
Unlimited Gacha Spins

A man gets a gacha with unlimited spins. What would he do?

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Gacha and the MILF

I look at the gacha interface as I saw the category percentage.

*Items, Skills, Pills and Magic*

Common - 50%

Rare - 30%

Super Rare - 15%

Ultimate - 5%

Looking at this, I got surprised. Well every 95 to 100 spins, I could get ultimate Items, skills, pills and magic. Lucky me, the spin is unlimited.

I look at the spin and it looks like the spin in machine. I thought of pulling the lever as the lever goes down and the interface spins fast. It spins for 3 secs as it stops and I got cleansing pill. I smile as I saw something in the interface. Auto spin 99x.

'well' I laugh as I click it. The lever spins as It stops for 4 mins and 57 seconds.


Common - 50

Cleansing pill - x7 - cleanse impurities of your body

Cola - x2 - can of cola

Normal sword - x4 - Normal metal sword

Strength pill - x15 - increase strength of your body

Growth pill - x13 Increase growth of your body

Speed pill - x7 - Increase speed of your body

Status board - you can organize skills, magic, pills and Item easier.

Rare - 30

Fire magic - control fire

Ice magic - control ice

Water magic - control water

Wind magic - control wind

Lightning magic - control lightning

Earth magic - control earth

Gravity magic - control gravity

Space magic - control space

Parallel thinking - think many things differently

Night vision - can see through the night

Creation magic - Learn creation of inanimate things

Smithing skill - master smithing skills

Teleport magic - learn teleportation

Swordsmanship - master skills

Instrumental skill - master skills

Magic regeneration - increases magic regeneration

Inventory magic - place items in your inventory that only you can access

Special wine - x10 - delicious wine in the world

Magic sword - x3 - Swords with magic

Super rare - 15

Invocation magic - control someone with words

Telekinesis - control things

Force field creation - creates a force field that can stop any attacks that came to you

Magic reflection - can reflect any attacks done to you

Beelzebuth - can use Predation, Stomach, Mimicry, Isolation, Corrosion, Soul Consumption and Food Chain.

Super strength pill - x10 - Can greatly increase strength

Ultimate -

Annihilation maker - can create any creature by imagination

Soul universe - You can control all the things in the universe and this universe is a copy of your universe after the creation of it.

Experience manipulation - You can manipulate your experience in skills, magic and others experience. You can use memory manipulation, knowledge manipulation, Hyper Experience, Infinite Experience and power augmentation.

Freedom - power to be absolutely free and unattached to all boundaries.

Causality manipulation - you can manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how.


I got surprised. Of course who wouldn't get surprised by this. Just the ultimate skill could make me the most powerful. I sigh. I could travel to another world after this. I got excited as I could visit many worlds and no one could defeat me.

I need to organize this.

"Status board" I said as another board show up and it shows my stats.

Name: Takamine Tachibana

Age: 16

Race: Human

Title: Reincarnator, Second above God.

Skills: Smithing Skill - Swordsmanship skill - Instrumental skill


Active: Fire magic - Ice magic - Water magic - Wind magic - Lightning magic - Earth magic - Gravity magic - Space magic - Teleportation magic - Creation magic - Invocation magic - Inventory magic - Telekinesis - Force field creation - Magic reflection - Annihilation maker - Beelzebuth - Experience manipulation - Freedom - Causality manipulation

Passive: Night vision - Parallel thinking - Status board - Soul universe

Items: Normal sword x4 - Cleansing pill x8 - Strength pill x15 - Growth Pill x13 - Speed pill x7 - Cola x2 - Special wine x10 - Magic sword x3 - Super strength pill x10

That's more like it. Organize and better to look in the eyes.

These skill is really op. I can't help but be excited. I smile as I try eating 2 cleansing pill.

"Ughh!" I grimace as I feel some slimy liquid gushing down my whole body and face. It's black and smells really disgusting. It drops on the ground as I take my shirt off and just sit there. After that I quickly use fire magic and control it to just burn the slimy liquid and use water and wind magic to clean myself and the whole room. I feel refreshed.

I take 5 strength, growth and speed pill as I gobble them. I suddenly feel my body stronger, my bones stretching and as I move my fingers, it moves faster. I could hear my bones creak as it hurts but a little. I stay still for 5 mins as my bones finished stretching.

I quickly look at the mirror to see myself, 5'11 feet, handsome young man with beautiful black hair, predator like red eyes, androgynous face and lean body. I got startled to see my evolution.

I look so handsome. I smile more as I touch my face. While I admire myself someone opens the door.

"Taka-kun, what are you doi-ng" I look at the door to see Kyouka standing there with her mouth agape. I got hard as I greet her.

"Good morning Kyouka" I smile as her cheeks got red after seeing it. She then stared at my body as she blushes more.

"G-Good morning Taka-kun" She stutters and she couldn't help but turn her head sideways avoiding my eyes.

I smile as I know that in the story, Kyouka is a hungry MILF. When she just saw the mc masturbates to her, she also jumps in as they do dirty acts.

I walk straight to her as I pin her back on the wall.

"You know Kyouka, You've been arousing me with that body of yours. Look what you did at my pet. What would you do to it now?" I go direct with her so she could understand it. She looks at the tent that is formed in my pants as she bites her lips.

'That's so big' Kyouka thought as she blushes.

"Ta-taka-kun~ n-no" she said shyly as I hold her lips and kiss her neck.

"Come on Kyouka, I know you want it." I smile as I use my hand to tilt her face straight to me and look directly into her beautiful eyes.

"Taka-kun I-I'm older than you" Kyouka tries to avoid the stare of my eyes but she can't.

"I love you Kyouka. Age is nothing between people who loves each other." I smile as I conquer her lips. She got surprised more when I slid my tongue in and I started to wrestle with her tongue.

We do deep kiss for 5 mins as I take my mouth from hers. She pants as her tongue is sticking out of her mouth. She touches my pants but I stopped her. I pat her head as I hug her. She hugs me too as I talk to her.

"We can do this later Kyouka, You needed to go to work now or you'll be late." I continue patting her head and back as she lean on my shoulders.

"Just a minute Taka~" she said seductively as she embrace my broad shoulders.

We stayed here for a minute as we just hug each other. After that we started to go out of the room as I kissed her in the mouth and we wrestle our tongue again. We stop for 30 seconds as I have her leave for the work. She just wouldn't leave but I promised her that we would do something special tonight that gets her worked up and promised me to finish her work faster. I just laugh as she pouted. Looks like the MILF gets embarrassed if she got teased. Well the original mc didn't teased her or those two hot step sister. Such a pussy. Well, those three are easy girl that liked him so they just fucked.

I urge Kyouka to go to work now as I walk in the bathroom to take a bath.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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