
Chapter 27 - Shooting Star

Bright sunlight filled the room through the wide bedroom window.

On the bed were two naked bodies. Shiro and Saeko were fast asleep in their arms, and the guy was still partially in it.

After the most active night, the smell of their love literally permeated the crime scene.

In addition, everyone who was close to their room could not sleep all night because of the wild screams.

* BOOM * * BOOM *

"God, who's knocking so early, huh?" Shiro muttered and buried his face in the girl's chest.

- Shiro, it's already lunchtime. Apparently we are too carried away and tired. - Saeko whispered in his ear and caressed the snow-white hair.

- Well, maybe a little. This is the first time I wake up later than you ... "he told her with a sleepy smile.

- Yes ~ ah, it would be more often if you were asleep, as now, and not meditated. -

* BOOM * * BOOM *

No one spares the poor door. At this rate, it will soon fall apart.

- Okay. I'm going to open it, and you get dressed quickly. - said Shiro, leaving the girl under a soft groan and putting on underpants and pants, he went. So, without a top, I stomped to open the door. In turn, Saeko quickly donned her uniform.

* BOOM * * BOOM * * BOOM *

- I'm going, I'm going, you don't need to be so nervous. -

The whole team was outside the door. Shizuka, Rei, Takashi, Hirano and Saya pounding the door angrily.

* BOOM * * BOOM * * BOOM *

It was clear from their tired faces that they had had a sleepless night.

- Fucking Shiro! It will fit or not! - Saya, angry, with not sleepy eyes, pounded the door pouring out all her anger on her.

- Yes ~ ah, Shiro turns out to be such a beast. He didn't let anyone fall asleep at night. Shizuka said rubbing her eyes.

The others could only blush at her words.

* BOOM * * BOOM * * POOM *

When Takagi knocked on the door, it opened abruptly and Shiro appeared in the doorway. No top. The smell of sex, the air, poured over everyone who stood next to the door, which reminded them of how stormy their night passed.

Before she could react, Saya slapped Shiro's bare chest.

Seeing Shiro, the people around him blushed. Well, this is understandable because he is "hot" to say the least. Even Hirano and Takashi were embarrassed and turned away ... and this already says something. Dangerous.

- "Oh, not bad, very good." Shizuka mused as she examined Shiro.

- "Shiro ..." - Rei blushed, but despite all this, she continued to look at him fascinatedly.

Saya didn't think about anything. Only hypnotized, she ran her small hand over his strong chest.

- What's wrong? Why are you all rushing to me? And Saya, please remove your hand at last. -

Takagi pulled her hand as if scalded and exclaimed in embarrassment - Who needs you an idiot! We wanted to talk with the whole team and decide what to do next! -

- Ah, got it. Well, our room is now in a mess, so let's not gather with us. -

- Okay. - said still red Rei - Then let me have it.

On that and decided. Fifteen minutes later, in Rei's room, the entire team was assembled.

Embracing Saeko, Shiro said, "Tell me why you didn't let us sleep." -

- You have the nerve to complain! You are like wild animals all night ... - Saya began to blaze again, but she was interrupted.

- Please, Saya, don't ... Don't, remember - said Rei, blushing to the tips of her ears. Her room, just next door to our couple.

- Okay. This time. But after…-

- So? What are we going to talk about? Shizuka asked.

- Whether we stay with this group or not. -

After Takagi's words, everyone realized that the conversation would be important and began to ponder the situation in all seriousness.

- This group? Rei asked.

- Right. Saeko nodded, luxuriating in Shiro's arms. "Now we have become part of a stronger and larger team. Generally… -

- Yes, we either join or leave them. - said Saya in a serious voice.

Tension hung in the room. The situation was unfolding serious, literally deciding their future.

- Do we need to leave them? The city is getting more and more dangerous, and your father is doing great here. And your mom is great too. - Takashi said, trying to defuse the situation, only did not notice that his words were clearly not to Takagi's liking. I don't like it very much.

- Yeah, great. - Saya smiled - I was proud of her. And now I am also proud. She did so much in two days ... But ... She could ... - she said with sadness and resentment, trying not to burst into tears.

"Takagi ..." Komuro said quietly.

- Don't call me by my last name! - Saya flared up.

- It is not worth it about the parents. It's hard for everyone now… "Takashi frowned.

