

"…I love this World.

Sometimes, waking up from these longest dreams, a feeling of all-consuming love is sweeping over me. It resounds like old, firmly forgotten memories. No matter how I feel while dreaming, whether I grieve, or live quietly, this feeling captures me completely, reminds me of something, and dissipates under the weight of reality, once open your eyes.

It reminds me that no matter what trials the World throws onto me, I am still happy to be a part of it. That I cherish any moment spent with dear to me people. And that even when the time comes to part with them, I don't feel that they are leaving me. We are not dying. We stop being next to each other. And our separation does not mean at all that we will not meet again.

I visited my first World.

It was an ordinary World, nothing like Worlds from those tales told by Travelers upon their return. And yes, my first life down there didn't go that well. This fact did not immediately become clear to me. Everything kept piling up until I lost my patience. I screwed up a damn thing. I was not the most pleasant person, not an interesting conversationalist. I hurt people, most often out of ignorance, as a result of which I remained alone. The logical consequence, it seems to me. I was ready for either end. I did not expect anything special from that life when I incarnated below. I just wanted a change.

They told me that I was still too young when, some time ago, I decided to start travelling. That I can't stand it, I'll break. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion. But I don't like to meddle with the affairs of other people, and I hope that they will follow this advice. The traveller needs training. But what will I achieve if I sit out at home?

Whatever it is, this is my life.

My first life at Interlinked Worlds.

The first experience is priceless. The journey, which I had been preparing for so long, but still could not imagine what it would bring to me. Since the death of my parents and their friend, I have lived in the Interworld, like a ghost. I was born there, but still, a particular veil separated me from everyone else.

We, the ones living in the Interworld, have the ability and the right to remember ourselves when we return to it after death in Interconnected worlds.

We are leaving home to become someone new.

We forget ourselves to know ourselves again.

And when you remember everything, you realize that you have become better at something... that you have acquired something invaluable.

But what could it be... only you would know.

So my parents told me.

But how can I understand myself, forgetting myself, I wondered.

They always travelled together. My parents didn't seek treasures of the Worlds; they did not need them. They lived countless lives together before they had a daughter. But after my appearance, they entirely devoted themselves to me. Living in the World between the Worlds is good, but will a soul striving to open new horizons be calm in a stagnant pond?

And once they were gone.

I do not know what happened, but they didn't return from their new life in one of the Worlds. It was the first time they left me, but it was the last.

Oh, how I hated them.

We had eternity ahead. And that pair of irresponsible parents decided to leave me at the very beginning of my life.

I know, sooner or later, they would have left me anyway.

Any soul living or born in the Interworld will sooner or later want to be embodied in one of the Worlds. There was probably no one who had resisted this desire for so long and so stubbornly, except me.

Despite everything, I am glad that I have the opportunity to travel in worlds.

I am free, and I can go wherever I want. I can meet new people. I can learn something new.

But there is a flip side to the coin.

Death will come, and under the drums of the last beats of your heart, you will forget everything, you will return to the beginning, dimly realizing that you are no longer the same as before. But good or bad, it's up to you. Can you stop the whirlpool of your feelings, will you drown in it, or will you accept it?

I say these words now when I just returned to Interworld after death in my first life, and while I still remember some of it.

I want this.

Like my parents before me, I want to live on in these worlds.

I want to be a World Traveler."

I’ve long had thoughts about writing a story about a heroine travelling around the worlds.

She is travelling not because she got involved in a mess after her death and had to grant wishes of other people (even though that’s what I like to read and dream about dearly lol).

I wasn’t content with other transmigration novels. After reading them for some time, I got bored with the majority of them so… So I started thinking about this story. I could’ve written one story and then forget about it. But I’ve got too many ideas. Hence, it’ll be a long journey. Please, be patient with me, the lazy writer.

Another purpose of writing for me is… to practice the English language. I want to enhance my skills. Even though I’ve got no editor, I’ll try my best to give you an enjoyable reading experience. Again, please, be patient with me, thank you!

Lastly, let me confirm something.

The story starting in the next chapter takes place in the little Traveller's second world.

The little Traveller in River Valley is not Nialeeka.

Alentecreators' thoughts
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