sam advised before walking out of the staff room.

"Wait!" Peter called, running after Sam once again.


As Sam walked wearily along the quiet street, fatigue etched on his face, he couldn't escape the chatter of Peter, a persistent companion disrupting his peace.

"You know, Sam, I dream of living in those higher-tier cities, living the high life like those fat cats up there," Peter mused, lost in daydreams of luxury.

"Don't waste your thoughts on fantasies. In reality, people only care if you have connections or wield power, like the champions," Sam retorted, a stark reminder of the harsh truth that strength and power dictated life in their world.

Navigating the desolate streets, devoid of any soul, they reached a crossroad with three paths. A decision awaited them, each route harboring potential dangers in the dark corners of the night.

"This is where I part ways. See you tomorrow night at work, and maybe we can sneak in some drinks after our shift," Peter suggested, delivering a wink before disappearing down the left path toward his apartment.

"Whatever you say," Sam replied, taking the path ahead, his mind filled with the looming challenges of the night and the unrelenting realities of their existence.

Sam ambled along the solitary path, the cold night air tousling his hair. Hands in his pockets and head bowed, he neared his apartment. The dilapidated buildings cast eerie shadows, creating an atmosphere reminiscent of a Halloween movie, with leaves skittering away in the cool breaths of the night.

Close to home, Sam halted abruptly, drawn by voices echoing from an adjacent alleyway.

"Please, please! I won't do that again. It was a mistake. Please!"

"Hmm, you definitely know I don't give forgiveness to rats."

Though it wasn't his concern, Sam suspected it was a confrontation involving someone who had crossed paths with a gang. About to proceed, a gunshot shattered the air, followed by a sickening thud.

Frozen in place, Sam turned towards the dimly lit alley. A crooked streetlight intermittently blinked, revealing a macabre scene. A red liquid seeped from the corner, and Sam's stomach churned as he realized it was a lifeless body.

"Oh, damn. I got that bastard's blood on my clothes," a man's voice declared, casting a visible shadow.

"Sorry, boss" Two deep voices apologized.

As panic gripped Sam, he contemplated fleeing when a command pierced the night air.

"Hey, you!! What are you doing here? Get him."

Realization struck - he had to escape before becoming entangled in a situation that had just claimed a life.

'Oh, I'm in trouble.'


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