
Unknown bloodline

A strange looking pod crashing lands within the outskirts of Japan leaving a shocking power reading following after it in dead of night awakening nearby people forcing them to check it out in fear of a new over powered foe but turns out that this new rival was actually something unexpected and lovable nothing to be threatened by other than its unusually high and strange BP. What will come of this new Ally? is it really on there side or will a choice come in and reveal its true colours?

GogetaFanUwU · Anime und Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 16

With in the realm of Toreo the secret gatekeeper training was going according to plan as she sat there with both legs crossed, eyes closed shut in silence as her fingers were currently intertwined as if she was meditating, but really she was a alternate reality in the same place she was currently at connecting to a dark presence that instantly revealed itself cold hearted, deadly and dangerous by the looks of it. In her mind she was standing awake staring at the demon seeing it's oddly familiar appearance it resembled of her blood mother and yet it's hair was now black as well as it's tail too while the eyes remained a stunning pale blue copying her every move just like a mirrored reflection.

"Until you defeat this demon, you won't be able to leave so don't go easy on it and show me what you've got kid" Toreo claimed using telekinesis giving Nova an obvious explanation on how she can escape this place in her mind he put her in while she remained sat in a meditated stance as he sat in front of her watching carefully with his eyes closed as well observing everything in the side lines where nothing can sense his Ki to ensure his pupils survival and success.

"I can fight it.. like for real? What would happen if I die here?" She questioned still slightly puzzled staring at the Neoma looking demon that stood right before her very eyes as if she was real.

"If you die here, you'll die in real life and the bad thing about that is your family wouldn't be able to bring you back as your soul will be absorbed by the demon... tragic, but true" He replied in a sympathetic tone as he saw many others fall down the same path against their own demons. "Just don't die here.. it's a very negative place one that you shouldn't be apart of" He added as Nova nervously gulped seeing a fake Neoma silently glaring at her from a distance until the connection between Nova and Toreo leaving him only to watch and wait until the demon has been slain.

"It's either kill or get killed.. in my case I can't let this demon get me as everyone is depending on me.. I can't let them down?!" Nova yells in her mind preparing to fight this demon no matter if it was really Neoma or not as they never really had a motherly-daughter bond.

"Oh, my sweet child, what has those meddling Saiyans done to your innocent mind? Filling it with their selfish desires to fight and conquer planets. How can you stand being around them? They're filthy animals! You know they're gonna end up abandoning you one day" The demon spoke acting as if it knew her Saiyan like family, but really it has no clue on how great these monkeys have become throughout the years of fighting and protecting Earth from the rain of evil.

"SHUT UP?! You know nothing about my family! You're just a cheep knock off version of my blood mother. Both of my mothers are married to Saiyans! You know nothing about them nor about their races as not every monkey is mindless, aggressive, impulsive nor evil. I am too in love with a Saiyan so why don't you return back into your base form and fight me fairly.. oh wait you can't because you're a demon your kind doesn't play fair, does it?" Nova snapped back giving the demon a taste of its own medicine as it was true in her case making it growl furling the beast with rage dashing towards her full throttle with murderous intentions.

"You're weak! It's pathetic?!" It roared as the two clashed in intense combat refusing to lose at all cost. Nova was struggling to keep her distance as the demon kept on attacking again, again and again refusing to give her any time to react giving the pain in every punch it delivered leaving a sting behind like a poison jab stunning it's opponent showing no signs of hesitation in every jab.

"How is it effecting me like this? Every hit I take stings and paralyses my every move! but how?!" Nova thought stunk standing there unable to move a muscle for proximately 5 minutes max and even when she got that single second to try and move at least a finger the bastard always came rewinding the clock making her suffering even longer than it has to be which was beginning to piss her off ripping the Gi mother had made her especially the pastel blue undershirt. "You..YOU?!" She growled under her breath glaring at the demon with this rage filled eyes as she began to slowly forcing her head forward catching the demon completely off guard as it looked dumbfounded at what it was witnessing.

"How? You're supposed to be completely paralysed! How are you doing this?!" It growled bearing its fangs at her as she struggled to move some parts of her body forcefully freeing herself against this invisible poison that has her stuck in such a stiff position giving the cold hearted demon a cold glare as for the first time in Toreo's life as a gatekeeper had he ever seen fear pear in a demons face before I unexpectedly vanished reappearing right before her face pissed off while Nova was completely unfazed plotting her next move. "Why don't you just die already!" It growled as Nova just huffed with a grin before getting punched in the gut again feeling the anger and darkness that came with it winding her as its fist connected knocking out all of that precious oxygen out of her body in an attempt to suffocate her to death as intended, but Nova wasn't the type to give up so easily just like her father Goku.

