Lily is a shy college student. With never having a lot of friends and a lack of romantic relationships she's hoping that college migh change her luck
The sound of an digital alarm clock Something that Lily has gotten quite used to lately
"Ugh i get it already"
"Argh stop" Lily grabbed the alarm clock turned it off and almost threw it at the wall
But she stopped herself and buried her head deeper in her pillow
"I hate Mondays"
Lily sat up in her bed and scratched her itchy left eye
She got up yawned and went to the bathroom
She went on to do her daily routine A quick pee Two minutes of brushing her teeth and a splash of water onto her face
She did have a shelf full of make up products
Moisturizer,primer, foundation,concealer, bronzer, blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss
But she had no need for any of that, she had nobody to impress nor did she want to look better for anybody
"Maybe one day" she sighed
She took out her phone and looked at the time "Oh fuck my class"
She found her place and sat down
Only a minute later and she would be in trouble
She never really liked history classes but she could sit through them
Alright class today is going to be a bit different
"It is going to be merged as miss Clarisse is absent due to health reasons"
"So these will be your new classmates for the time being "
The teacher pointed at the door Lily came through just a moment ago
People started walking in
She didn't know any of them, well not like that was any different for her, she didn't even really know the people in her class
The people that walked in were quite ordinary at least in her eyes
Except the last student
She was tall
Really tall
She might have been 6'2 (188cm)
And a real beauty, with a long black ponytail
Compared to her Lily felt like a plebeian
Like David next to Goliath
Lily looked around and there were no empty chairs except the one next to her
Oh no Lily thought
Wait why am i freaking out?
It's just a girl...a beautiful one but still....
Calm down...calm down
The chair next to Lily screeched backwards and a girl sat down on it gracefully
"Alright class since we have new students today we'll take it as you kids would say chill"
I can't focus, I can't focus!
Lily took out her diary and started doodling in it
The rest of the lecture Lily spent engrossed in her diary
Only after it was done did she realize what she had drawn
It was the girl sitting next to her as a vampire
With the teeth and blood dripping from her mouth
Oh no!
She quickly closed it out of embarrassment
Her head slowly turned to the girl beside her
The girls head was down looking at her phone
Lily quickly grabbed her diary and stuffed it into her bag
"Alright lesson is over"
Finally some free time
Lily left the classroom and headed straight to the cafeteria
There she patiently waited in line and finally got what she was looking for lasagna
She took her tray and found a table where nobody was sitting
She sat down put the tray on the table and took her diary out
She opened the diary on the page where she doodled the vampire
"I could have done the eyes better"
She took a bite out of the lasagna
"And the mouth "
Preoccupied by the drawing she hasn't noticed somebody walking up to her table and sitting next to her
While having another bite of the dull tasting lasagna she finally noticed, a human shape in the corner of her eye
A redness came upon her cheek
"You don't have to be embarrassed....i actually find it quite cute"
Her head slowly turned to the voice
It was the girl Lily was sitting next to
"Now that i take a closer look it resembles me a little bit"
A small smile appeared on her face
"You should probably close it or i might get another peek in"
Lily closed the diary while keeping eye contact with the girl
"Oh don't be so nervous"
" voice sounds different"
"Is that the first thing you say to somebody that approached you?" she laughed a little
"Oh..i'm very sorry...i'm Lily"
"I'm Samantha, but you can call me are a weird one Lily"
"Haha...i guess so"
"But what made you come here...since you seem to be really good at drawing wouldn't a school more focused on that be better?"
" parents thought this would be better career wise"
"Oh i get that, i get that"
Samantha took out her phone
"Oh, my friends are calling me.. i'll see you around Lily "
"Yeah bye, bye"