
Universe Travel - High School of the dead , Naruto.

After death, God became interested in me. He gave me a game system. Gave the opportunity to travel between worlds. Gave immortality. The price, of all this, is very simple. I become his entertainment. +++++++++++++++++++++//++/++++ Original Author: vitotitov https://tl.rulate.ru/search?from=book&t=vitotitov Release: ongoing The work has an age limit of 18+. Login or register to read this work. Genres: harem, litrpg, post apocalyptic, adventure, smut, fantasy, echi Tags: 18+, naruto, hero man, game elements, incest, journey to another world, system, gender reassignment Fandom Naruto Highschool of the Dead ======≠====================== I don't have this fanfic, just trying my translating skills

Vakde_14 · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 16 - Harassment

I leave the meditation and quietly get out of bed. Today Saeko is missing the first two lessons so that she can sleep a little longer.

I make a fruit salad and fresh peach juice for breakfast. For lunch for me salad and pork in batter, and Saeko fried tuna and rice with unagi. While I was cooking, I did not notice how time flies. And now I'm in trouble.

Having put the girl's provisions in the refrigerator, I urgently go to school. To be on time, you will have to rely on three subway ... Or run at the speed of an Olympian the distance of a marathon runner.

As soon as I went down into the subway, luck smiled at me in the form of a train that had just arrived.

However, as it turned out, it is jam-packed with people, like a bank of sprats. And the smell is right. "I love public transport."

Entering stood somewhere in the middle. To my surprise, the person on the left was a pink-haired girl from the Fujimi Academy Thunderstorm, Takagi Saya.

True, she had, to put it mildly, a problem. A balding problem for about forty years with the figure of a kolobok. In general, this little man with a calm face was jamming buns of a pink tsunderka, and she just stood there, but endured.

I would have thought she liked it all, but her face said something else. More precisely, on her face there was just a palette of emotions.

Anger, anger, embarrassment and ... Excitement? What is it to her? Do you like the fact that a bald old man forcibly paws on her in a foul-smelling carriage? Well ... tastes differ.

Okay, she definitely doesn't like this. It's just that culture itself is to blame. In public transport, it is not customary even to chat on the phone, what to shout. Moreover, it will be considered a shame that she was touched.

And now she puts up with it so as not to betray what is happening. Well, isn't it nonsense? Okay, let's help the girl, it's a pity ... and also incredibly infuriating that such animals spoil the reputation of normal guys.

Just hitting him is not an option, since in the end I will be to blame. There is no evidence. In addition, it is not known how Saya will behave. So I hit him and accuse him of harassment, and she will take it and say, trying to hide the "shame" that there was nothing like that ... And that's all ... I'm in pooshi in shit. It's a pity I forgot my phone at home ...

Okay, let's do it tricky.

From the third person ...

There was peace and quiet in the stuffy carriage.

Someone is asleep, someone is reading, and someone is just sitting quietly with their eyes closed.

It's a pity that not everyone was in a calm mood now.

- "Heck! Heck! Heck! Why did I refuse to ride with my father! Fuck you fucking pervert! Die! Die! If anyone sees a pervert pawing the "best student" of the school ... My reputation will end! NOT! My school life will come to an end! What's this!? Yuki Shiro !? What have you forgotten! Just notice this, and I will kill you! " - Saya shouted in her head, glaring at the hero.

About a minute before the next station, an angry scream broke the quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

- ENOUGH! You got me already! Shiro shouted into the pervert's confused face.

- I-yaya ... - the bastard stretched out discouragedly.

- What am I? Get off my ass, motherfucker! I'm not like that! I like women! Don't you understand !? WOMEN! I took my hand away once, two, three ... ten! You can be seen as a very stubborn pervert! There are so many girls in the carriage, but you paw my ass !? If you like guys so love them, I'm not sorry, just don't touch me! I'm straight after all! One more time touch my ass and you skiff! Got it ?! - our fox shouted in "sincere" anger and embarrassment.

- "What? Did he touch him? No, wait ... What's going on !? " Takagi thought in confusion.

Thanks to his maximum acting skill, absolutely everyone believed Shiro. Even the perverted himself believed for a moment that he groped the man ...

In an instant, the contemptuous glances of the entire carriage concentrated on the new "victim" ... All these glances stung the goat like blades.

