
Venture of Tomorrow

In a snowy season in the Arkala Village, there was a young boy named Lucas. Who lives happily with his family until one day... A group of criminals known as "Shadow Phoenix" invaded their village. The people got panicked as they were running away while he got knocked down and left unconscious. When he woke up, he ventured through the wilderness to seek help from others but he collapsed due to the fact that he doesn't have the energy to do so... Before he knew it, he was already inside a mansion, he was saved by a gorgeous woman and he called her his master but eventually she died because of a powerful curse that she was carrying around. The last words that Lucas heard to her was "help others even if no one would, this way you can get your revenge without regret". This is the starting point of Lucas Hart's journey.

Aug_Akise · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 16

|Royal Magic|

A thunderous flash of lightning interfered between the two. The electric shock lingered from the ground, preventing them from going any further. Apart from this, Ethan saw a familiar figure as he gasps for breath, gripping his weapons at chest level amidst the sudden event.. Standing before him was none other than the princess.

[Vivian: On behalf of those Knight Leaders whose mission is in progress. I, the princess of Axminster, shall put an end to this fight!]

[Ethan: Princess! I shall hel-]

Before he could finish completing his sentence, Vivian replied in advance while looking back at him...

[Vivian: No, you've achieved buying time for me to arrive. You may sit back and leave the rest to me. Anddd, tell me the details later.]

Although Vivian told him to rest, he insisted on continuing. While they were exchanging conversation, Lucas began to go more violent than before. For this reason, Vivian furrowed her forehead as she sighed and let Ethan aid her.

Meanwhile, Lucas released an immense magical power. His aura became unfathomable, not knowing what would come next after a dramatic change in his powers.

[Vivian: This is...!? Ethan! Let us transfer outside the kingdom!!]

[Ethan: I would need some time activating my spell, please lend me a hand.]

Vivian pulled her sword out from its scabbard. She went ahead and performed her stance exclusively for the royalties.

She moved her left leg backwards while her right moved a little forward to balance herself for an attack she'll be giving to Lucas. She clutched her golden royal sword with her left hand near her face, pointing its tip to her target- Lucas..

[Vivian: I know you won't die from this, you're strong after all... Lightning magic- "Lightning Pierce"!]

Vivian thrust out her sword and moved her left leg forward at the same time. Horizontally casting a ray of dense lightning magic towards Lucas.

[Lucas: ....]

Lucas straightened his arm nonchalantly. He created a four layered wind of shield as a defense to block an incoming attack. The farthest was the first shield up to the fourth where he's standing near it.

The first has the biggest and can reduce the impact of the strike. The next ones got slightly reduced by its size as this shows that the magic he poured to it are mostly concentrated in smaller scale.

Although in this world where wind magic could beat lightning magic, Vivian's attack is for real. A royal has a tremendous amount of mana and can skillfully perform destructive magic powers. With this, they have the upper hand... I guess..

The lightning that she used flashed directly to his wind shield that he created on time. The first defense has been easily breached to its center, where the lightning penetrated to it. The same thing happened to the second and third.

It dealt explosive damage against the last wind shield where all of the mana was closely compacted to the very center where the lightning pierces through. The land was in an intensely critical condition due to the magic they have cast. The windows of the buildings shattered as the collision of two magics continued.

For this reason, Lucas added lightning magic to the shield, but it was a bad call. His own lightning got mix in with Vivian's and made his shield weaker. Before he knew it, Vivian's first attack successively hit him at last. Thus, he gets paralyzed for 3 seconds after receiving minimal damage.

[Vivian: Hmph, I thought as much...]

[Lucas: Kuuuhh...]

He crouches down to the ground while leaning slightly to the front. Extending his arm downward and with the support of his right hand, he barely managed to keep his balance.... His glaring eyes began to show some tears in it.

[Lucas: ... Why?.... What... did Evelyn do... HHEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH]

A lump of hatred overwhelmed his reasonings. This was just a symbol of massive destruction. It's utterly irony, although his current emotion is full of loathing... His light magic emits a serenity that any mediocre human would mistakenly label him as a spirit of peace.

