1 Suicide

Through my life, many times, I thought about suicide. Usually, I only thought about it for a few minutes, and then would reach the conclusion that it was only for cowards.

Later in my life, when I was alone with my thoughts, I thought that I couldn't suicide, because "I'm a coward", and people that do it are brave, because they gathered enough courage to do the act.

Now, I don't really know what word should I use to describe people who suicided, but I think neither "coward" nor "brave" are the right choice.

I think that the really brave one is that who, after having thoughts about suicide, didn't do it, but neither did he go back to living like before, without changes. The brave one is the one who decide to don't suicide, confront his problems, his fear, his desesperation and reality, giving an all-out effort to change everything that makes him have thoughts like that.

If you decide to be brave, and act based in that thought, then you stopped being that person who was on the verge of giving up.

You are a new you, make your life one that you wish would last as long as possible.

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