
Vampire Diaries: Blood [BL]

What happened when a boy with a bloodline that had been extinct appeared in Mystic Town? Surely nothing will go wrong, right? Warning!!!This IS BXB!!! TVD FANFICTION

Cannonfodder22_ · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Revelation

Damon POV


Damon was in his room after making his dear brother's life miserable and meeting Elena, who looked so much like Katherine. If he did not know Elena, he would have thought it was Katherine. And the blue-eyed kid, Alec. He looked truly beautiful. It's the truth, only blind people would say otherwise. Damon scrutinised him, standing in front of Elena with a fighting stance facing him.

The ways he carried himself as if he didn't give a fuck to anything that happened around him, but also the one who noticed every action. But Damon felt something amiss with Alec. He doesn't smell any fear, nervousness, or anything, he could smell Elena's nervousness in the air, but not him. Heck, Damon can't smell his odour. That boy was fearless as he stared back at him dead in the eyes. 'Is it possible that he's a vampire' but Damon abandoned the idea as he could hear a heartbeat and pulse beating on him. 

If he's a witch, Damon might know, but he looked human enough except for the lack of smell. "What are you? Doll." Damon said, smirking to himself with an evil glint in his eyes.



He was on a street full of humans as they waited for the comet event. In hiding, of course, he doesn't want Stefan, the mood killer, to notice him. Where is the fun in that? When he caught sight of his prey, Damon just waited for Alec to be alone, then he attacked. As Damon watched, Alec left Elena and Bennet's sides and went to talk with the others. A few minutes before the comet, Damon saw an opportunity to trap Alec because he was alone.

Damon pulled Alec and slammed his back against the walls, shocking the others. When their eyes met, Damon smirked at the boy's attempt to escape from his grasp. Damon admired the boy's face " Now, now. Why don't you calm down, huh, doll?" Damon said, grinning at the boy as he watched Alec's face turn from frowning to pissed off after hearing the nickname. "What the fuck doll?! My name is Alec," he yelled. "I'm curious," Damon said as he traced Alec's features with his eye. "Why can't I smell any emotion out of you? There's no fear, nervousness, anger, or nothing." finished Damon as he stared into Alec's eyes.

A truly breathtaking sight indeed. "What are you? You're not normal, are you?" But before the boy could retort, Damon smelled the intoxicating scent of blood. His face changed as his blue eyes turned black, with veins protruding and sharp fangs. He tried to control it but lost it after he saw Alec's stunned face. Damon bit down on the side of Alec's neck while covering his mouth and sucked his blood as the comet passed by. Once Damon tasted the blood, he couldn't stop. He held Alec's waist more tightly when he felt Alec keep moving around. He felt euphoric as he sucked the blood with relish.

As he sucked the boy's blood, Damon moaned at the heavenly taste and felt the power surge. He had never tasted something like this before. He muttered something as he continued sucking the blood without showing any sign of stopping. Suddenly, he was thrown over his back, hitting the ground. Damon tried to get back as he saw Stefan trying to snap his neck, and he punched him in the gut hard, making Stefan fly a couple of feet away.

Then, without thinking, Damon used his vamp speed in front of Alec, who tried hard to clutch the wound. Before he could do anything, he was knocked over, and the last thing he saw before closing his eyes was Stefan's bloodlust face.



Stefan POV


After stopping Damon from sucking Alec's blood dry, Stefan tried to calm him down and force his vampiric features back to normal. He was having a hard time controlling himself when he smelled Alec's blood. After Elena went away, Stefan followed where the smell came from and quickly dismantled Damon from Alec, who seemed unwell.

His vampiric nature started to show as the smell of blood became stronger. Stefan was shocked to see Damon losing control like this, and before he could knock Damon unconscious, Damon landed a punch on his gut, making him fly a couple of feet away. Stefan felt astounded. He knew Damon was strong, but was this stronger? Catching sight of Damon in front of Alec, Stefan immediately snapped his neck while Damon was still in a trance. Before leaving, he made eye contact with Alec and fled from there in case he lost control of himself.


