

Teenage love is not always what it may seem. What one has planned can always change in a blink of an eye. Is it true that love always prevails? Evelyn and Alexander had what you called 'a love to envy'. Things change when that love takes a different direction. Lust and insecurities takes the best of us all. Time passes and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. RATED M for Mature. Some chapters may contain content that is not for younger viewers. Discretion is adviced.

XxKur03Lse3Xx · Teenager
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26 Chs


"Where are they? It's already passed eight. They knew I was arriving tonight, didn't they? Mom you should know where they went, right?" A very uneasy and frustrated boy questioned, throwing a child's tantrum as he paced from side to side in the McNealy's living room.

"Sorry honey, I don't know where they went." Mrs. Jane said, lying through her teeth. Of course, she knew where they were. They were having fun and enjoying their time as a couple at the beach. She knew they were probably on their way back anyways.

"Chill bro, they're probably on their way home by now." Matthew said as he laid peacefully on the couch, his arms crossed under his head.

"Dude how can you be so calm? Aren't you worried about your sister?!" The boy questioned throwing his arms in the air in frustration.

"Dawson, she's with Ale, there's no reason to worry. Him of all people would never let anything bad happen to her." Matthew said, sitting up on the couch.

"That's exactly my point, man! Don't you care that they're probably doing IT?!" Dawson said as he emphasized the word 'it'.

"They're not kids anymore Dawson. They're old enough to make their own decisions. Besides I never said they couldn't be with each other; my only rule was to not do 'it' while I was under the same roof. They've been dating for years now; I would be in shock if they still haven't gotten intimate." Matthew shrugged his shoulders and tapped his chin. "But knowing them both, there's actually a huge probability that they really haven't done anything."

"MOM!" Dawson yelled out in frustration. How could Matthew be so calm about this situation. How could he be so calm about his little sister's intimacy. Wasn't he supposed to be the overprotective big brother?

"That was very mature coming from you, dear." Mrs. Jane commented on Matthew's words. Dawson gave her an 'are you serious?' look. "Matty could be right." She replied to him. Dawson's jaw dropped. How could his own mother agree to that.

"How could both of you think that Ev would be… I can't even say it!" Dawson finally sat down on the floor, leaning his body against the couch. He massaged his temples, trying to calm himself down.

"For a seventeen-year-old, you're acting like a brat, Dawson." Matthew said as he once again laid back down on the couch.

Dawson Khinbert was the spitting image of his older brother Alexander Khinbert. The only difference was that Dawson had emerald color eyes and wasn't as buff as Alexander. He was just your average seventeen-year-old. He had moved away mid semester of Freshman year to live with his dad. If you haven't figured it out yet, he has been in love with Evelyn for years. Everyone knew, except for Evelyn herself.

"Shut it, Matt." Dawson rested his head on the couch and looked over at his mother who was just way too calm in his eyes. "Mom, I need her…"

"Honey, you have to understand, she's your brother's girlfriend." Mrs. Jane replied. Dawson didn't like her answer.

"She won't always be." Dawson said with a serious expression.

"They're engaged." Dawson turned to look at Matthew who had his eyes shut. "Ale proposed to her on Wednesday." Matthew let out a low yawn. "Of course, she said 'yes'. They agreed to get married after she graduates." Matthew yawned once more. Dawson was speechless. His only reply was a grunt.

"Matty if you're tired, you should go back upstairs and rest." Mrs. Jane said not caring much about the conversation but more about how much he was yawning.

"It's ok Auntie Jane, I want to wait up for Ev. There's something I've been wanting to tell her." He replied, getting teary eyes from another yawn that escaped his mouth. She only nodded and turned her attention back to Dawson as she felt his piercing eyes on her.

"Yes?" She questioned.

"Why do you always act so motherly to Matt?" He questioned crossing his arms over his chest.

"Jealous much?"

"What part of shut it didn't you understand McNealy?!"

"Stop being so upset, little brat. It's not my fault your Auntie likes me better." Dawson was just like Alexander in every way, every time they would get mad at Matthew, they would call him out by his last name.

"I'm not in the mood, McNealy!" Dawson yelled out as he stood from his place and grabbed Matthew by the collar. Mrs. Jane was about to intervene, but Matthew signaled her not to.

"You're letting your frustration get the best of you, Dawson. You know well that Evelyn doesn't fall for bratty kids. I'm not telling you this to get you upset, you and your brother are both as equally important to me." Matthew spoke with so much calmness as he continued. "None of us know what tomorrow will bring, no one knows if my sister's heart will change. Alexander and I will be graduating this year. We both will be moving away for College. You'll be the one protecting her from then on, if she were to fall out of love with Ale and maybe fall for you… you need to change that immature child nature you have going on right now. She needs a man that is willing to give it his all for her. That is my advice to you, follow it or not, its up to you." Matthew stared straight into Dawson's eyes, showing him that he was being serious about this. Dawson 'tch-ed' and threw Matthew back on the couch.

