
Who are you?

The day was very hot and the Vermillion Bird was already annoyed at all the humans that kept complaining . What a bunch of weaklings she thought to herself, it's just a little heat are humans so delicate they can't bear a little sun. The other spiritual beast were were busy and her Masters were away so she was extremely bored. She had decided to walk down by the market but hated how the humans complained about the most frivolous things, She decided to go by the river instead and go for a swim. The Vermillion bird walked calmly when suddenly she sensed somthing strange. It was another spiritual beast but their level of power was low. She looked around and shrugged it off and kept walking. Suddenly 4 men jumped out infront of her and smiled. Well boys what do we have here its a little lolita all by herself in the big bad forest hahaha they laughed in unisom. A large bald man stepped out and bowed his head im Joon Yi the leader of this gang You could get hurt in these woods let these oppas take good care of you. Go away if you value your lives said the Vermillion bird with the most adorible smile on her face. hahaha the men laughed what a spunky lolita you will provide us with so much entertainment they mocked. Seize her as one of the men charged at the The Vermillion bird she lost her patience as she lifted her hand to eliminate them someone suddenly jumped in front of her. It was a boy holding a spiritual sword. What cowards! Have you no shame bullying a little Lolita? The men laughed and who are you?

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