
Veiled Eclipse

Warning: Mature Content Trigger Warning: Abuse, Trauma, Psychological Chaos, a supreme ruler had killed thousands in order to achieve his throne... However, at what cost. his blessed mate, Erina, was stripped from him, and he is tormented endlessly by the moon goddess. when given a chance to finally find peace things seem to only take a turn for the worst...

Art_Ist_4411 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Dead or Alive?

A haunting howl pierced the stillness, reverberating through his mind until blood trickled onto his deep blue eyes, blinding him. Desperation gripped him as he helplessly clawed at his eyes, attempting to rid the wretched crimson veil that denied him sight but to no avail. Amidst the chaos, the air resonated with the anguished cries of innocent souls, their pleas for salvation falling upon deaf ears. Overwhelmed and directionless, he ran and ran, he ran as fast his supernatural paws could carry him, racing past the agonizing screams. Yet a question lingered deep within him—where was he running to?

"Chaos… Chaos my child, run to me" A woman's soothing voice sounded, echoing through his mind before an eerie silence descended and all the screams were hushed, leaving an unsettling calm. In that moment of stillness, Chaos' vision finally cleared, and his wolf that had guided him here had now retreated to the back of his consciousness, causing him to shift back into his human form. A painful ache gripped his heart at the sight that laid before him — bodies stacked one upon the other into one colossal mountain, crowned by a throne where a man that mirrored his own appearance sat in eerie authority with a condescending glare. The moon goddess… 

"Chaos, my dear child, have you returned to see the deaths you had caused?" she said with a wide grin on her face (chaos' face which she's using to conceal her own godly appearance) whilst playing with a crown that resembled his own. Chaos watched in horror at the massacre before him. "I… I didn't come here willingly… You bought me here! You bring me to stare at this, this…" he cried at a loss for words, gripping his chest in an attempt to relieve himself of the pain that encapsuled it. "Moon goddess you bring me here every night and repeat the same thing. It's been beyond a thousand generations and I have kept the peace. I'm begging you. Please. Please stop this cycle of endless torture. I have learned my lesson." He heaved staggering to his knees. Bile beginning to bubble up burning his throat at the disgusting sight. 

"Chaos darling, I am merely showing you what you had previously called a victory" 

"Moon goddess, in war, there is always some that must die for the cause. You, an almighty God, would know this better than anyone. A god who has watched over the earth for over millions of years. To bring peace there must be dea-"

"Don't justify your actions child before I lose my patience" she interrupted swiftly. "a war shouldn't have happened to begin with." Her voice etched with power boomed violently. Her piercing red eyes uncovering themselves from beneath chaos' blue ones (the ones which she is impersonating).

Chaos, who was on his hands and knees (one of his hands still on his chest), jerked in shock as the memories and emotions of those who died flashed before his eyes all at once. The moon goddess had done this often, she would replicate the feelings and memories of what had led to those lying before him as well as what had finally ended their lives… then she would bombard chaos' mind with them all at once. But… Something felt different this time… what is this feeling? 

"Chaos, my love." A soft voice whispered in his ears causing him to jump involuntarily. Contagious giggles sounded around him and he couldn't help but feel somewhat… peace… It was a beautiful melody he wished he could preserve for eternity. He could feel his wolf wagging its tail in sudden joy. But wait. Was he imaging this? Only one voice could ever make him feel such a way. But… the moon goddess would never allow it… Right? He looked up at the moon goddess, her eyes portraying no emotion. No. That's not right. There is something there... The smallest hint of fondness sparked her raging crimson eyes. 

Before he could get a hold on himself, chaos felt unwanted tears trickling down his cheeks, his body shaking uncontrollably. He looked at the ground, gripping it tightly as an attempt to try and stop himself from continuingly shaking and appearing weak. "Chaos? My love? What's wrong my darling?" her precious voice came again but this time accompanied with a warming touch as she wiped away his tears comfortingly, sparks rushing through him. 

He looked up from the ground, his eyes darting to the source of this sudden warmth, his eyes going black as his wolf tried surfacing causing the beautiful angel before him to giggle even more after acknowledging his joy in seeing her. But he didn't mind. He had missed hearing it after being separated from his mate for millennia's.

 "Erina…" his voice came out horse and dry. "Erina!" he tried again, louder. "Erina" he repeated more tears bursting out as he threw his large form over his mates small one This time, they both giggled as he covered her with kisses. Addictive sparks rushed through his body at the long-forgotten felling of his mate's soft body. But… Something was off. Her body was glowing – almost like… a spirit. Her silver hair glowed more elegantly than the midnight moon. Her golden eyes shining brighter than the sun. her very form was accompanied by glowing orbs emphasizing her heavenly attributes. "Erina" he started, sitting up once he finally got a hold of himself. She hummed as an invitation for him to continue. "What is this?" he asked bluntly, a gentle smile forming on his mate's sweet face, but no answer came in response. Instead, she turned to the moon goddess as if seeking permission to speak. However, the moon goddess, of course, denied her wish and spoke in her place. 

"Chaos. You and the whole of the werewolf population, as you are aware, are my children - in the sense that I have created you." She began. "Erina is my child by blood" she said, her expression darkening. Chaos had already known this however, and so was not too shocked by this information. "Many seek out the powers which she has be granted and they go past terrible extents to accomplish their goals." She continued. "But does that mean she is alive?" he blurted out. His chest heaved as all the memories of being separated from his mate came flooding into his mind. He had believed she were dead and has never fully recovered from the loss. He had believed that it was one of his punishments for the crimes which he had committed. 'If she were alive, she would have returned.' His wolf reassured him but he too was unsure and deeply afraid- afraid of the response to come…