
Universe Travel - High School of the dead , Naruto.

After death, God became interested in me. He gave me a game system. Gave the opportunity to travel between worlds. Gave immortality. The price, of all this, is very simple. I become his entertainment. +++++++++++++++++++++//++/++++ Original Author: vitotitov https://tl.rulate.ru/search?from=book&t=vitotitov Release: ongoing The work has an age limit of 18+. Login or register to read this work. Genres: harem, litrpg, post apocalyptic, adventure, smut, fantasy, echi Tags: 18+, naruto, hero man, game elements, incest, journey to another world, system, gender reassignment Fandom Naruto Highschool of the Dead ======≠====================== I don't have this fanfic, just trying my translating skills

Vakde_14 · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 4 - Years Later (Part One)

Time flows like a stormy river.

It seemed only recently that I got into this world, and now I am entering the Fujimi Academy.

Yes, this is the same academy where Rei, Takashi, Saeko and others studied.(waifu banzai).

Nothing interesting has happened to me during these fourteen years, but still I will briefly retell what happened to me.

The early years were bad. Seriously. Very bad.

Just imagine that any access to information will be taken away from you, be it books, TV, Internet. Yes, in general.

And you also have no one to talk to, Jarvis doesn't count.

Seriously, in just a few days I started getting hungry for information.

As already understood, it was incredibly boring. I was a small child who was constantly monitored. Therefore, all I could do was: eat, sleep, shit and, if allowed, then crawl. So yeah, the only fun was skill leveling.

In ascending order, I will describe what skills I got and how I pumped them.

I will give general statistics later, because while growing, it always changed.

But I can tell right away that I spent all the received stat points only on Wisdom and Intelligence.

Two years

Little has changed over the past year. Aiko also breastfed me.

And only thanks to her, I was able to maximize one skill.

Love Arts - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The effectiveness of sexual actions increases tenfold)

Crazy bonus right? Himself in shock. Every touch of mine with intimate intentions is ten times more pleasant! And Aiko just like horror ... in the literal sense. It seems to me this lady is turning into a yandere. She almost never loses sight of me.

I'm honestly scared.

I did not have much contact with children, as I was engaged in pumping skills. The adults all the time tried to keep me company in the form of kids. Thanks, I'll manage ...

Three years

That year, Aiko stopped breastfeeding me. And no, not because she wanted it.

It was just getting suspicious. Other children have long been weaned from this or have always been bottle fed. Yes, and I was already starting to speak, so she was afraid that baby Shiro would say too much.

And yet I managed to get the achievement.

Congratulations! You have fulfilled the hidden conditions!

Hidden achievement obtained - Legendary Lover

Method of obtaining - Bring your partner to orgasm a thousand times.

Reward - Ability: Orgasm Scale

From the title it is already clear what is about what, but still I will explain.

This scale indicates how much is left before the "explosion" of your partner. But the main function is "accumulating orgasm".

You can postpone and "accumulate" your partner's orgasm by keeping him on the edge. The longer you hold someone on the edge, the stronger the final release.

The main thing is just not to overdo it, otherwise it may affect the mind.

The skill itself and the achievement were easy to pump and get. Although all this became possible only thanks to Aiko feeding me and her supersensitive breasts.

Let's go by skills.

Acting Skill - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Effectiveness of acting is increased fivefold)

The constant role-playing of the role of a smart little kid easily enough finished off the skill to a hundred.

Vocals - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Your voice has become ten times more melodic and charming)

At first it seemed to me that it would be difficult to pump this skill. I didn't sing a lot. It turned out, on the contrary - he swayed the lightest.

The main thing is that you have a lot of listeners. Then the bonus worked and the experience flowed like a river.

Now I have a beautiful deep voice ... Am I feeling or am I becoming a narcissist? Yes, no, some kind of nonsense ...

Four years

Aiko left the orphanage that year. The fact is that she went on maternity leave. And no, I have nothing to do with it. Seriously, I'm four years old, even with the system I'm not omnipotent.

This was not her first pregnancy, but her second. The first child did not survive childbirth.

Naturally, this was a great grief and test for her family. But they got through it and refused to give up.

The husband, seeing his wife's condition, invited her to work in an orphanage. Lactation has already begun anyway. And so he gains experience and distracts at least a little. Although this is a rather dubious way to send your wife who lost her child to work in an orphanage, but okay.

The day I entered was her first at the orphanage. And since my little body was bad, they decided to appoint a wet nurse for me. Like this. Fate, not otherwise. I wish that everything was good with her.

You may wonder: "Why didn't she adopt me since she liked me so much?" The answer is simple.

Just imagine a Japanese couple with a dark-skinned child, half Asian. Do you feel what it smells like? Yeah.

In principle, this is not the main thing. Their culture has developed so that it is not customary to adopt children. Only in extreme cases, when there is no longer a chance for their own. And even if they send their children to an orphanage, it is not a fact that they will be taken back, even if they want to.

The fact is that there is a huge staff to support the children, but if there are fewer children, then what? Correctly you will have to reduce it.

Okay, Aiko, good luck, and we'll go by skills.

Energy Control - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Energy speed increased tenfold)

Then I was glad that this difficult skill had finally reached its limit. The rest of the skills were easy, but this one just burned out my poor brain.

The difficulty was posed by the fact that he was highly dependent on the statistics of Wisdom and Intelligence. Let me explain now.

Imagine that prana or any other energy is a stream of water. You can direct this flow wherever you want. The initial level of control is to be able to manage this stream as you please.

In order to advance further in control, you must divide the stream into two streams. Then two streams for four. Later at eight and so on.

But the problem is that you cannot physically control many of these branches. And until you improve the characteristics you will go towards the goal in scanty steps and you will not develop the skill even in old age.

