
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Anime und Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter - 38 [ #V1.21 : Danmachi : Return - Stalker! ]

[ BONUS CHAPTER (9/??) ]


After waking up next morning, they continued their intimate session for two more days. Though not fully dedicated to sex, sometimes they hug each other, take baths together, feed each other and the like. For one, Hephaestus was too demanding due to her newly found sense of emotions and life. For him, it was his first time entering in a physical relationship with a woman, especially a Beauty like Hephaestus.

After they were done with their small time together, Ash and Hephaestus continued to work for her Hammer. As she already made the hammer, the remaining process was to draw some runes on it with his help.

He created a special kind of flame, which can even melt stone, metal, magic power, and divinity. He called it Destructive Flame. He used Rune to make it the source of the hammer. If she were to beat something with it, it will melt like butter. But she can also control the intensity of the flames for her work purposes. Besides he added some skills in it for her sake.

After everything was done, it took them 15 months to successfully make two divine weapons which was record case. But no one else would know anyway.

When it was time for them to leave, he decided to name them and bless them. Since his weapon was the mix of all, he named it, 'Cryptic Enigma'. When he named it and blessed it, it had the design similiar to the cube from 'Transformers', but the shape was obviously infinity instead of a cube.

For Hephaestus's hammer, he named it, Jvala Mudgar, which is a Sanskrit name for Flame Hammer. At first he thought of making Brahmastra, but then decided against it as Hephaestus uses Hammer than a chakra. When he blessed it, it became indestructible and a weapon with a spirit that serves Hephaestus with 100% loyalty. The core was the Destructive Flame and the spirit was of it's essence.

After completing their tasks, they smiled at each other and decided to leave. He snapped his fingers and the two of them left the inner universe.


When they returned to the Eternal Manor, Ash felt the aura of almost everyone present. He also noted the aura of a new person presumably Hestia.

The first one to come to welcome them back was Haruhime as she was near them in the kitchen. Others were outside or in their own rooms. He told Haruhime to inform the others that he has returned. She bowed before leaving the duo in the hall.

After waiting for a few minutes, everyone came later. The first one to come was Tatsuya and Raven. After them came Orna, Miyuki and the other girls.

Though they showed confusion seeing his and Hephaestus's closeness, later understood that their relationship has changed.

Orna smiled and stepped forward and said,

"Congratulations, Ash, Hephaestus-sama."

"Please do call me just by my name, Orna. We are both in a relationship with the same man, after all."

Orna nodded. For some reason, Flare, and Ais was deep in thinking about something. For Flare he understands as she was trying to be with him. However with how much Ais needed to grow before thinking about relationships, he was a little worried.

Ais, before letting him ask anything came to his side and sat on his lap, surprising him a little. She then pulled his hands and placed it around her waist. He allowed her to do whatever she was planning. When he looked towards Orna and Flare, they both turned their faces away while whistling.

'These two... I wonder what they taught her for the past two months..'

After talking to the girls for a while, Hephaestus was about to go and find Hestia. But the petite goddess suddenly opened the door to the hall and saw her best friend.

Though she squinted her eyes when she saw how close was she with him, she didn't say anything as Hephaestus was smiling unlike the usual her.

Hestia came in front of Hephaestus and held her hands. Then she turned towards Ash with a confused face. Hephaestus smiled and said,

"This is Ash. He is the god of this familia and my future....husband..."

She said the last line with a blushing face making the small goddess to widen her eyes. But before she could ask anything, Hephaestus recovered from her embarassment and said,

"Don't worry, Hestia. He is not the same..."

She then explained everything. For the sake of their friendship, he didn't remove the memory of Hestia knowing Hephaestus's past which they already changed. Hearing how he helped her by going to the past, at first Hestia couldn't believe it. But when Hephaestus explained how much of an anomaly was he, Hestia reluctantly decided to believe in her friend.

"This is Hestia I told you about. Ah! Ash, we have Denatus coming! I have to prepare! I'll be going now! Hestia, come with me!"

She pulled the petite goddess and left to her home without letting talk anything else. Ash could only smile at Hephaestus who looked a little excited at seeing her friend.

Turning towards his familia, Ash checked their progress and found that Ais has fulfilled the requirements to level up two times. So, she was now level 3! He didn't let her unlock a new skill or any job related skills. He will only let her learn pure Swordsmanship from Raven, then when it is time, he will teach her a few skills that he himself thinks is suitable for her.

Tatsuya and Raven didn't saved up that much exilia to level up as they were leaving most of the enemies to the weakest group. Flare also leveled up twice, so she was now level 4. Though the fast pace leveling could make them a prey of doubts from many other familia and gods, he will take care of them all in the incoming Denatus.

As he was talking to them, he sensed someone trying to spy on them.

'Freya huh... I guess she has yet to give up.'

He teleported behind her and asked,

"So, what do you want, Freya?"

She was startled as he appeared suddenly behind her, showing such an appearance made her feel a little ashamed.

"Oh~it's nothing, Ash~ I was just interested in you i guess~?"

She became more interested because,

"You saw Hephaestus and Hestia huh... Either way, I'll warn you first. If you think I'll let myself fall into your obvious trap and hump you, them you are mistaken. I'll not touch anyone I'm not interested in. For sure, you are beautiful and also sexy, but that is not enough to entice me..."

She raised her brow as she never expected him to be brash about it. But she smiled and asked,

"What can do to make you do it~? I want to see and know everything about you~~"

She seemed genuinely interested. But that was only because of her desire to control him. Know his every secrets.

"If you are thinking about one night relationship, then I won't start one. But if it's a committed relationship, we can think about it. But I have a few conditions."

She became more interested and excited. She asked,

"What conditions?"

"First, if you want a relationship with me, you can never touch another man for eternity. Second, all your pre-existing relationship has to end forever. That's all."

She frowned because that was a condition she can't follow. She being a goddess of Sex can't live without having sex. Although it doesn't mean who she do it with, all she needs is to do the deed. But the thought of abandoning her favourites till now was impossible.

"If it's some of them, I can understand. But unfortunately, i can't forget some of my favourites."

"Is that so? Then it's unfortunate. We can't do anything more. You can leave. And do not spy on me or my familia, if you do, i don't mind humiliating the hidden strongest familia. Ottar is not the only level 7 in this Orario. And even if he is, there are some in my familia who can defeat him even with a level difference."

She frowned again. She can't miss out that possibility as she can't read them at all! So it maybe the truth. But shook her head and asked,

"Then can you tell me about yourself?"

"You have to wait for Denatus. You will see."

He said and disappeared from her vision. She felt frustrated and angry. But there was nothing she could do about it. Her charm wasn't working against him, nor was her arcanum Strong enough to scare him. She decided to go back.