
Vampire King In Legacies

Guy dies and gets reincarnated with 6 wishes into the world of the originals by the One Above All Warning: I DONT OWN ANYTHING IN THIS FANFIC. AND IF YOU DONT LIKE RIDICULOUSLY OVERPOWERED MC THIS AINT FOR YOU CUZ.

RealHybrid · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


Alaric was in his office investigating the knife, and its origins when he heard a noise from his window. But he just shrugged it off, however unknown to him, it was the gargoyle that wanted the knife.

In MT's or Dorian's magic class, the witches were in a circle doing some witchy stuff until a letter came flying from above. The letter called for Lizzie and Josie Saltzman. This time, Hope didn't get punished because she didn't use any more black magic. Lizzie and Josie were then sent to pick up trash and paint with the other kids that fought.

Landon and Rafael were in the woods eating a rabbit, while Landon was trying to explain why he lied and took the knife.

Lizzie, MG, and Calub were cleaning the windows when the kids from the school of Timberwolves came, and the guy that played in the football game purposely spilled his drink on Lizzie. Lizzie returned to the school furious while walking right past the gargoyle. She walked into Alaric's office where he was having a conversation with the therapy teacher and she interrupted. After she was done blaming Alaric, she went to the garden where Pedro saw the gargoyle move closer and closer. It eventually arrived in front of them and they made a run for it. Lizzie went inside and did a containment spell before getting scratched by the gargoyle. Alaric found her while some students were surrounding her. He called Dorian to look for information about gargoyles and how to kill them.

Landon and Rafael were making money because of Rafael and his wolf powers, but after they were done and back in the woods, they got shot with sleeping darts and woke up tied with chains. They met Jeremy and he told them that he was watching them for Alaric and was going to take them back to school.

In school, Alaric came into Hope and Silver's room. He asked them to come downstairs and that they were under lockdown. They went downstairs where they saw all the students in a circle and Lizzie was on a couch.

Alaric: " Can you heal her?" He asked Silver since he knew his blood was more potent.

Silver: " I can try," He said while getting over to the couch. He got to the couch and bit his wrist, no blood came out because he heals too fast so he used blood manipulation to make a blood drop from his wrist and into Lizzie's mouth. After a few seconds, the erosion stopped and her wound healed, however, she could only move her legs while her arms could twitch a little. She still couldn't talk but that was probably for the best.

Alaric: " Thank you," He said before running off and telling Silver and Hope to keep the kids safe while he went to get the knife. After he got the knife, he walked the hallways carefully and then spotted the gargoyle. He tried to carefully and quietly attack it but it easily caught his hand and took the knife.

But when the gargoyle was going outside, he was blocked by the containment spell that he remembered Lizzie used, so he went back into the school. In the hallways, the gargoyle was walking while scratching along the walls. The therapy teacher used an invisibility spell on the room the kids are in. The gargoyle came to the door of the room and stared inside. After staring at it for a few seconds, it left leaving the therapy teacher breathing heavily. Hope and Silver were almost ready to attack but Alaric told them not to engage until they know how to kill the gargoyle. Josie still had twin pain and took the book from Dorian and ran to the school. She arrived and Alaric came up behind her. He asked her what she was doing here and she said that she felt twin pain so she came with the book on how to defeat a gargoyle. And she also said that she took down the containment spell to get in so their monster can get out. Alaric read the book and it was useless because all it said was to hit it hard.

Alaric came with Josie to the dining room to find the kids and the therapy teacher. The teacher then opened the door and came out.

Alaric: " I need Silver and Hope"

TT: " The-"

Hope: " So did you find out how to kill it yet?" She asked interrupting Jemma.

Alaric: " In a nutshell. Hit it hard."

Silver: " Are you kidding me? I could've done that the whole time?"

Alaric: " Well...yeah?"

Silver: " Ugg, where is this statue." He said walking out of the room with Hope. However, the gargoyle was right up the stairs looking at them.

Silver: " Good, now I don't have to find you"

Hope: " Are you sure you can handle it?"

Silver: " Uhm, fought a dragon right? A gargoyle can't be bad"

Hope: " Good point"

The gargoyle flew down the stairs and landed on the ground in front of them. Silver was thinking about what power he should use, but in the end, he chose fire manipulation.

Silver: " Hope, can you contain the fire I'm about to make in a small area around him?"

Hope: " Yeah"

Silver said that because the tricky part about fire manipulation is, his fire is so hot that it could burn through spells at its strongest. But this time he used it as weakly as possible. A fire tornado started to surround the gargoyle while Hope chanted a spell making the fire a little smaller and a little less hot. The fire still burned the gargoyle turning it to ash in a couple of seconds.

Silver: " Phew, hi five babe," He said holding his hand up for a high five.

Hope: " *giggle*," She said ignoring the high five and giving him a passionate kiss that he returned.

Alaric: " *cough* Uhum," He said interrupting the two love birds.

Hope: " Ugh fine, let's go to our room"

Silver: " Hehe, ill bring you there." He said picking up Hope and vamp sped to their room.

Alaric at night then told the students, all the students what happened as a warning. With the dragon, and now the gargoyle. And to stick together as a family, as one.

Landon and Rafael arrived later on and Hope and I were sitting on the couch together glaring at him. He sighed internally and walked away to find Rafael.

At night, outside of the Salvatore school, Dana the girl who played in the match against the Salvatore school and is from the school of the Timberwolves was parked there with her friend. They were planning to paint and deface the school but Sasha stepped out of the car to get a signal because she wanted to call someone, however, she was attacked by something and screamed. Dana who heard this was surprised and scared at the same time for a little and looked out the window to find her. But just as she closed the window, something dented the roof of the car. She was scared until she looked up ahead and what she saw made her scream like she was pregnant. [ A/N: Extra chap for this week since I had a little free time]