
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Terrifying Carnage

"The commanders will be here momentarily my Lord" Julieta lowered her head as she spoke to Jon, He was extremely upset by the thought of the commanders failing to do their jobs and caused he parents death, He could careless about anyone else that died as they were not important in the slightest.

"Julieta never bow to me again, You are my closest friend and I will not allow you to change you behavior with me" I said in a low tone still staring at the door from the throne, "Ok Jon since you don't mind I won't treat you any differently" Julieta showed a gentle smile on her face but inwardly her heart was pounding very hard as she was very excited by the way Jon was treating her.

There was a knock at the door "I have brought the commanders to the throne room as ordered" Jerome stated waiting for the order to enter the room but before that could happen, One of the commanders pushed him aside and pushed the door open on his own, "Move aside fool we want to see the trash who thinks they can order us around" Jerome shuddered in fear at this sight as he was watching them go to their death, He could feel the aura coming from the room just now but what shocked him the most was once the commander touched the door the aura disappeared immediately.

"Where did Lord Black go?!" He thought to himself as he looked in the throne room from the open door.

"Who is the trash beneath me that acted high and mighty to have us brought here?" The commander who spoke was the high commander of the entire military and has been getting very complacent in his position as he even promoted his closest friends to that of high ranking officers that had never been in the military.

"You have been brought to the throne room to answer for your crimes for letting those creature run rampant killing innocents and destroying village's that supplied food and resources to our kingdom" Julieta said to the four of them with a disgusted look on her face.

The commanders looked at Julieta with a confused look on their faces, "Pfft.....BWAHAHAHAHAHA" "You think you can order us around and charge us for crimes, I am the high commander of the military and these lands, What I do and say is law and no woman will tell me what is right or wrong and we don't answer to trash like you who are beneath us.

They turned to leave and were looking at the doorway when the door suddenly slammed shut with enough force to shake the room, "What's going on here? Who's there? The four commanders were obviously terrified at this moment.

"I never stated it was me who ordered you to come here or to be charged for your crimes" Julieta stated with a distorted smile on her face showing he sharp fangs.

The four men standing in a circle drew there swords and you could see them shaking n their armor, "There is nothing here, I can't see anything that would have caused that".

"Neither did I"

"What tricks are you playing with us you peasant?" The high commander was deeply angry at this point as he showed glowing eyes at Julieta.

"As I just informed you, I am not the one who order you to be brought here" Julieta could no longer help the smile on her face.

Soon the closest light to the commanders went out and so did the one on the other side, Before the commanders could react to see if they noticed what caused it all of a sudden they could hear clapping coming from the throne, When they turned to look in the direction of the throne all they could see were hands clapping and bright deep red eyes glowing from the shadows around the throne.

"Who do you think you are to be sitting there? Trash commoners like you have no right to sit in that throne" The commanders pointed their swords towards the throne in a treating manner as a killing intent came forth from them trying to scare the man sitting on the throne, But what they have failed to even notice was the man sitting on the throne was the Lord of the castle.

In a low tone I spoke to Julieta to where she could only hear me, She nodded as she turned towards the four men "If you get down and beg, Your lives will end quickly and without pain if you keep being defiant you will died a very slow and painful death".

"You don't have the right to speak nonsense with me woman, Plus I have to best hearing in the country and that person did not speak at all so you a trying to act like your in charge with a peace of trash sitting there to act tough in your place, Since the though of a woman in charge of anything is laughable".

The men started to laugh again "This is just about as funny to listen to as watching the worthless villagers getting slaughtered by the creatures we released.

Julieta stared in shock at the men's comment just now, Before she could react to this she had a deep chill go down her spine as she could feel the deadly aura coming from Jon at this point, He grabbed the arm rests of the throne so hard that they splintered into pieces, The aura that was released was so dense it felt as if a mountain had fallen on top you you.

"Did you enjoy killing the villagers?" I spoke in a deep low tone that was heard even by the guards outside the door which caused them fear, The men stopped laughing when they were asked a question from the man on the throne as at this point they could feel the killing intent coming from this man.

"Don't try to act tough infront of us boy" One of the commanders spoke but before he could speak another word his head fell to the floor, in a spay of blood that covered the other three commanders and all over the floor where he was standing.

They could not see the man on the throne move at all and they didn't have time to react before they're friend lost his life in a instance "What the hell just happened!?!?!?!" The other three were so terrified at the scene of what just happened, They could not control their fear any longer that they was constantly shaking and could not stand still.

"HOW DARE YOU KILL MY FRIEND" The high commander yelled at Jon, Again it was futile the commander was about to come at Jon who was sitting on the throne bit before he could move he felt a sharp pain that made him drop to the floor in a pool of blood.

"AAAAAHHHHHH" The high commander was screaming out in extreme pain when he noticed his lower half of his legs have been cut off at the knees, He looked at his friends to ask for help but noticed they had shocked expressions on their faces "What's wrong with you two, Help me escape from here!!!" In that moment he noticed red lines on his friends and watched them explode in to pieces of flesh and blood as they fell to the floor.