"I'm going out for some air." He walked out the front door and slammed it shut. He rested his crossed arms on the porch's rails and looked out at the darkness of the empty street. "If only I had met you first…" He sighed and leaned his head down. "It would have made no difference, would it?" Dawson questioned out loud, fearing to hear the answer. He looked up at the navy-blue sky, the moon and starts shinning bright. After what felt like an eternity for Dawson, he finally saw a pair of headlights driving into the driveway. Evelyn was the first to spring out of the car as she saw Dawson on her home's porch.

"Dawson, I've missed you so much!" She squealed out as she threw her arms around the boy. "Oh wow, you've grown so tall." Dawson wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up into the embrace. Evelyn's feet leaving the supporting ground.

"Yeah, and you're still as small as ever." He said digging his face into the nap of her neck. "I've missed you a whole lot, Ev." Dawson added in a whisper. He was so gentle with her, but his embrace was still tight. Alexander coughed a couple of times as he walked towards them.

"Hey little brother, aren't you going to greet me?" He wasn't enjoying seeing his girlfriend in the arms of another man, even if that man was family. Dawson looked up, meeting Alexander's eyes. Dawson's eyes showed it all, he wanted this girl for himself. He desired her more than ever now that he was back. Alexander scoff and looked away with an annoyed smirk. Dawson placed the small girl's feet back on the ground but made no attempt to let her go, he pulled her to the side, his arms around her shoulder.

"Nice to see you again, big brother." He greeted Alexander with no emotion shown on his face and voice. He turned back to look at Evelyn and smiled brightly. "Mom and Matt are waiting for us in the living room, shall we go inside?" Evelyn smiled back but shook her head.

"You go on ahead. I need to help Alexander get the stuff from the car." Dawson's smile fell. His expression went from a child who had just received a brand-new toy to that of a child that had just learned that Santa wasn't real.

"Oh, well… I'll head in first then…" He walked into the house as the couple made their way towards the car. "They were at the beach… Her hair smells like salt water." Dawson said to himself as he looked down at his now empty hands that just seconds ago held onto the small, fragile girl.

"I could have gotten all this myself, you know that, right?" Alexander said as he grabbed the cooler from the trunk and placed it on the pavement.

"I know, but I wanted to help. I wanted to be around you just a little bit more." She said as she grabbed her beach bag and the map from the back seat. Alexander made his way to her and pulled her into his arms, leaning down to give her a gentle kiss. He could smell his brother's cologne on her, he hated it. The kiss intensified as he felt a bit of anger and frustration. Alexander pinned her against the car and picked her up, so her legs were wrapped around his waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck and just as he was about to caress her breast a loud cough interrupted them.

"You think this is the right place for that?" Matthew said feeling a little upset that his little sister was doing this out in public. Alexander placed her down and scratched the back of his neck. Matthew shook his head and sighed. "I need to speak with you, its important." He said to his sister.

"What's going on?" She questioned. Matthew had a very serious expression on his face. Evelyn showed concern. She had never seen Matthew being like this. "Alexander, sorry, can you take the stuff down yourself?" Alexander only nodded and both Matthew and Evelyn walked towards the house.

"I wonder what's wrong?" Alexander continued taking the stuff down on his own.


"Matt is everything ok?" Evelyn questioned as Matt took her up to her room.

"Mom isn't coming back tomorrow as it was originally planned. Grandma is worse than she thought, but you know Grandma; she doesn't want to leave her home. Mom will be staying with her longer." Matthew took a seat on his sister's bed.

"I don't think Alexander will be able to stay longer as our guardian though with Dawson back and all. I know Mrs. Jane will want her boys together with her." Evelyn stood by her door; arms crossed but worried on her face. Matthew passed his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"You're right. We can't stay alone, and Alexander has his own home to go to." Evelyn looked at Matthew intensely. She didn't like something about his tone. He was taking too long to get to the point.

"Matthew?" She called out wanting him to say what he needed to say. Matthew cleared his throat.

"Dad is coming back." His voice came out low and hoarse. Evelyn felt a lump in her throat and her mouth dry. She took a deep breath before speaking up.

"You're kidding, right?" Matthew shook his head. "That shameless man. How dare he come back? He hasn't been back in six years. He abandoned his family, Matthew." Evelyn's eyes began to water, but it wasn't because she was sad. It was all out of anger and rage.

"It was mom's decision. You know they're always in contact with each other. Dad's job is what made him be away, it wasn't for any other reason. They still love and care for each other and personally I think it's a good thing that he's finally coming home." Matthew stood from his place and walked over to his sister, petting her on the head. "Give the man a chance."

"When is he getting here?" She said avoiding her brother's gaze.