[Vivian: Lu.. Lucas... I want to keep away from seeing you in this state again but I.... That's why, I.. No, WE will do what needs to be done, this time... For sure..]

Vivian, at the other end of the small brothel, cleared her mind and shook her head. Refusing to give up..

[Vivian: Ethan! Do it, it's now or never!]

[Ethan: At your command, Princess!]

Ethan used this opportunity that Vivian gave to him. A while ago when Vivian attacked Lucas, he was preparing a magic spell to transport them in a blink of an eye to a certain place using his shadow outside the kingdom. Where they can fully grasp the chance to take Lucas down without hurting him as much as possible.

Ethan patted Vivian's shoulder at the back and started to vanish without a trace. Looking ahead where Lucas is, he threw his weapon towards him and swiftly change position to it before hitting him.

Because he abruptly charged forward, a tense feeling rose up after encountering Lucas, who gradually changed his form. He knew something dreadful will happen if he hesitated to teleport him outside the kingdom. At the same time, he thought that if he let Lucas transport where Vivian is. He figured it wouldn't end up as they thought. They will surely lose to him...

[Ethan: I can't back down here. Shadow magic- "Obscurity Shadow, instant tele"!]

But Ethan chose to fight him together with Vivian. Therefore, using his magic spell, he decided to transfer himself with Lucas to the outside.

(Outside the kingdom...)

[Vivian: Lucas... What happened to you.. Wasn't my protection for you enough?...]

Deep in confusion, Vivian glared up to the sky while waiting for their arrival. Her eyes were full of worries as she tried to suppress a groan.

[Ethan: ACKK!!!]

[Vivian: What happened?!]

Suddenly, Ethan fell from the shadow and bumped his face into a hard rock. Probably because he was in a hurry, that's why the condition of his spell debilitates... There was some abnormality in transferring locations..

The princess lent him a hand to stand up. After doing so, she felt an intense magical power above them. For this reason, Vivian and Ethan focused their view upon the person he traveled using his shadow with. At the same time, they drew back after receiving a warning- Lucas's presence.

[Vivian: Going outside was the right call, indeed... But... What is this place? Ethan?]

[Ethan: ... ermhmm.. Uhmmhn.. Just a training ground. More importantly, how can we beat him without killing him?(It's a good thing she came. Otherwise, one of us would have been dead by now.)]

There lies an unknown place outside the kingdom. It's a rocky place for a training ground, but I guess he's spouting some nonsense yet again.. Anyway, he might have marked that location and it's probably the reason why he was able to transfer them...

Looking up ahead, they saw an entirely different aspect of a human being... But it's more proper way to say that his sudden transformation doesn't even have the slightest bit of a human- is what they've been thinking in that moment.. He's like...

[Ethan: An angel, huh...]

[Vivian: But it differs from master's form.. I'm... ARRHH!! Too much happening in one night!!! I just want to sleep, my goodness! You two!]

[Ethan: (.... She snapped....) My sincere apologies, it was unacceptable for me to interrupt your slumber... I realized how naive I am...]

He apologized to Vivian, whose face was showing great irritation. In addition with that, the last sentence he said has other meanings engraved in it..

[Vivian: *Sigh* Anyway, let's get this over with.]

For the second time, Vivian unsheathed her sword. A golden sword only a royal's blood can wield. Whoever dares to hold that sword will certainly be perished, for it sucks out a tremendous mana of the bearer. Royalties have immense mana capacity which can activate their royal weapons at its full potential. Along with their own magic, they can easily win a fight.

But then, the one they are fighting right now has multiple magic attributes, which is out of ordinary in any kind of ways. Dealing with a guy like him would still be challenging in addition of his new transformation.

Lucas who's flying, dramatically change into a newly peculiar form. A half, incomplete wing becomes apparent at the back of his right shoulder blade. His brilliant form illuminated the scene under a peaceful night sky.

[Vivian: Let's go!]