Stefan saw that Damon woke up, looking around confused, before setting his sights on Stefan. "Why did you attack him, Damon?!" he yelled, feeling tired of Damon's games. He went to Damon's side and saw him wobble slightly, but then he was being thrown over to the floor unprepared.

Stunned, Stefan looked up at Damon, seeing him looking confused too. "I swear I didn't use full strength. Or maybe you're too weak, Stefan." he heard Damon say, smirking. Stefan glared at Damon as he was getting up. "Answer my question, Damon. Why did you attack him." Stefan demanded. "Ugh fine," Damon said, walking to the kitchen to get his alcohol as Stefan followed closely behind. After gulping down the whole drink, Damon continues, "I was trying to figure out who he is in case he gets on my way," he says in a bored tone. "But before I could ask more, I was intoxicated by the sweet smell of his blood. Maybe he gets a cut while struggling. Anyway, I lose control and bite him." Damon says he's seriously surprising Stefan.

"His blood is nothing I've ever tasted before, and it makes me addicted to it. This is the first time I lost control. Also, it makes me feel stronger than normal, and I'm sure, you'll be worse at controlling yourself  than me," Damon continued. "Well, his blood sure does have a fatal attraction to us, vampire," Stefan said, looking concerned about this as he ignored Damon's last remark. "And wanna know another interesting thing, Stefan? I sucked his blood roughly for about 5 minutes, yet he still hasn't passed out from the lack of blood." He heard Damon say it with a glint in his eyes.

"What?! Impossible. No human can stand that long," he yelled, feeling unbelievable. "Whatever, dear brother. Now, I have a reason for staying here longer," Damon said as he gave Stefan a playful smirk with an underlying meaning behind it. "Don't touch him, Damon! Leave him alone!" I exclaimed as Damon left to head upstairs. "You should be worried about how to explain this situation to him, Stefan, or COMPELLED him to forget, but can you?" Damon said this with slightly mocking tones, grinning at Stefan's face before leaving.



End of Damon and Stefan's POV -



Through a little opening in the curtain, sunshine poured down on the sleeping figure. Opening his eyes, Alec groaned as he woke up and sat on his bed. His body felt unusually exhausted. Then, a memory from last night flooded Alec's mind. All the sleepiness was gone as Alec recalled the memory from last night. He was unsure how to handle this. Stefan would definitely come looking for him, maybe trying to explain things.

But for the other Salvatore, he would probably kill him in case he made a fuss or exposed them. Not that Alec would do that, but still. He didn't want to go to school right now and possibly hide from Stefan, but he knew sooner or later Stefan or Demon? would find him.

They're a vampire, for goodness sake.  Putting that aside, he checked his phone and saw a lot of messages from Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie asking him where he was. Ugh, I'll be damned. Alec can imagine the trio forcing him to tell them what happened. Four of them got closer, and it made Alec feel less lonely. Not that he would admit it out loud. Alec gaslights himself into thinking everything will be great today as he makes his way to the bathroom.


Before going out, Alec pulled the hoodie up to cover his neck, and though it was barely covered, it made him feel slightly better. As he opened the front door, he searched around for anyone. He went out and promptly locked the door, thinking it was safe. He turned around and stood motionless in place as he was met with a blue-eyed, smirking Damon.

Alec tried to run away, which proved to be an idiotic move as Damon easily restrained him. He fought back, but failed miserably. "Hello there, doll. I see you're looking great today," says Damon with humour as he yanked down the hood as Alec covered the place where it was bitten last night. Damon's gaze lingered there for a moment before looking at Alec. Alec could do nothing about it and just glared hard at Damon's stupid smirk. "I'm not going to beat around the bush, last night was something I couldn't forget, but too bad you're going to forget about it," Alec heard Damon say, feeling confused. "Are you going to kill me?" Alec asked calmly.