- You speak just like my mother! I know they are great parents! Rescued subordinates and their families! Just super! Incredible! Am I now to be happy about this or what ?! The girl screamed in rage. - And of course! God! Of course, they did not forget about their own daughter for a minute ... Yes, they scored on me and did not even think that I would be saved! - with tears in her eyes poured out Saya's soul.

At that moment, Takashi approached in a rage and grabbed Takagi and lifted her up. - Shut up! He bellowed in her face.

- Takashi? - Saya interrogatively said in fright and confusion.

- Not you alone feel bad! Forgot about me? It's hard for all of us now! You are still lucky to know that your parents are alive and well! Very lucky! - he shouted at her and shook like a dog.

Moments of silence fell, and everyone thought about their loved ones. How are they ...?

"Takashi… Kindly put Saya in her place. Otherwise, don't blame me for using force too. Shiro said calmly and easily as usual.

But the room seemed to get colder from this. And if earlier the aura of a noble samurai emanated from Shiro, now it is a huge beast ready to dash.

They also felt uncomfortable with the way he looked at Takashi. As if he was already dead to him. Like a zombie, or worse.

It worked on Komuro like a bucket of ice water by the collar. All in all, very "refreshing". As a consequence, Takagi quickly returned to earth.

- She has every right to express her dissatisfaction about this, because in her own way, she is right. Shiro shrugged. "Yes, her parents saved a lot of people, and that's very good. Against this background, she looks like a simple angry and capricious princess ... But she's just right. Though in its own way. -

- How can she be right ?! They saved a lot of people! It's not easy for them too! They are not to blame! - beat himself in the chest Takashi.

- I'm not saying that they are to blame. It's just their situation and let them decide it themselves. I am sure that Soichiro and Yuriko are sad and embarrassed, but they understand their daughter's feelings and can only hope that she will understand and forgive them. Outsiders should not go there. Besides, it's not for you Takashi to say all this ... -

- What do you mean? He stared intently at Shiro.

"For your information, it's been several days since we were safe, and you haven't even scratched your head about helping your parents. At such a time, every second counts, moreover, yesterday you were going to give up the weapon, although it was common, but it does not matter. When did you hand over the weapon what you hoped for? That someone instead of you will run to save your family? Or did you want to run with a stick? Or maybe you just don't care? Shiro said, looking Takashi in the eye.

The tension in the room peaked. Everyone looked nervously at Takashi and waited for him to rush at Shiro.

But, unexpectedly for observers, he simply frowned in irritation and thought hard.

- I do not reproach or condemn you. Just giving advice. Always think before actions, especially "physical" ones. As for the team ... From the very beginning, Saeko and I wanted to leave her, just the two of us, and go to a quiet island where we can safely live our lives. Shiro said calmly to them. True, there was also a bit of embarrassment in the voice.

-- What?! You decided to leave me !? Not! Have you decided to leave us !? - in an instant, Saya's sad and melancholic mood turned into furious and touchy.

It is worth noting that everyone was at least very surprised by this statement.

- Shiro-kun! Are you leaving me? Shizuka asked, pouting like a child. But the eyes could not hide the resentment and a bit of rage of this mature woman.

- He didn't finish! Saeko said loudly. "We only wanted to do this at the very beginning." Until we became friends with you. -

- So you won't leave us? -

- Of course not. But we would still like to go to the island. Therefore, Shiro and I are in favor of leaving this big group. -

- Okay. - corrected Saya's glasses - It was worth starting with this. Now raise your hands for those who want to leave this big team.

Everyone raised their hands. Even Komuro who was all in himself.

- Unanimously! Then let's get together now, save the parents of Rei and Takashi, and then sail off to the island! - Saya said not without joy.

- Umm, I like it! Just give me the phone number, I remembered my friend's number! - Shizuka jumped happily ... And her breasts jumped too ... Joyfully ...

- "Mom ... How are you there?" Rei thought sadly.

- Oh! What it is! - shouted Kota, pointing out the window.

- Do not frighten me , you fool! What is there? - Saya kicked him in irritation and looked out the window.

In the distance a "star" was falling across the sky, leaving a trail behind it. In an instant, she disappeared over the horizon. Then a huge blinding flash lit up the heavens, and a strong shock wave made everyone in the room stagger.

- Oh! What happened !? Takagi shouted, rubbing her eyes.

- What is it! Your mother! Nuclear bomb! Hirano squealed loudly when he blinked and saw a mushroom blooming on the horizon.