With Vivian's command, Ethan rushed and threw his shadow dagger upon Lucas... But unfortunately, his dagger disappeared the moment it came close to him. Due to his bright light, normal shadow attack won't work against him anymore.

Ethan thought of something at that time and came to a fine conclusion. He used his shadow doppelganger(turned into a dual weapon) and threw it towards Lucas once again. This time, it traveled without fading away. He consequently teleported to it and landed a direct hit against Lucas by striking him with another Akinaka.

Though, Lucas seemed to have no reaction as he fell down to the ground where full of rocks are awaiting him. He doesn't feel any pain from the damage he received. The only emotion he has as of now is anger.

[Vivian: Lightning magic- "Blazewing"]

Vivian was waiting for him to go down as she was preparing to charge forward and used a new skill. From a far distance, she rapidly made the gap smaller between them as she avoided those big rocks with the use of her skill.

Lucas simultaneously fused two magic attributes. Wind and Light magic, to create a powerful thunder as his defense against an incoming quick attack. His survival instinct tells him that this woman can't be underestimated.

A thunder flashes to the ground before him, her royal sword and skill that she used just now is on par with the spell Lucas cast. The rocks that surround them blew away from afar.

[Vivian: It's truly astonishing that you can fully block my attack now. To be frank, it kinda irritates me though..]

After clashing with each other, Ethan directly attacked Lucas from the back after a single delay of his movement caused by the spell he employed just now.

[Ethan: Shadow magic- "Silhouette slash"!!]

Using his weapons, Ethan diagonally slashed the space itself and creates two shadows that shape like an open arc(forming an X). With point-blank range, Lucas didn't have a chance to escape and continued to flew roughly about 30 meters away at the lowest altitude.

[Vivian: Ethan... You.. Are you even a Knight?]

[Ethan: Well, it's really unworthy to call someone a knight who attacks their enemies behind, but I don't have a choice. Do I?]

[Vivian: ..... Uhmnn... I.. Guess you have a point then...]

After exchanging conversation, The two receive an astounding wind magic from Lucas, who instantly appeared in front of them.

[Ethan: Princess!! Hold my hand!!!]

A violent tornado made them fly counterclockwise forcibly. Ethan initially held Vivian's hand for her not to stray too far away before the spell vanished. Eventually, they came to its eye where there's no any disturbance.

But it was all part of Lucas's plan, he used his lightning magic to infuse it into the tornado and created destructive lightning with the help of wind magic.

[Vivian: Kyaaahhhhh!!!]

[Ethan: kaaaahhhk!!]

Inside the tornado, the two acquired the pain of electricity together with a strong blast of wind. They failed to escape outside and considerably suffered after the tornado exploded like a bomb.

[Ethan: Princess... Are you.. Alright?...*Fainted*]

[Vivian: Ethan.... I thank you for protecting me. I shall end this.. Once and for all!]

In a few seconds before the tornado explodes, Ethan used his magic to cover Vivian. He pushed her inside the shadow to protect her from it.

[Vivian: Lucas, I shall end this. I have no time to act kind anymore.]

She made a serious expression as she covers herself with lightning armor. A tremendous mana gathered around her and began to get dense in one centered location.

[Vivian: I'm sorry but, this will hurt a lot. ROYAL LIGHTNING MAGIC- "DRAGON REQUIEM"]

*Royal magic differs from any kind of normal magic. For an instance, lightning magic can have a quick attack that can travel very fast. If it turned out to be a royal lightning magic, the quickness would be doubled or so..

Lucas used several kinds of magic defense and enhanced them to its utmost after noticing Vivian's next attack. At last, after charging a condensed royal magic. She released an absurd amount of lightning and instantly advanced towards him.

Vivian left no trace to the surrounding after moving insanely quick. But then, a few seconds later, the land she rushed by became a wasteland. The havoc got delayed by her enormous speed.

Even Lucas's top defenses(combined with other attributes) did not hold that much against her royal magic. She just pierces through any defenses in an instant and without a doubt, she finally reached Lucas. A fulmination took place from their location. Causing the land to create a crater. Finally, they finally stopped his rampaging...

To be continued...