"Nice... punch.. for a lousy demon" Nova replied still keeping that smirk painted on her face angering the demon as it gritted its teeth once again licking its lips hungry to taste mortal blood forgetting all about the jab it had delivered. Lunging at the supposed weakened Toura-Jin the demon though it had won grabbing her shoulders ready to feast on that clear, smooth skin knowing that her blood would taste divine, but as it's fangs were just inches away from digging in an unexpected and yet powerful blow from Nova was made surprising it as it quickly glanced down seeing her fist deep with its abdomen switching the roles around making it the innocent one with the upper hand.

"You..! Your body supposed to be completely paralysed! This can't be happening?!" It roared trying to get away as Nova held a tight grip on its dark grey Gi and black undershirt making escaping impossible especially with a fist in its gut pulling its ear closer towards her face.

"Hehe.. I guess you were wrong. Don't mistake my kindness as a weakness ever again" Nova whispered warning the demon that its end was near and by her hand alone as its eyes widened in fear and sheer panic using everything it had left to push her away and break free from this imprisonment. "Running away I see.. expected much from a coward" She scoffed with a smirk watching the once thought threat flee shocking Toreo who watched from afar.

"I-impossible.. I thought that only mother could do someone like that? *huffed with a smile* you really are something else, Nova" He thoughtfully thought admiring her bravery as that confident smirk reminded him of someone he cared dear about. Without a second thought Nova powered up revealing a protective like aura outline the outskirts of her body the obvious reason why the poison wasn't as effective.

"It's beginning to get boring so let's kick it up a notch" Nova suggested with a smile agitating the demon even more while warming up her muscles especially the legs and arms in order to prevent pull any precious muscle tissue while fighting against an opponent nothing like anything she is used to going against. "This is going to be tough, but I know it'll be worth it" thinking about a last minute plan of taking down her opponent without dying as seeing her family and friends again was her motive refusing to fail them and come back stronger than ever. In a heated Nova remained in a defensive stance blocking as much attacks as possible until the right moment came in those couple of seconds catching her eye at the opening that presented itself knowing that taking out the demon was the only way out in order to prepare for the real test, while Nova was preparing dealing a blow with that one punch wearing it as she delivered an endless amount of attacks delaying the demon's every move giving it no chance on defending due to how fast she was delivering every blow filled with determination and no mercy.

"Come on! Finish it!" Toreo exclaimed to himself getting pumped by just watching such amazing varieties of attacks he's seeing and how much fast she was becoming. Nova vanished and reappeared at the other side of the tournament ring putting her hands together on the right side of her thigh similar to Goku when he is to prepare to his signature technique, the Kamehameha.

"Kahh-maye-Haah-maye" Nova slowly began to say whole coldly glaring up at the demon who grew confused on what this technique was we it remained flying in the air sure what's this attack was nothing and simple to dodge seeing a light blue ball of light form in the middle of her hands that gradually grew bigger and bigger the more power she put into it.

"What is this?" The demon muttered preparing to attack with a special technique of its own clicking two left fingers before facing the palm of its left hand upwards producing odd looking fiery ball as it too grew bigger and bigger like Nova's soon to be Kamehameha wave as she refused to use such a technique against her own father for personal fears of accidental killing him due to the power she possessed.

"HAAAAAAA!!" Yelling as Nova moved her hands up forward sending the Kamehameha straight at the demon as it too sent its powerful blast brig ring up the realm in light while the two attacks met in the middle fighting to see which is more powerful, Nova was holding back not wanting to be a murdering monster Toreo can tell that negativity, evil and selfishness wasn't in the poor girl's heart as she only wished to become stronger and make her family proud at at least control some of this unlimited power she was so unlucky born with. "I.. I can't do this! I refuse to kill without a reason... why can't I do it?!" Yelling in her mind Nova was become self conscious of her actions willing to give this demon another chance to redeem itself for the better.

"Is this all you've got?! I expected more from some like you.. once you're dead I'll absorb your soul and kill everyone you care about and finally rule the entire galaxy!" This response made something click in her mind as she growled contracting her pupils without knowing giving the monster another high boost of her power destroying its powerful ball as her Kamehameha darted straight at it giving the heartless beast no chance on escaping evaporating it in seconds due to the huge amount of Ki and pure power she had put into the blast no where near the end of her halfway of that hidden power dwelling within her soul.

