
Chapter 2: Hey you, you're finally awake

When John woke up, the first thing he did was take note of his surroundings and how he is in a different room.

"Well, at least I'm in a comfy bed-" he curled and clutched his head as a massive migraine hit.

Getting up and out of bed, John looked into his bedroom, not that there was much to look at, just a desk, bookshelf, bed, and a lamp on the side.

"Well, might as well see how I look now then" and proceeded to the bathroom.

"Holy shit John looks pretty fucking sick, wild black hair, and eyes that look like a mix of orange-yellow and gold. Not sure why the hell he put gel on his hair... It looked terrible" John examined.

"According to the timeline, I should be starting at Wellston Private Highschool tomorrow, so I gotta choose now, do I want to pretend to be ability-less or show them my ability... Hmmm. We'll cross that bridge when we get there, altho there might be merit in pretending to not have an ability so Seraphina can be the same as in cannon after he spends time with her."

'Nah, I'll just wing it, say I have some random ability that I'll pull out of some heroic spirit's ass and just spend time wither her to make her value herself over others like in cannon.' John thought.

'Let's see here, Trace On' John concentrated and raised his hand, as a bow formed above his hand, a large longbow that a certain nameless archer used.

'Emiya was a cool as fucking servant, I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to rain Broken Noble Phantasms like a minigun from miles away on some poor sap' John smirked at the thought.

Putting his right hand into the air, with electric arcing off and the air distorting until a sword formed, with red lines as it gradually curved in his hand more into the shape of a spiral.

'As cool as it would be to shoot this right now, it's probably better to just get something to eat, and then access the store. Wait, how do I access the store?' John thought, as a piece of paper manifested in front of him.


John picked up the paper and unraveled it to reveal a note:


Hey! It's me Rob here, so just letting you know, you can access the store by saying or thinking 'Store'




An interface popped into existence in front of him, looking like a google search bar


'Now, what to get? Well, let's start with something simple'

Search: Seven deadly sins fountain of youth

1 Result

(Fountain of Youth)

Description: Wanna die? Well, it ain't happening with this around! Wanna watch your loved ones die? That's sure to happen!

Cost: Sale! Save 1 shop point! Normal cost 1000000p now only 999999p get it now!

[Thank you for buying this item!]

Search: Physique Link mark

69 Results

(Physique link mark (Ability))

Description: Is your lover about to die? Just bite their neck and they will have a mark appear on a part of their body, they will be linked to you meaning if you die, they die. As long as you live and have Mana/IncertGenericEnergyHere they will heal back up, the speed of their healing will be the same as yours, if you have a sort of age stop ability, their aging will stop whenever you want or when you mark them if you wich. Their lifespan will be lowered or increased to match yours. Now you can die together!

Cost: 696969p

[Thank you for purchasing this item!]

Search: SCP creator

1 Result

(SCP Creation (Ability))

Description: What have you released upon this cursed land!? Do you have any idea what you have just done?!? You'll doom us all! (Bonus! Allows you to edit the SCP you wish to create, and even create ones that don't exist!)

Cost: Your sanity, for buying such a thing, may the Elder ones feast upon your wretche-

[Thank you for purchasing this item!]


'I'm just gonna ignore that' John sweatdropped.

Search: Duel Strengthening Technique

69696969696 Results from the Hornys

(Primordial Celestial Demonic Void Dragon Cosmic Universal Omniversal Ancient Goddly- Skip- Dule Cultivation Strengthening Technique (Ability))

Description: This Jade Goddly Emperor- Skip - Allows you to Empower people permanently and evolve them and their powers through your bodily fluids alone! (Not blood, and this can be toggled off or set to activate on a condition)

Price: The Horny will consume you. Come, join the Horny young padawan, we have cookie-

[Thank you for purchasing this item!]

[Shop closing]

[Thank you for your patronage!]

'Well, that went better than I thought'

'Finally, I can eat, let's see'

John put his hand into this pocket and fished out his phone (Imagine whatever phone you want, but I'm just saying, you just can't beat the Nokia 3310. That thing can probably take a 50cal. and not get scratched.)


'Hmm, well lets eat'

----------------Timeskip for eating ------------------

'I know I said to make it so even Soma would be jealous of my cooking but holy shit.' John thought as he stretched, with his belly being filled.

'Guess it should be time for me to practice some martial arts so my body can get used to it but for now, let's just use the servant's ability to raise all my stats to EX.' (For anyone confused, basically for example he can take the EX strength from a servant like Hercules and repeat the process with other servents for all EX stats, including luck, no E for Emiya luck here)

Flexing his hand, John entered a combat pose, with his one arm in front, and the ground caved in.




One ability to fix the surrounding from a hero with time powers later and the surrounding was clean and tidy. Our hero John was now controlling his power properly.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Rin-

"Yes, hello?" John answered the phone

"Hey you, you're finally awake" Responded a voice that sounded vaguely similar to his own, just a little rougher

"What's up dad?" Replied John (For those of you that don't know John doesn't live with his father he lives by himself in a one-story house as his father is busy.)

"Just wanted to make sure you're ready for school tomorrow"

" I'm ready, you don't have to worry dad, I'm just about to go and get some stuff to cook for lunch and dinner"

Chuckling "Yeah I know how much you like cooking, don't let me hold you up, just make sure your back home in time, and don't cause trouble" Responded his dad

"Alright, ill talk to you later, bye" John hung up the phone.

"Well lets get ready-"


'Who is at the door?'

John opened the door

"Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself as I'm your new neighbo- John?"

"Hi Claire, it's been a while, how have you been?" John replied with a smile

"I'm doing alright... Um... I... I have togosomewherebye!" Claire ran away with a blush.

-------------End of Chapter------------

Next Chapter title: School start!

Clairs Picture will be put here at some point when I get to it

Johns picture is on the cover, but ill put one here as well

1.2k words..... eh

I'll probably try to push out 2 chaps a day, being around 1-2k words each but do note that I'm also in college and working part-time because of student debt, that said, I probably wont make a patre.o.n or any form of paying system because I'm just doing this to not feel like offing myself from stress recently but hey, it could be worse. Anyway enjoy this chappy <3

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