Ambidextr - [Lv 100]

Each time you level up, you will master the ability to perfectly control both hands.

(Optional: Each skill level raises hand coordination by 1%)

Current bonus (100%)

Quite an interesting skill that allows you to perfectly use both the right and left hand.

The bonus makes it possible to do different things with both hands. Well, for example, write in a notebook with the left and draw at the same time with the right.

True, this puts a load on the brain, because you have to control the handles at the same time, but someone who, and I can afford it.

Five years.

It's been a good year. If only because I was finally given the opportunity to walk alone in the park. Unattended!

God, how happy I was.

After all, in the depths of this forest, I could finally start training.

Running over rough terrain, and even with obstacles, perfectly increases endurance and agility.

Large stones replaced dumbbells for me.

On the first day of training, when I was jumping over the next log, I got an alert.

A new skill has been mastered!

Parkour - [Lvl 1]

As the skill level increases, you learn the art of moving intelligently and overcoming obstacles.

(Optional: With each increase in the skill level, the energy consumption for movement is reduced by 10%)

Distracted did not have time to throw his leg over the log. As a result, he flew away to kiss the ground.


Yes, it was my hand ... I'll tell you right away, it was very painful.

New skill learned!

Physical Resistance - [Lv 1]

Each new skill level improves your resistance to physical damage.

(Additional: For each skill level, physical damage done to the body is reduced by 10%)

New skill learned!

Regeneration - [Lv 1]

With each skill level, the rate of natural healing increases.

(Optional: The speed of regeneration is increased by 10% for each increased level)

Besides the new skills, I have pushed a few old ones to the limit.

Meditation - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The speed of recovery of mental forces is increased tenfold)

Four years of persistent meditation have brought this skill to the maximum.

And that's not it. There was also a new achievement.

Congratulations! You have fulfilled the hidden conditions!

Hidden Achievement Received - Meditation Guru

Method of obtaining - Spend twenty thousand hours in meditation.

Reward: Ability - Free Meditation

The finest perk. I'll explain everything now.

This ability can be called passive meditation or simply a trance state.

That is, I can activate the ability and go on about my business.

The bonus in the form of increased energy regeneration works only half.

In the same way, thoughts become pure. Emotions go to the third place or even to the fourth. The speed of thinking increases. In this state, I am absolutely focused.

Skill is my salvation. The thing is, I don't like to train.

Not because he is lazy. It's just boring for me to perform monotonous movements for several hours.

Seriously, you can hang yourself out of boredom.

But thanks to the ability, you can perform your task like a robot.

The ability makes it possible to literally skip these boring but rewarding moments of life.

And as you know, there is a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey.

The ability spends quite a lot of mental strength.

For example, I may stay awake for up to two weeks and not experience any repercussions.

But after a whole day in this state you get very tired and you have to meditate for at least two or three hours.

But this trifle does not spoil anything at all.

Teaching - [Lv 100]

As the skill level increases, you will comprehend the profession of a teacher.

(Optional: For each skill level, the effectiveness of mentoring will be increased by 10%)

Current bonus (1000%)

In general, children are terribly inquisitive and I, as the smartest of the children, usually taught them everything and enlightened.

The skill is extremely useful and I am extremely glad that I was able to maximize it.

This skill is important for me, because it gives me the opportunity to prepare loved ones for the apocalypse. They are not there yet, but there is a girl that I liked after watching the anime. And it is in my best interest that she is not weak.

Six years.

I was transferred to a school with dormitories.

The school is standard. It was attended mainly by ordinary children.

Honestly, it's even somehow sad to leave here. But what to do is life.

Every year the children leave here and this year is no exception.

I and the other children sat on the bus, tightly gripping our backpacks with personal belongings and watched as almost all the residents of the shelter saw us off.

The guys on the bus were crying. And even I felt a treacherous tingle in my eyes until a few tears rolled down my cheeks. Funny right?

In total, I was already twenty-four years old. And yet then I could not resist, despite my skills. Although my age may have been to blame, who knows.

Everyone had hot tears on their faces. Children, educators, even the driver was a little moved.

But my heart ached knowing that most likely they would all die in the future. There was little chance of not becoming zombie food.

I hope I have time to temper my heart before this happens.

Okay. Enough about the sad. Here are my complete statistics at the time of my sixth birthday.


Shiro Yuki

Level 14 (0)


Strength - 9

Agility -15

Stamina -16

Intelligence - 47

Wisdom - 48

Abilities :

Player Body

Gamer's Mind

Orgasm Scale

Free Meditation


While the bus slowly made its way through the stone jungle, I meditated. It's easier to miss boring moments this way.

Regeneration - Level up!

Regeneration Lv 80 → 81

Congratulations to the user level upgraded!

- "Jarvis?" -

"Sir, you still have injuries after training in the woods in the morning. -

"Oh, I see. Okay, then as usual there are three in intelligence and two in wisdom. " -

- I'm doing it. -


Intelligence stat reached 50 points!

You get the Perfect Memory skill!


The statistic of Wisdom has reached 50 points!

You get the Extra Consciousness skill!

An instant change in memory was felt. Before that I thought that she was perfect, but now I managed to remember absolutely everything.

For example, before remembering a conversation three years ago was a trifle for me.

Now I remember not only the conversation itself, but also what happened in the background. In general, this is why the memory became perfect.

As for the additional consciousness, I will only say that it feels strange. There is nothing even to compare with. It also doubled my thinking ability and multitasking ability.

Now it is possible to do several things at the same time. I even thought, what if one mind is meditating, and the other goes about its business.

Will the energy regen bonus work?

As it turned out, no. The main consciousness should meditate, and the additional one cannot take over the control of the body. It's a pity…