
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Taking Control

Now that my orders have been received and set for the soldiers to follow without fail the head knight left the throne room and shit the door behind him.

I ended up destroying the table that I was standing at in my rage of the thought of my family being killed by those creature that day, I could not hold it in anymore and I broke down on the spot and let the tears flow as I slammed the floor with my fists.

Julieta looked at my with sadness in her eye's, She could tell I was hurting alot from the situation as I was torn away from my family without any reason at all, She came up next to me got down on her knees and just held me and let me cry without saying a word.

After awhile I finally calmed down and just sat there on the floor and made a decision in my heart that I will never allow anyone or anything take what's mine again from me, If they try I will destroy anyone or anything in my path and will not think twice about it.

I look at Julieta with a gentle smile on my face and just put my hand on her head, I could feel my heart beat faster when she was holding me and I felt alot calmer with her near me, I could explain this feeling as I haven't experienced it before with another person but it made me feel like I could not ever lose her, I will never let harm come to her and will always protect her.

"Julieta why do people here all treat me like I'm the Lord of this place? What is going on?" I finally asked once the issue a moment ago was taken care of.

Julieta looks at me with a gentle smile as she is still hold onto me "It is because you are the heir to the throne of castle Black, Your parents that raised you were the right hand servants of the previous Lord and Lady of the castle, They were tasked with protecting you until you became of age to be able to return to your home to take the throne".

I just simply stare in shock as she says this to me, "Are you telling me that my parents who raised me from birth are not my real parents just people tasked with my care??? Then where are my real parents???" I asked her with a deeply confused look on my face and tears in my eyes.

"Your parents ordered them to run away with you cause at that time there was a war that was treating your family and they were afraid to lose you, In the end they lost their life to protect you but not before rebuilding the kingdom during the war so you would have a proper home to come back to" Julieta just spoke to me in a gentle and calm tone.

I turned my head and drifted off in thought trying to figure out all of this new information that I have just received when I hear a knock at the door, "Permission to enter Sire?" I could hear Jerome at the door asking to enter I don't say anything and nod in agreement.

Julieta nods and informs Jerome to enter "You may enter".

Jerome comes into the room and noticed the mess in the throne room and sighed, "I will get the maids to clean up the throne room, Why don't you and Lady Valora head to the terrace and try to relax a little bit I will have drinks brought to you in a few moments.

We nodded in agreement and Julieta lesd the way to the terrace where a elegant set of chairs and table were located looking over the whole kingdom from up high, "This is a absolutely beautiful view of the kingdom, I really can not believe this whole area is under my care now" I say with a gentle smile on my face.

Julieta looks at me with a loving smile on her face, "Your parents would be proud of you for dealing with problems as a Lord should, The parents you grew up with would also be proud of the man you have become"

I sigh when I think of the fact I have two different families, The loving family I had growing up but now a royal family in this kingdom that I never had the opportunity to get to know.

I look at Julieta as we sit there under the moon light, "I can already guess we are not normal humans are we?".

Julieta smiled and said "You are correct, We are the strongest race on this planet as we are Vampires but your blood line is the original Vampires where is all began".

I look at her in shock "If that is the case, How did my birth parents lose their lives?" I really wanted to know that especially if our family were the first Vampires to ever walk this planet and are the strongest.

"Your parents performed a enchantment to protect you in the village and it rebuilt this kingdom and protected it until you were able to come back, Something went wrong with it and that's why those creatures attacked all of a sudden in the village, Because of the enchantment breaking your birth parents sacrificed their own essence to give you a chance to survive the creature attack"

I become very upset again, "I will find out the cause of this and will end anyone that had a hand it causing the death of those close to me".

"How long was I asleep after being attacked?" I ask with a serious look upon my face.

"I am not sure how to tell you this, It has been three years since the incident at the village, I had already ordered a few night shortly after it happened to find your parents and bury them on the farm".

Three years have passed while I slept, What else has changed since then I thought to myself as I sit there looking out over the kingdom, During that time I had no memories of what was going on around me at all and I didn't realize I was take to the castle to heal.

"Who rescued my when I was injured?"

"Me and a rew elite knights came and found you out cold on the ground, We rushed you back here to rest and heal, No one knew T the time if you would awake again, I did not give up hope on you during this time as I've personally seen you beat the odds again and again"

"I will never allow anything like this to happen ever again in the kingdom" I spoke to myself clinching my fists, I will show everyone what happens when you mess with me.