
Side Story- Birds in the Sky

I'm just going to say here, this has nothing to do with the actual plot. Just a fluffy idea I had.


I grabbed my jacket and my phone, messaging Ayako and asking her to meet me at the park. I already made plans for what we'd do, and had Keigo join us as well.

"Hey Ichigo!" The birdman himself called soon after I got there.

"Hey Keigo!"

"So what was planned for today? Where should we go?"

"Sightseeing. Wait a bit though. Someone's joining us."

"Huh?" He fell silent, looking confused.

"Hey!" Ayako grinned, folding her shimmering blue wings.

"Ah. Hey Ayako!" Keigo smiled to her.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Sightseeing." I smiled, pulling out my phone. I showed them pictures of the US, around Hawaii.

"Pretty!" Ayako smiled, looking excited. "I can't wait!"

"I've been already." I inform them with a smile. "The locals are kind and very welcoming. It's a little hard to understand them, they don't speak regular English, so that's a problem."

"Hm..." Keigo shrugged. "Why not? Let's go!" He spread his crimson wings and flew up.

Ayako followed suit, and I spread my white wings, joining them. "Follow me!"

I guided them there, and we spent the day in Hawaii. When the light began to fade, we took to the sky once more. We began racing, Ayako and me tying each time, with Keigo at a close second.

The next day, I led them out again, this time not leaving Japan. We went to a cat cafe and stayed for a while, then got ice cream and flew around.

Our break, mine and Ayako's, was spent like this, and then school started again.

We all flew together on the weekend, but the rest of the time we were too busy.

Days like these were ones I enjoyed. When we didn't go out, Ayako and I either trained together, did homework, or made stuff.

The things we made were simple crafts, at least at first. It gradually became more complicated, but we managed to make a blanket each, while training.

It was hard, but I simply used ranged attacks and, when she neared, my legs to attack.

Creating things was fun, and we realized we both loved to write. So when the weekend came again, Keigo came over to the dorms, finding us passed out at her desk, story up in front of us, he read it.

Apparently, he already was reading it, he just didn't know we made it.

We woke up, and he questioned us on the book.

It was fanfiction for a show we all loved watching, and this helped solidify our bond, writing together.

Keigo asked if he could help write too, and we said yes.

The book was little more than one of oneshots, but it was fun. We wrote a lot, and when we finally stopped writing in that book, there was over ten thousand chapters.

"So what now?" It had been five years since we stopped writing that fanfic, and now we were pro heroes as well as professional writers. We had published twenty books together, not extremely long, but not short ones either. Ayako had asked me in the apartment we shared.

"I don't know." I flipped myself, spreading my wings. "Hm..."

"I know!" She grinned at me.

"Huh?" I smiled. Ayako often had crazy ideas for stories that always sold well.

"Another book in that series." She pointed at a stack of books that was ten tall.

"Why that one?" I sighed. I thought we had finished it, but apparently not.

"Well, the last book was kind of mediocre. I want to finish my favorite story in a glorious, spectacular way."

"Alright." I nodded, flipping myself over again. "Who this time?"

This question often comes up, 'Who will we kill this time?' In every continuation of the series, another main, important character dies. Every book, the main character, Lisa, loses her lover. Sometimes, it's a traumatic death, others, it's them going missing. Her life has become an everlasting cycle of loss.

It's fun to write.

"Her." She taps the cover of the top book, the one that shows the Sorceress Ganara.



"If she dies, the story can't continue...."

"I did say, I wanted to finish the series."

"I'll begin work immediately. You had the last break. Go patrol, I'll write."

"Bye~" She waved and left.

Hey! This is the special chapter for hitting 200 collections!

If you'd like, you can request another one in this series.

I may end up simply making a book with all the little stories I've put in my books.


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