
Vampire Lord Awakens

I sit here upon my throne, The lord of the most powerful family in the world and the most feared for our strength and brutality, I tend to think of my old life before it all began and also all I have done in my undead life from the beginning to where I sit now. I have been walking in this world of darkness and blood for 2000 years, I have seen much of this world as history has progressed and civilizations have come and gone before my eyes, I still go by my old home and pay my late parents the respect they deserve and I make sure the land my father worked so hard on was still taken care of. No one from the vampire world ever causes trouble in this area because out of everything in this world, this is the only good I have ever done and no one will destroy what I have protected. I am Lord Black and I will destroy anyone and anything in my path who crosses me and hurts what's mine.

Gothic_Giant · Fantasie
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24 Chs

New Beginning

I don't know how long I have been asleep this time it feels like ages since I have used my eye's or moved my body, I can hear a familiar voice mixed with a few other unknown voices " Am I safe?" Not knowing what's going on around me at this time.

"What are we gonna do with him"

"We don't know if he will survive"

"What if he becomes one of those damned creature we try to keep in check"

"Am I gonna become a monster?" So many arguments going on in this room, I can hear then clear as day but I just cannot open my eye's or move, Hopefully I am in a safe place otherwise I might not be able to make it out of here with my life.

"He will become stronger then any of us around here tonight, He will bring great things to our kind" The familiar voice stated to the group but it was unclear as to what planned they had planned for me and there was nothing I could do to resist the plans that awaited me in these dark time's.

I finally awake to find myself in a dimly lit room without any windows to be seen, I'm still having some issue's moving but I am able to sit up on my end with some struggle, I look around the room as my vision slowly returns to normal.

"You are finally awake Lord Black" I look to my side and see a young woman who is dressed as a maid standing next me, "Lord Black? What is going on?" I asked the young woman in a confused tone and look on my face not knowing anything about where I am or what has happened since I passed out in the forest.

"I will help you dress and take you to someone who will be able to explain what is going on"

"Ok but could you atleast tell me who you are?"

"I am sorry sire but I am not to answer any questions until you have been properly filled in?

I nodded in agreement but still very confused as to my whereabouts and the situation I'm in, Something that has my mind racing the most and I can't stop think of is why this maid has called me Lord Black and sire, I guess the person I am supposed to get my questions answered from will have to wait for the moment and just focus on what's in front of me.

The maid brings a mirror in front of me and I finally got to see myself, I took a look at myself and realized that I was dressed and in a well made black and red suit, I noticed my eye's have changed to a dull red and my hair had changed to a grayish silver color and that I have become a bit taller roughly 6' which it through me off due to the fact before I was 5'10.

"What happened to me?" with a shocked expression on my face I tried to make sense of it, "Please follow me my Lord" The maid made a gesture with her hand to follow her, I nodded in agreement and followed behind her as we were walking I noticed that the corridor started to become wider and started to change from ordinary cracked and gray bricks lining the walls floor and ceiling to a beautiful onyx colored stone work with beautifully crafted statues with a deep red carpet lining the center of the hallway.

Once through the hallway we come to a door which the maid moved to open, What I saw before me had me stuck in place as I was in shock, We came out of what seemed to be Mazalium in front of a massive castle standing tall and imposing in the darkness evening I have ever seen.

To my shock even though it was night it seemed like it was a bright day out on the field's with my father, When that thought came to my mind I broke down and could contain the pain and I dropped to my knees, "Lord Black?!" The maid looked at me frantically and scared as I fell to the ground I slammed my hands on the ground.

What I seen before me when I slammed my hands down was a big crack and my fists were in the ground, When I brought my hands back up there were no cuts, Nothing was broken and it did not hurt at all when I slammed the ground "What is going on with me" I think inwardly to myself as I look at the hole in front of me.

"Sire are you alright" The maid looks at me with terror in her eye's as if she has never seen that before, I stand back up and dust myself off "I'm fine" I say in a calm tone as I look at the maid and notice she is still looking at me wide eyed, She comes back to her sense and asks "Shall we continue towards the castle" I nodded in agreement and start to walk behind the maid towards the castle.

We come in front of the castle when the guards make way as we approach, I stopped to look up at the castle and I got a strange feeling of safety and home coming from the castle as it was welcoming and owner home, I couldn't place the feeling at the time but I did not have time to wonder about this as I was told the one who would be able to answer my question was awaiting me inside.

I walk in through to massive front door and as I walk through the main entrance hall I noticed everyone staring at me in shock and terror, I noticed as I walked I stand alot taller then everyone else around me and they move out of my way in a instant, I look around the room as I move through it with large strides not realizing I've made it to the main staircase in a instance.

I stop at the stairs and turn my head to see everyone shudder in fear when I do, "Why are they looking at me like that".

"You will know everything in a moment my Lord" The maid mentioned as we continued up the stairs.

"Was that Lord Black? He has a terrifying aura about him"

"Did you see how tall he was, There is no doubt he is the Lord of the realm"

"He moved so quickly through the parlor that I did not hear his footsteps"

As everyone was talking silently to each other, I could hear every word that was spoke and I spoke in a low rumble "QUIET", When I spoke the entire castle shock slightly and scared everyone below me, In turn it shocked me as well as I did not know I was capable of that I turned towards the maid that was guiding me around, She to was scared of what happened but still took me towards another massive set of doors that had amazing designs on it and blackened wood for its face.