"That's what beings like you deserve when you involve my family.. sick bastard" She muttered as Toreo closed his eyes exiting back into the his realm standing back up seeing her still sat there peacefully meditating as he placed the end of his index finger on the middle of her forehead drawing her mind from that demonic place seeing Nova's eyes slowly open up seeing his feet before standing back onto her two feet meeting him face to face. "Soooo... when are we going to begin that training you promised?" Nova questioned keeping a straight face while their tails swished in sync silently staring at one another as nothing not a single word came out of their mouths being that quiet you could've been able to hear a pin drop.

"Alright. But don't hold back as I am far stronger than your father, his friend and that God Of Destruction combined and we won't be stopping until I say so" Toreo coldly replied breaking the silence between them as Nova gulped unsure if she's be able to keep up with her new master. "But first let gets you changed out of that Gi.. you're becoming my student so you'll need my signature to let others know you're under my training" He suggested seeing how ripped up and torn it had become as she brought out her wand surprising him since only angels and Guardians were only know to possess these and seeing his student with one isn't something you see everyday. Nova changed her Gi as it looked slightly different changing having his signature on the left side replacing the one she had once before removing the pastel blue undershirt leaving only the Gi light pastel blue sashes, wrist bands and black boots and white laces looking similar to Goku's boots, but a more darker colour. "That's more like it, now we can finally begin your training" Happily replied giving her a thumbs up being a unusually positive guy until that same serious atmosphere came back again making it obvious that he wasn't playing any games wanting to push Nova past her limits as soon as possible before the time of the tournament arrives.

Back on Earth things were also beginning to show promising results while Kane proved that he too can transform into his SSJ4 despite his Jody fur being red not black like Zorion as their Saiyan heritage are different as they were born and raised in separate universes.

"Just quit acting like a big baby and be grateful that it hasn't turned your hair red! This is one of the reasons why I am glad that our Saiyan Heritages are different or I will be ripping this bloody fur off me from just looking at you" Zorion snapped hating Kane already despite never meeting him before until now as all he wined about today was how hideous he'll think he would look if a female were to confront him in this form.

"Just because your fucking his daughter doesn't mean you can yell at me and rub it in! *mocking Zorion* Ooo I go out with Nova. Shut the fuck up already!" Kane barked back as some of Zorion's hairs on his body were seen standing up while silently glaring at his newly seen rival shutting the monkey up immediately when locking eye contact feeling his death glare become increasingly intense by the second. "You can't kill me I'm the only support you have left! Let alone your future replacement whenever you die in the tournament, so you better kiss her good bye as it'll be the last one you'll be getting for a long time" Kane was becoming cockier as the two SSJ4 warriors glared at one another panicking Goku as he quickly interrupted their heated conversation ignoring every word that came out of Kane's before hand.

"Why don't you guys settle this on the battlefield instead...? ya know to prevent anyone from getting hurt.." Goku said getting their attention allowing to fight against one another in their SSJ4 forms seeing who will come out on top. Zorion wasn't going to take no for an answer as he will prove that Nova belongs to him and him alone.

"Fine.. just tell that fucking monkey to keep my mate's name out of his mouth or he'll be seeing more than the angels when I'm done with him" Zorion warned him while glaring at Kane as he wasn't afraid to kill a Saiyan who had just spoke ill about Nova and had the audacity to take her away if he so dearly pleased.

"Alright! Cut it out! Just grab onto me and I'll take you two to a more isolated place where you won't be harming any innocent lives.. no killing just class it as training as we need both of you alive for the tournament so leave the killing for later" Goku seriously replied no longer seeing the fun in this as a fight against such powerful beings could end with devastating consequences if they were to go all out right there and then. So Kane placed a hand on one shoulder while Zorion grabbed onto the other allowing Goku to use instant transmission to take them off somewhere a very isolated place on Earth where no mortal life was seen for thousand of miles making it a perfect place to fight and train. "Last warning.. if I find out that either of you had used an attack strong enough to destroy Earth.. I'll be coming back" warning the two with a yet again a serious glare before disappearing off again as he planned to bring Vegeta and secretly watch somewhere off in the distance to prevent any casualties or the planet from being destroyed.

No was killed other than two beaten down Saiyans despite one holding back all his power to prevent suspicion on being a deity like Beerus, but with a more positive use of his power as he had intentions to make the Multiverse a better place no matter what the costs were he as determined to bring peace across the cosmos of space and time itself. Zorion won proving that he was stronger than his new ally a possible threat to Nova if she was to return know his intentions were to make her fall for him which was unlikely to happen as she was already claimed and happily in a relationship with Zorion making it impossible for Kane to succeed. What is Kane planning? And why out of the blue and after so long has he finally returned back to Earth challenging Zorion... what are his true intentions on helping Universe 7?