5 chapter five

Winnmire sat waiting for or rather hoping some plant particals to retrieve Dna from would come in that day.

He was widening his research to include plant and animal Dna. Dogs for instance had about an 85% make up as human and plants a high number as well. Both sometimes took genes from bacteria. Its well known that the way to create proteins is to inject human genes into bacteria, the newest direction the doctor was taking in search for exterminating the waste undead genes in vampires to keep Rick and Victor alive without having to build a machine like the the life essence extractor that kept the vamps exsisting.

The nucleods in plants and animal are arrainged diffferent and it is that sequence that determines what proteins would be made. Animals tend to have more chromosomes and plants less.

The plants he had ordered were based the hope of finding a likeness to the ghoul Dna's nucleods.

" Hey David , what cha doing?" Sara asked as she brought Jason to his mat and sat across from the doctor.

Winnmire returned her smile ." Thinking."

" Your always thinking. Is that all you do ? No interest in politics, or whats new in buisness? I've never heard you speak about religion even. Just writing up formulas and doing experiments ." She said in a non confrontal half joking way.

His eyes shined . Sara didn't know it but she had hit upon the one thing he enjoyed talking about other than medicine.

" The fine art of rhetoric. Take politics, nothing more than ideology that replaced reality same as corporate and banking affairs, no longer any truth, but a new religion. Just talk aimed at making people think they are sensible and great while anyone who thinks different no matter he value of their ideas or proposals are looney. A way to create an illusion for the benefit of a few."

sara was taken aback by his fervor. She heard strong emotion and passion in what sounded close to contempt from the doctor.

"So you don't have a faith, a belief?"

" Of course I have a belief, however I do not have faith in an ideology, which is what is the order of our day now since the ones who hold the reins of power have combined the three to divide and not unify the masses so to maintain power...He laughed.. The vampires of the human world Sara."

" I think ideology has a place David...She paused ..it gives us a way forward."

" Does it now?...His eyes shining even brighter...why not just have the truth known instead?"

" Why..why, this world would come apart!"

" My point exactly. We would have a much better world with clearer ideas of what to do and not to do."

Sara had no repiy, she sat and thought about what Winnmire had said. "Truth? Thats new and foreign in this world." She said to herself.

The plants he was waiting for finally came after what seemed to be an eternity and the doctor was looking into his microscope at a sample of Victors Dna . Victor had a double y chromosome while Rick did not . Winnmire had thought there may be a clue to follow there since Rick had been born human and Victor undead. A double y chromosome in males was a birth defect. Normal in males is a one y and one x while a female is double x's.

In mamals the y chromosome contains a gene, sry, that triggers embryonic developement as a male. Humans and other mammals contain other genes needed for normal sperm production.

He had a mixture of a venus flytrap plant and calf genes . Slowly mixing the newly created dna's of these to the bowl of Victors he watched intently.

This is where the vampire Dna usually destroyed the human Dna.

To the doctors amazement instead, the mixture of animal and plant genes latched onto the vampire Dna and began to grow chains of new Dna. He couldn't believe his eyes. A cure for vampirism! Not just a temporay innoculation!

Was it possible? After all this time? The proof was right in front of his eyes! He had done it ! He had found a cure for the undead genome to make it normal human Dna once again!

He would have to make a lot more of course and test it to be sure , Rick and Victor would be glad to drag a fien here to try it out on . The doctor could barely contain his excitement and ran to the dining room where Sara was watching Jason eat lunch.

"I found it! Sara , I found it!"

She watched the doctor almost leaping into the room he was so pleased and happy.

" What? David what did you find?" Sara had given up on Winnmire finding a cure for Vampirism a while back. Seeing the triumphant just guess look he gave her it hit.

"No! No you didn't!" Overjoyed she jumped up and danced a jig with the doctor . A few minutes later exausted and filled with happiness she sat in a peaceful mood that she had once wondered would she ever feel again.

Later that evening the four of them after the twins had been told, had the best evening of celebrations Sara could ever remember having before in her entire life. She and Winnmire had a bottle of champaign the doctor had stored away just in case he explained.

The twins had their celebrations inside their own mental realm.

Good times, a calm before the storm. As they took turns dancing with Sara, the laughter filled the house for the first time in a long time. It all felt grand. Before the storm came anyway.

A storm called Matteo.