"Kill you? I've thought about that," Damon says in playful tones as Alec stiffens. "But you're too valuable, so I'm not going to do it... yet." "Then, what do you want to do to me?" Alec asked, perplexed. "Oh, what I'm going to do is..." Damon trailed off the last sentence before holding Alec's head as he leaned down, his face inches away from Alec's face.

Alec flinched, looking straight at Damon's eyes as he saw his pupils dilated and heard him saying, "Forget what happened last night. You're not being attacked by a vampire. Nothing attacked you-... But before Damon could continue, he said, "Wait, what are you doing?! Asking me to forget? How could I forget about it?! You almost killed me!?" Alec yelled. Damon looked stunned for a moment.

Then, he started checking my body and sniffing for something. "Why doesn't it work, No vervain." Alec heard Damon mutter to himself quietly, so quiet that Alex could barely hear. He took this opportunity to escape from Damon. Damon, coming out of his daze, wanted to catch Alec. Alec felt frantic but heard himself yelling "STOP" towards Damon. What surprised him was that Damon stopped moving forward. Damon looked as stunned as Alec. Seeing this, Alec quickly went to his car and sped off.



Alec was in the car, calming his nerves. "What is it that asshole is trying to do," Alec mumbled, feeling unsure. That guy seems confident that Alec will do what is told. Maybe he tried to use his vampire power on him? And now he needs to face Stefan in school. Hell,they have the same subject this morning. Would he try to do what his brother tried to do to me? But it seems that whatever he wants to do doesn't work for me. So, maybe Stefan's power can't work either. And Alec had a hunch that he would be more entangled with the Salvatore brothers from now on. Well, considering that he knew about their secret.



After Alec went to his locker, Elena and Bonnie spotted him, and as Alec went over to them, they bombarded him with a lot of questions. "Where did you go last night? Why didn't you answer our call and message? Do you know how worried we are," Elena asked with a stern voice, laced with concern. "I'm sorry, I felt unwell last night. When I got home, I forgot to tell you guys." I said it with an apologetic smile "And I'm feeling well now after sleeping." I added knowing they gonna ask me. "Well, that's good, Alec, next time don't do this. And you owe us both for ditching us since you're our home ride," Bonnie said as Elena grinned at me.



Then, Elena's mood changed. I swear, I can figure out the girl's mood. They'll be happy, and the next moment, they'll either feel sad or angry. "Spit it out," she says, looking at Bonnie. I just listen to them talk, trying to figure out what has gone on. "I accidentally touched Stefan. And I got a really bad feeling." What she said made my thoughts run wild. Bonnie does say she's sort of a witch from a powerful bloodline.

I didn't doubt her being a witch,  and if she was indeed a witch, I wouldn't be too surprised considering I've met one. But what she said made me think, is it possible that she could feel Stefan was different? "Is that it?" Elena responded, and Bonnie was about to walk off, but she held her wrist. "Bonnie!" "It was bad!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Is this the whole mojo thing again?" Elena asked. "You know what? I am just concerned. This is me expressing my concern about my best friend's new boyfriend." Oh, they're already together.

"And I love you for it, I do. But I feel good. It's been a hard year, and I'm starting to feel like things are going back to normal again. And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that." She says this as they smile at each other. I wouldn't say it would be normal since Stefan is a vampire. I had a feeling things would be far from normal.


As we walked, Stefan walked over to us. "Good morning, Elena, Bonnie, ... Alec." He says he is smiling at us, though I could see his smile stiffening when he looked at me. I just nodded at him before looking away. Stefan's vampiric face is still fresh in my mind. "Hey, I gotta go find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later." Bonnie said that and walked off. "Uh, I'll go with her," I said before walking away from the awkward situation. But I heard, " Bonnie... Not Alec too." I don't want to make her feel bad, but I don't want to be near Stefan for now.