"He called me earlier today. He'll be arriving early morning before my track meet." Evelyn looked from the floor to the wall. She didn't like these new arrangements. She didn't like that she was the only one that wasn't in on the loop until the last minute. She took a deep gulp of air and slowly released it.

"I can't say that I'm fine with it, but I'll manage." She turned to look at her brother who was now leaning against the door. "Promise me one thing thought." Matthew looked straight at her wondering what. She continued. "If for any reason I can't handle being around that man, please promise me that you'll allow me to go stay over at Alexander's." Matthew scratched the back of his head and sighed. He knew he couldn't say no.

"I promise." He pulled her in for a warm embrace and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you." She replied, returning the hug.

"Come on, let's go back downstairs. Dawson has been a pain in the ass waiting on you."


The siblings went back into the living room where they saw everyone waiting. "Ev, come here." Alexander called for his girlfriend as soon as he saw her entering the room. She walked towards Alexander, who was sitting on the floor. When she was about to sit next to him, he pulled her onto his lap. "The floor is cold; you might catch a cold." He said as an excuse to have her near him and away from Dawson.

'If glares could kill.' Thought Mrs. Jane as he saw the daggers Dawson was throwing at Alexander with his eyes. The room was silent, and it was extremely awkward for Evelyn.

"When are you transferring back to school?" Matthew broke the awkwardness as he directed his question towards Dawson. Alexander unconsciously held onto Evelyn tighter.

"I already did all the paperwork back home. I knew about dad's job, so I was well prepared. I'll be starting on Monday." Dawson turned to look at Evelyn. "Hopefully I get to have some classes with you." He added with a smile. Alexander's grip tightened. Evelyn took notice of it and caressed his arms, soothing them loose.

"Just like back in Middle School. We had most of our classes together." Evelyn sounded genuinely happy. They were best friends at some point in their lives. In her mind that's all she wanted from him though, just a best friend and nothing more. But she knew that wasn't his mentality. She couldn't do anything about it other than draw a line with him as she did back in Freshman year.

'We'll be together again.' Dawson thought as he looked at the beautiful girl he loved so dearly. Although she was in someone else's arms now, he knew, he hoped that someday that someone else could be him.

"How does it feel to have your boys back together, Auntie Jane?" Evelyn questioned. Mrs. Jane looking from one of her sons to the other.

"It's a great joy." She was sitting next to Dawson and placed her hand on his as she spoke. "Dear will you be joining us tomorrow at your brother's competition?"

"Of course, I have to go cheer on my big brother, don't I?" Dawson had a half smile on his face. Alexander sensed something wrong. He knew Dawson too well and he knew he was planning something. Whatever it was he wasn't going to let his little brother get the best of him.

"Alright then. Kids it's getting late, and you all have a big day tomorrow. Come on Dawson, let's leave them to get some rest. You still need to finish unpacking your stuff." Mrs. Jane stood from her place, pulling Dawson along.

"Wait a minute, how come Ale gets to stay here?" Dawson soon protested.

"Sophia asked him to stay with Matthew and Evelyn until she came back."

"Actually Auntie, I spoke to mom, and she won't be coming back as she had previously planned." Matthew called out. "Dad will be coming home instead."

"I know Matty, I spoke to your mother yesterday, but until Maverick gets here, Ale has to stay with you two. He promised your mother he would do so." Matthew nodded. Evelyn flinched at the mention of their father's name. Alexander noticed her tense body. They had not moved an inch from their spot on the floor. Meanwhile Dawson stood by his mother's side just staring at the couple.

"I'll walk you two out then." Matthew said as he stood from his seat and made his way out with Mrs. Jane and Dawson.

"I didn't know your father was coming back. What happened to Aunt Sophia?" Evelyn looked down at the floor.

"My Grandma is getting worse, and mom has to elongate her visit." She took a deep breath before continuing. "She said that you and Auntie had to be at your own house, now more since Dawson is back." Evelyn paused once more and bit her lower lip not knowing how to continue without feeling infuriated. Alexander knew from then what the grown-up's plan was.

"So, Aunt Sophia decided it was best for your father to be the one taking care of you guys?" Evelyn turned to look at her boyfriend and nodded.

"I think what mom really wants is for me to reconciliate with him, but…"

"You don't know if you can?" Evelyn nodded. "I wish I could take you home with me instead."

"You're making me sound like a lost kitten. You only missed to say, 'but my mother is allergic to cats,' or something like that." They both laughed.

"Lucky you, my mother isn't allergic. Personally, I wouldn't mind having you as my little pet. Cats tend to snuggle against their owners." Alexander said with a smirk and a wink.

"Should I snuggle with you tonight?" Evelyn suggested as she leaned in closer. Alexander tightening his arms around her waist.

"I see Sophie wasn't exaggerating when she said you two were beyond inseparable." Evelyn's eyes widened at the voice. She turned to look at the doorway only to see the man she despised the most standing with his arms crossed.