Three weeks later Winnmire had a blood bag from a calf with a healthy dose of his new accidently found antidote ready to experiment on an unknown fien of the twins choosing. Since he didn't know how much it would take to turn a vamps Dna he had maybe went a little over board but with Matteo back in the area training up a large horde of his fellow ghouls there was no time for long drawn out experiments . But all and all he felt he had made a good guess on the quantity of the drug.

Rick and Victor had become so use to their shared mental realm it was much more comfortable than the outer realm and they could communicate with other , fight with weapons everything in unison like now as they had the mind of a newly turned vampire in tow bringing him to the farm,. A guinea pire. And at the same time sat with Sara and the doctor at the table engaging in conversation .

Sara was excited about the prospects of seeing an undead turned alive but had reservations. The doctor apprehensive with his thoughts centered on the antidote and the quantity of the drug.

"Someones walking across the field from the Mire mountian direction!" Sara said as she had gotten up and was looking out the window at the surrounding area .

"Thats our subject Rick answered."

The tall slim man who looked no more than nineteen or twenty to her made her heart feel constricted like her throat at his youth." He isn't much more than a kid."

The young fien entered the room deep in the trance put upon him by the twins and stopped in front of the doctors chair.

Winnmire handed the vamp the plastic ball of blood with the antidote , taking it and extending his fangs the young fein sucked the plastic ball dry and suddenly fell flat on the floor as if he had fainted or died.

The four of them sat too stunned to move for a second or two then they all jumped up at once to hover over the guenia fein.

The doctor checked his pulse and sighed with relief " Well didn't kill him he still has a good pulse." He went on to examine all the other vitals , blood pressure heart rate,. breathing.

"Seems fine , lets give it an hour and see what the antidote is doing."

An hour went by with the young vamp unmoving . The doctor drew four large vials of blood and took them to the lab.

Over an hour later he returned." I checked and rechecked to be sure, It looks like fifty percent of his Dna is returning to normal and going by this I'd say within twenty four hours he should be back to normal. Completely human."

Sara felt relief flood through her that the man was still alive and healing.

Victor picked up the former bloodsucker and carried him out to an old silo they had turned into a temporary holding cell complete with a bed ,drinking water and commode, locking the door he returned to the house. " I'll keep an eye on him David let me know when you want to check on him as well and I'll go out with you."

Twice an hour they checked on the unconscious man who never budged from where they put him on the bed.

The next morning Sara went out to the silo thinking she had heard someone shouting " Hey!"

Looking through the narrow observation slats cut into the metal she saw the young fien sitting up looking from the bed at her .

" I am about to starve . Do you have anything to eat, please?"

" I'll get David and the twins ... she replied gently...Hang on a bit longer."

Winnmire looked at the large round scared eyes of the young man..." How do you feel?"

"Like I could eat one of those cows fur an all."

Pleased the doctor smiled." No craving for blood?"

"No doctor . Ricks voice came from behind him as the twins joined them...He has no trace left of the frequency of undead fiens."

They unlocked the door and lead the young man back to the house where the smell of bacon and eggs filled the air with an aroma that made Winnmire decide to join their new friend in his first meal being human again.

"Jimmy James ...he answered Sara ..my father lives over next to the lake ."

"How long ago were you turned..she continued..how much do you remember about ..uh..what you have been through?"

Jimmy visibly shuddered " All of it."

After Jimmy had finished eating Winnmire examined him and drew some tubes of blood" I 'll have a look at these samples and if they look good , I'll take you to your family Jimmy. No need to keep you and no need for your people to worry."

The test had came back exellent and Jimmy had been returned home and it was time to discuss the next steps in the coming war with Matteo.

"Its obvious that Victor and I won't be able to take the antidote until we defeat Matteo."Rick said looking down at his hands.

"What do you three think about me turning long enough to help you in the fight?...Winnmire asked watching Sara's face as her eyes dropped to the table but said nothing..Would that not be best?"

"No Doctor , Too many things could go wrong. Victor and I both think it best you stay human. It would be better all way around." Rick said in a quiet level tone.

Winnmire nodded.."Sara , you are going to have to kill Matteo when he comes for you in the basement lab. He won't trust any of the others with you because he feels you are the only hope for the new machine. I'll be busy with the mechinisms and traps we have set up and the twins will be covered up with ghouls so Matteo can get into the house."

Sara nodded yes.." I don't see why not David. or at least give it my best shot." Gamely spoken.

" It's settled then..Victor spoke up..Nothing left but practice our defence and offensive strategy."

Over the next few days they did just that , nothing but plan and practice various defence and offence maneuvers over and over again until they could do them almost in their sleep.

Let it start . They were ready.

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