We are in Tanner's class right now as he speaks about World War II. "World War II ended in...Does anyone get anything? Mr. Wadsworth?." He asked, making me break up from my thought. "Uh, nineteen forty-five..." I answered unsure. "Correct, but please focus your attention in front of me, Mr.Wadsworth." He says this as I just nod my head. I heard Elena and Stefan whispering to each other as Mr.Tanner interrupted their chatter. "Miss Gilbert?" he said. "Hm?" "Pearl Harbour?" he asked Elena. "Uh..." Elena says, but Stefan's butt in, "December seventh, nineteen forty-one." He answered as Elena looked at him, smiling. "Thank you, Miss Gilbert," Tanner said sarcastically, and we all laughed at that.

"Any time," Stefan replied, smiling. Then Mr.Tanner just named an event, and Stefan answered them all correctly. If I knew he wasn't a vampire, I would probably admire his knowledge. It went on until " Haa! It ended in fifty-two." Tanner says with a smug smile as he walks back to his desk. "Actually, sir, it was fifty-three." He turned around after hearing Stefan say that. "Look it up, somebody. Quickly." He spoke out. "It was nineteen... fifty-three." someone said as we all clapped for Stefan, and I smirked seeing Mr. Tanner's sour face.



Before I went to my car, Elena stopped me. "Hey Alec, I was wondering if you could come to my house tonight. It's just dinner. Bonnie, you, me, and Stefan." she asked me. "Before you refuse, I just want you to go with Bonnie to make her feel less awkward. Plus, I've seen your interaction with Stefan, you and Bonnie can spend quality time together." Elena asked as she looked at me with her doe eyes.

I was about to answer, but she said,"Consider this as compensation for ditching us last night." Elena grinned, seeing as I admitted defeat. "Alright, I'll go alright," I said, reassuring her. "Perfect! Eight o'clock.." she stated before walking away.


When I was about to enter my house. I was grabbed by my arms, but I quickly punched the culprit in the face. "Hey, relax! It's me. Stefan." I heard Stefan say as he touched his nose. "Stefan?! Why are you here? Wait! Is it about last night?" I asked, surprised to see him here. I thought he would never confront me, considering he didn't say anything at school.  "I- I guess. I mean, Damon told me when he tried to compel you, it didn't work." He told me with a serious expression, but I could tell he was curious about it too.

"Look, if you're worried that I revealed your kind existence, then you have nothing to worry about. I won't go around telling people about vampires. I'm not that suicidal." I yelled while scrutinising his face. He looked shocked for a split second. "You're not frightened?" he asked me as he looked at my face. "To be honest, I am. I mean,, your brother almost killed me. But I already accepted it. And I've met a witch too. So, it made it easier for me to put up with those facts." I revealed it to him. "You met a witch?" "Well yeah... Anyway, what do you mean by 'compelled'?" I changed the topicbecauses I don't want to talk about it.



He noticed it too, but just went along with me. "  It's a skill possessed by vampires; they are able to influence humans by making suggestions, ordering them around, wiping them out, and/or altering their memories," he explained to me. I let that information sink into my mind. "So... Damon tried to wipe my memories about the fact that he attacked me?" I asked. "Um yeah." He looked uncomfortable now as I mentioned last night's occurrence.

"Wow! That sounds cool, though, but not so cool when it's about to be used on me." I said it in a joking manner to ease the awkwardness. "Yes, it is," he replied, grinning. "Uhmm... Do you by any chance have vervain?" he asked me. Now I don't know what he's talking about, so I just shake my head. He was about to ask more, but I interrupted him "Can we talk about the rest at some other time? We had dinner at Elena's house, remember?" He looked hesitant but said yes nonetheless.



I arrived at Elena's house with Bonnie, and she practically begged me to give her a ride. It baffled me how easy it is for us to become close since she hardly feels comfortable with Stefan. It's a blessing, I guess. I get to know them. As Elena opened the door, she beamed at us as she invited us in. We helped Elena prepare for dinner since we came earlier. Bonnie and Elena have a conversation as I help set the table.