As a result, he ran out in panic at the bus stop. Now it will be his nightmare for the rest of his life.

The rest of the way was calm.

As they approached the academy, Takagi caught up with Shiro.

- Wait! - she shouted and ran to the hero.

- Yes? -

- Thanks for all! -

- What are you talking about? Shiro shrugged.

- Don't pretend! I knew right away that you were just playing the victim! He played pretty well though. - said Saya in a condescending tone.

- Of course I drove him away, but why do you thank me? Shiro said "surprised".

- What why? You scared this scum away from me! Takagi said in disbelief.

- Yes ~ huh? And it seemed to me that everything suits you and you enjoy it. -

- WHAT?! Are you really that !? Do you think I am the same as him ?! -

- Well ~ y ... Yes, otherwise you yourself would have stopped his encroachments, in the bud. -

- What are you ?! Stupid!? I could not! Otherwise, others would have known that I was being fooled by a perverted old man! This is such a shame and shame! -

- Uh-huh ... That is, you would have put up with him until the end of the journey. -

- What else could I do? -

- Nuuu ... Maybe scream like me? -

- Don't you understand! This will ruin my life! I'm not as shameless as you! -

- Just think ... Self-proclaimed genius, the best student in the school, the sharpest tongue of the Fujimi Academy will endure sexual harassment. The big tyrant in the school and the little lamb in the subway. Shiro teased her with irony in his voice.

- Shut up! Shut up! FOOL! - Saya shouted with a red face and a bullet rushed to the academy.

Left in splendid isolation, Shiro asked out loud - Hmm ... Maybe I overdid it? - and then went to class.

Time flew by quickly behind the meditation.

In the middle of the last lesson, Shiro woke up an alert.

Congratulations on the start of the apocalypse!


An important event has been tracked! You are given a quest chain!

Kill 100 Undead

Reward: 10 Stats Points

Kill 1,000 Undead

Reward: 50 Stats Points

Kill 10,000 Undead

Reward: 100 Stat Points

Kill 100,000 Undead

Reward: Ability "Thunderstorm of the Undead".

Kill 1,000,000 Undead

Reward: Unknown.

- It started ... Statistics. -


Shiro Yuki

Age : 18

Level 45 (0)

Prana - 660

Strength - 55

Agility - 42

Stamina - 66

Intelligence - 135

Wisdom - 135

Skills :

Love Arts - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The effectiveness of sexual actions increases tenfold)

Vocals - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Your voice has become ten times more melodic and charming)

Acting Skill - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Effectiveness of acting is increased tenfold.)

Energy Control - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Energy speed increased tenfold.)

Parkour - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Energy costs for movement are reduced tenfold)

Ambidextr - [Lv 100]

(Optional: You are in complete control of both your hands.)

Physical Resistance - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The damage done to your body is reduced tenfold.)

Regeneration - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Your regeneration is ten times more efficient.)

Teaching - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Teaching speed of someone is increased tenfold)

Meditation - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The speed of recovery of your spiritual powers is increased tenfold.)

Perfect Memory - [Lv 100]

(Optional: You have developed a perfect memory. Nothing can be forgotten.)

Additional consciousness

(Optional: You have developed an additional consciousness. For every fifty points of Wisdom, you will receive an additional consciousness.)

Dancer - [Lv. 58] - With each skill level you dance better

(Optional: For each increased skill level, the smoothness and beauty of your movements increases by 10%)

Great Householder - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The quality and efficiency of your home activities is increased tenfold.)

Jack of All Trades - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The efficiency and quality of your crafts is increased tenfold.)

Martial Arts Master - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The effectiveness of martial arts and their techniques is increased tenfold.)

Shooting - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The speed of the projectile is increased tenfold.)

Subtlety - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Your stealthy ones are ten times more effective.)

Transformation [Lv 100]

(Optional: You spend ten times less energy converting.)

Writing - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The quality of your writing is increased tenfold.)

Draw - [Lv 100]

(Optional: Your drawings are ten times more effective.)

Calligraphy - [Lv 100]

(Optional: The beauty of your text is magnified twentyfold.)

Abilities :

Player Body

Gamer's Mind

Orgasm Scale

Free Meditation