

Number: 6 (Ben is 7 and Vanya is 8)


Name: Conner Hargreeves

Nickname: The Forge



Personality: Trust issues as people repeatedly fail to understand who he is and why he does things. A bit of an attention whore due to neglect. Finds it better to smile and laugh when facing negative emotions/thoughts as comforting. An impulsive and rash thrill seeker. A really witty person and a good problem solver though is not the best at remembering details.




Non transformed:

-Brown medium length hair

-Olive toned skin

-A fit and toned body

Transformed: Any




-He was raised like the others, though not as distant with their father. He could almost be considered one of their fathers confidants when he grew older. After Ben's death most of the academy left other than him and Luther. While Luther religiously was either on missions or bored, Conner chose to have a little more freedom despite their father's opposition. His freedom made Reginald more strict when it came to Luther during this time.Due to this new freedom Reginald altered his function for the academy as also a researcher/scout in addition to going on missions because it is usually days or weeks between missions, Reginald also needed a way to keep him within arms reach so to say. At the time Luther was injured Conner was also there, he attempted to save Luther but failed. He himself suffered no injuries due to his powers though the same couldn't be said for Luther who was permanently augmented with gorilla DNA. Luther was shortly sent to the moon as Conner became the sole academy member. He was effective but he would occasionally burn out.



Power: Shapeshifting - can change shape, size and colour. The limits are unknown, can stretch to unfathomable lengths and etc. Similar to plastic man. Can't be 'killed' and aging rapidly begins slowing after the age of 25. Due to physiologically being inorganic mental powers don't work.