
Until The Last Agony

missqueeniiee · Teenager
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Anna's POV

The smile on my face is still evident as I entered our house. I think I am going to write a new story later. 

I really had a fun night with him. That's my first time going out with a man. Do you think we will see each other again? 


I shook my head to lessen my imagination. 

"Mom! I'm here," I called her because when I came in the lights were off and it's quiet inside. 

But no one responded. 

I looked for her in the kitchen but there was no one there. 

"MOM!" I called again.

Suddenly, I heard someone in the kitchen making a baby-cry. I turned my eyes on it but I only glanced at the kitchen wares.

"MOM! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed in fear.

Then the sound switched into a soft and hurtful cry.

I walked into my mom's room then as I opened the door I saw into my two eyes that she was crying in pain and the lights were also off. 


Her heavy and pale eyes turned on me, "Anna!!!"

The tears continued to fall down on her face. 

"Mom! Tell me what happened!?" I demanded. 

"Y-your D-dad!" she cried out. 

"What happened to Dad?!"

Then she showed me her phone. With my curiosity, I opened it.

My body falls down on the floor and my knees are trembling.

The phone showed the picture of my dad kissing another woman. How can this happen? 

"W-who sent y-you this p-picture, Mom?!" I weakly asked.

I don't know what to think. I really don't know what to feel right now.

"His f-friend,"

"Mom! This is not true! Dad will never do that to us," I bravely said.

"He already did,"

The tears in my eyes started to fall down, "No! Mom! He loves you, right?"

I hold her hands and convince her. 

"Mom! Look at me! This is not true!" 

"Anna! He already did!"

"NO! DAD LOVES US! HE WILL NEVER DO THAT!" Then I can't stop myself from crying out loud.

Her hand reached my face then I felt her hard and painful slap, "ANNA??!!! STOP!!" 

I blinked multiple times then I wiped my tears and asked her, "What happened?" 

Then she gives me a cup of water.

"I am the one who needs to ask that. What happened to you?! You just cried in front of me,"

I pointed out myself, "Me?! You are the one who's crying Mom! I thought…,"

What is that?! Is that not even true? I'm being confused. 

"You thought what?" 

"I saw you crying and you said that Dad is with another woman,"

I took a deep breath. Maybe I was just tired and my imagination became worse. 

Her eyes became smaller and looked at me with annoyance. 


"But I thought it was true!" I defended myself.

"No! It is not! And that is not funny!" she angrily said.

I looked down, "I'm sorry, it was not my intention to do it again," then I walked towards my room. 


Days have passed and I really don't understand myself. I did not attend my classes for five days because I just helped my Mom in our business. This is what I usually do when I experience such illusions in my mind again. 

I started to have this kind of condition when I was in high school. My mom told me before that I was engaged in an accident but I really don't know what happened and what my condition is. 

My illusions in my mind stopped when I started to write stories. Those illusions were turned into stories. 

I just can't believe that it would come back. So for five days, I keep myself calm through writing again. It helps me to maintain my state of mind. 

This is the reason why I learned to love this passion and pursue it as my dream. 

Now, I've decided to see the reality again. I've decided to attend my classes and catch up on some of my missed lessons.

I went into the garden of our school for a while to see the beautiful creation of God. 

Then suddenly, I noticed that it was already time for my class and I walked to go to our classroom. 

Few hours later and my classes ended. I already approached my instructors about the activities and exams that I've missed.

While making footsteps to the garden, my eyes stopped looking around when I saw him. I saw Yexel. He's on the bench with his friends, I think. 

I made footsteps going behind their back. They did not notice me so I sat down and I realized what's on the screen of his laptop. It's about games.

"WOOOOW. YOU'RE STARTING DOING IT!!" I cheerfully said.

The three of them turned their back on me and all of their eyes widened. They looked surprised.

Yexel cleared his throat and said, "Anna! You startled us! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm looking for you then I found you here," then I winked at him.

His face became red and started to look away from me. He's shy. 

"Woah! Bro! Would you mind if you introduce this beautiful lady in front of us?" the curly hair man said.

"Thank you for that compliment!"

He looked at his two friends then turned his eyes again on me. I formed a smile and started to tease him with my smile. 

"Fine! Guys, this is Anna. Anna Ramirez," then he looked at me again and said, "Anna, these are my friends. Niko and Jim,"

Then I offered them a hand shake. 

"Alright! Nice to meet you boys but I really need to go now," 

"Are you going home now? I'll go with you," Yexel suggested.

I stopped him, "No. It's alright. I am happy that you start following your dreams. So just continue what you are doing. I'm fine,"

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

"Yes. Let's just meet some other time, I guess?" I assured him.

"Sure! Take care, Anna!" Yexel said. 

Then I waved my hand on them, "Bye!"


It's already 6 o'clock in the evening and I've decided to walk again because I want to see the last minute of the sunset.

I found a perfect seat to witness the beautiful sunset. I am now sitting on a bench here in the park. 

The dark-orange yellow sunset never failed me to be amazed by its beauty. 

I realized that there were many people here in the mini park and most of them are kids who were playing. I open my phone and capture the scenery of the sunset.

"Beautiful as always," I whispered.

Then I closed my eyes for a moment. It's the perfect time for reflection. If I am given a chance to know my condition, I will take it because I really don't know what might happen in the future. 

I deeply sighed. I opened my eyes again and the sunset already vanished. 

I stand up and walk going to our home.

It's getting darker in this place. The post light is very rare in this area. Suddenly, I hear a footsteps behind my back. I turn my back but no one is there.

I tried to fasten my steps and the footstep is still following me. I walk faster unlike earlier then I see a convenient store and I sit on their chair for a moment. 

My heart is beating so fast and I could feel exhausted. The footsteps are gone. 

Few minutes later, I continued to walk, then I froze for a moment when I heard footsteps again. This is ridiculous!

I could not control my fear anymore so I ran as much as I could. I stopped when I did not already hear it again. I look back then unfortunately I see a black-white cat and my skin hairs are rising in fear. 

Then I slowly turn my head and I suddenly stop blinking for a moment. My eyes widened when I saw a man wearing a black shirt and pants then he's holding a gun.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" I fearfully screamed. 

I quickly ran so that he would not catch me. 

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" I screamed at myself while running after him.

He continues to follow me wherever I go. 

"HEEEEELP!" I tried to shout.

He's now going near me. His eyes are dark and terrifying. NOOOOOO! 

I continued to run but unfortunately I fell down on the ground. 

Tears started to fall down on my face. Is this going to be my end?

He is now walking slowly towards me. His terrible footsteps are going closely with me. He looked at my eyes and grinned. 

My knees are trembling right now. I am running out of breath.

"AHHHHHH!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed in fear. 

I held my head because I could feel it's pain. I feel exhausted and weak. I think I'm going to faint.

"H-HEEEEELP!!!" I screamed out loud once again when I saw a man far from us. 

He turned his eyes on us and, "ANNAAAAA!!!!"

Then I lost my consciousness already.