And then I heard Elena ask Bonnie, "Have you talked to your Grams?" "She's just going to say it's because I'm a witch. I don't want to be a witch." I paused when I heard that. It's understandable. Well, it might be cool, but there's an unknown danger looming around.   I saw Elena pour the to-go food into a nice bowl. "And putting it in a nice bowl won't fool anyone," Bonnie said as I just laughed at Elena's antics.

"Ok, serving spoons. Where are the serving spoons?" she asked. "Middle drawer on your left," Bonnie replied, and Elena walked over to the drawer and grabbed the serving spoons. "Ok, so you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times," Elena told Bonnie as she said, "Yeah, that's it." Then, the doorbell rings. "It must be Stefan. You two wait here." Elena said before walking to the door.



I sat beside Bonnie, across her was Stefan, and beside him was Elena. We ate in silence before Elena decided to break it. "Did Tanner give you a hard time today? I heard Tyler Lockwood being a dick towards you." she asked Stefan. "Well, he let me on the teams, so I must have done something right." He said it smiling. "Bonnie, Alec you guys should have seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at him, and-..." Elena says but Bonnie cuts in. " Yeah. I've heard." I just gave a thumbs-up to Stefan. "Why don't you tell Stefan about your family?" Elena suggested. "Uhm, divorced. No mom. Live with my dad." Bonnie says it dryly. "No, about the witches." Elena said, looking at Stefan. "Bonnie's family has a lineage of witches," Elena said as she looked at Bonnie "It's really cool." I nodded, agreeing with Elena. "Cool isn't the word Id used," Bonnie replied, and I just ate my food while listening to them.

"Well, it's soundss interesting. I'm not too versed, but I do know there's a history of Celtic druids that migrated here in the eighteen hundreds." Stefan said he was finally catching Bonnie's interest. "My family comes by way of Salem," she says. "Really?!" Stefan exclaimed. Bonnie nodded her head, smiling. "Salem witches?" Stefan asks again. "Yeah," Bonnie replies, chuckling, and Stefan looks at us. "I would say that's pretty cool." he says. "Really? Why?" Bonnie asked.

I could see curiosity radiating off of her. "Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and non-conformity." He informed as Bonnie smiled at him. Then, we heard the doorbell ring. "Did you invite anyone else, Elena?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows. "Uh, no. I wonder who it is. I'm going to check." Elena said before walking to the door.



"Caroline!?" we heard Elena exclaim. "Surprise! Bonnie said you were doing dinner, so we bought dessert." Caroline said quite loudly that we could hear her as she was handing a key lime pie cake to Elena. But then, we heard another man's voice. "Hope you don't mind," the man says, I could hear him smiling based on his voice.

Then, it struck me like lightning as I remembered who the voice belonged to: Damon. I looked at Stefan, and he looked at me too before joining Elena. "What are you doing here?" Stefan asked. Bonnie and I just exchanged glances before looking at each other back. "I'm waiting for Elena to invite me in," Damon says. That's weird. Do they need to be invited before entering a house? But what was even weirder was, why did Caroline come with him? Are they in a relationship? I'll be damned. Both of my friends are dating and know how old vampires are. And I could do nothing about it.

"Oh yeah, you can just--" Elena says, but Stefan interrupts her. "No, no. He can't, uhm, ... He can't stay," he said, looking at Elena and then Damon. "Get in here," Caroline urged Damon. We all looked at her. "We're just finishing up." He said he tensed. "It's fine, just come in," Elena says, and Damon walks in. When he spotted me, we locked eye contact before I looked away. "You have a beautiful home, Elena." Damon says as he smiles at Elena. "Thank you," Elena responded after she closed the door.



All of us were in the leaving room with coffee and pie that Caroline brought. I sat next to Bonnie in the last big chair, neither of them was having fun. Stefan and Elena sat next to each other, and Caroline sat on Damon's lap. "I can't believe Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Oh, Tyler must be seething. But good for you. Go for it." says Caroline, smiling at Stefan. "That's what I always told him, you have to engage," Damon said, but I doubt he meant it. I could tell the Salvatore brother was not on good terms. "You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you, you have to do it." He finished.


"Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today," Caroline said, sounding mean, but we knew she didn't mean it. "It's only because you missed summer camp. God. I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines." Caroline sighed. "I'll work with her. She'll get it," Bonnie finally said. "I guess we can put her in the back," Caroline hummed. "You know what? You don't seem like the cheerleading type," said Damon. Elena looked angry and sad at what Caroline said. "Oh, it's due to her parents passing away," Caroline said.

God, I love Caroline, she's my first friend here, but her insensitivity was too much. "Caroline... " I sighed at her. "Uh, what, I said it with sensitivity, okay!" Caroline said that as if that would make us stop sending angry looks at her. "I'm sorry, Elena, I know what it's like to lose both your parents; in fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die," Damon said as he glanced at Stefan. In old age, I added to my mind.  He didn't make the situation any better at all.



"We don't need to get into that right now, Damon," Stefan reminded him as he stared at Damon. "Ah you're right, Stef. I'm sorry." Damon said, and I knew he wasn't feeling sorry at all. "The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up." I knew who he mentioned, probably Katherine. And I could feel the situation becoming tense as we kept quiet. 

"Uhum, I'm going to clear your plates?" Elena said, standing quickly as she started to gather the plates before walking to the kitchen. "Oh, Elena forgot a glass," Damon exclaimed as he stood up, pushing Caroline away before heading to the kitchen.  Bonnie and Caroline talked about cheerleading stuff until Bonnie excused herself to help Elena.



Again, we fell into an awkward situation, but I tried to have a conversation with Caroline. "That's a nice scarf," I said, looking at her scarf. I really mean it, tho I knew why she bothered to use it. Come on. She dated a vampire for fuck's sake. "Oh, thank you! It's new," Caroline beamed. "Can I see it," Stefan says suddenly as he scoots closer to her. Alec knew what he wanted to do, and Stefan's guess is probably the same as mine. "I can't take it off," Caroline replied. "Why?" Stefan inquired more.

"What are you crazy kid talking about?" Damon suddenly said interrupting Stefan's little investigation. He was walking interrupted" Just complimented her lovely scarves," Stefan said with a neutral face. "Mmm. You know, Elena and Bonnie are finishing up the dishes. Why don't you go see if you can help?" Damon asked her. "Do I look like I do dishes," Caroline says with an obvious tone. "For me?" Damon said, gritting his teeth and forcing a smile. "Mmm. I don't think so," Caroline says, laughing now. With an annoyed sigh, Damon looked at her straight in the eyes as Caroline froze.

"Go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen," Damon said as Caroline repeated the word in a flat voice and left the living room. "So that's what you're trying to do to me," I said as I looked at him square in the eyes. "Well, it seems it doesn't work on you, interesting indeed," he replied with a smirk. "What an asshole!" I muttered quietly as I stood up. "I can hear you, you know," Damon says, grinning. Ah, right, vampires and their power. Before I could leave, Damon grasped my arms, as he leaned closely to my face, too close for my liking. Stefan looked at the alerts on Damon. But Damon ignored him, "And why is that?" he asked. I felt bewildered by his question, but then it dawned on me.

"Because you used her for your own gains," I stated to him, my cold stare piercing a dagger at him. "Smart as always, Alexander," he said, cringing at my full name. "Alec," I said "What?" he asked me back. "Called me Alec. Not Alexander," I said with venom, surprising myself. No one calls me Alexander. He looked amused as ever, and I broke away from his hold as he just let me leave. After cleaning everything in the kitchen, all of us prepared to leave.

As I passed Damon to go out, he stopped me and whispered in my ears when no one was looking at us, "Go to the Salvatore Boarding House tomorrow, we'll explain to you more about vampires," He said it in a serious tone, then changed into his usual smirk and winked at me. I just nodded and hurriedly left with Bonnie after telling Elena.