
ULTRA AI - (Moved to a New Link)

ULTRA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, also known as UAI, is an adaptive technology from an unknown universe called XENDA. XENDA is a life force that exists within and outside the universe, beyond time and space itself. The people of XENDA saw that the multiverse could no longer be secured from powerful threats that endangered the multiverse itself. Pi-minus, the most intelligent being in the entire Maniverse, created a life force that exceeds the cosmos itself, which protects the multiverse from an omega destruction. The omega destruction is the end of every universe that exists within and outside the cosmos. It is the source of life, ideas, inspirations, imaginations, and everything else that exists. Every writer, artist, audience, and creator views their perspectives from this source. If it were destroyed, everything that you know of would cease to exist. In short, it is the LIFE SOURCE of the fabric of existence. There are two types of destruction: the Alpha destruction and the Omega destruction. The Alpha destruction was the first big bang that rewrote reality itself, making changes to every continuity that unbalanced existence. This affected every continuity you know of and every timeline that exists, recreating, destroying, and altering the cosmos itself. It was the yin-yang of reality. Pi-minus foresaw this coming, that the only thing that could produce an omega destruction is when the Alpha destruction is no more. Pi-minus saw the end of each world's destruction right from the 144,000 universes, and the only way he could save all existence was with the XENTORIUM CORE. A XENTORIUM CORE is the creation and birth of each universe. From the highest beings and points to the lowest beings and points, the XENTORIUM CORE holds the key to balancing the cosmos and saving all that exists. Author's note: The XENTORIUM CORE is a powerful source that is incomparable to anything else. Its capabilities are incomprehensible to most top tiers of supreme intelligence within and outside the cosmos. Not many are capable of its unique and limitless potential, which can change the fabric of existence with a mere thought of limitless capacity, be it conscious or unconscious. This book is just for fun and not meant to criticize any other works of authors. References will be made to keep the storyline consistent. This is just a fictional write-up.

richard_rick · Sci-fi
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134 Chs

The Elementals - Part 4

In the mystical realm of the Elemental Lands, a pivotal moment unfolded. Anya, hailing from the Water Land's noble family, gathered her parents and siblings for a heartfelt family discussion. There, she shared her burning desire to dedicate herself to the greater good by joining the ranks of the elemental warriors. Encouraged by her family's unwavering support, she set out on a path of destiny, determined to serve her land.

In the Earth Land of the Royal Family, Jack found himself in a similar situation. His family, too, embraced his decision to follow his heart and join the elemental warriors. This was not an isolated occurrence, for in the Fire Land, Santa Maguire from a noble lineage, and in the Air Land, Chi-Chi Taichi, a member of the royal family, made identical choices, backed by their families' unwavering encouragement.

United by a common purpose, the four individuals from these diverse backgrounds embarked on a journey to serve as Elemental Warriors, seeking the prophesied child who could thwart the looming threat of evil invaders. Their paths converged as destiny intertwined them with a fifth companion, Jake Momoa.

Meanwhile, deep within the heart of the invaders' lair, dark intentions brewed. Their sinister knowledge expanded beyond the realm's boundaries. The elemental orb, a source of great power, had mysteriously vanished, and an unsettling breach had torn the veil separating the spirit realm from the living. Yet, this unsettling turn of events fueled hope among the invaders.

Their leader, with an air of confidence, assured them that the presence of malevolent spirits on their side would ultimately lead to victory. Amidst their clandestine deliberations, a covert messenger arrived, bearing news from spies embedded in the Elemental Lands. A forbidden elemental user, their informant, disclosed the elemental warriors' quest for the prophesied child and their preparations for battle.

In the Elemental Lands, uncertainty shrouded the appearance of the prophesied child, leaving the warriors in a daunting predicament. After an exhaustive exchange of intelligence, the weakened leader of the invaders hatched a treacherous plan. They would ambush the elemental warriors, catching them off guard, and seize the royal and noble bloodlines to reconstruct the elemental orb.

With a chilling resolve, the leader declared, "Jake Momoa and his allies must be stopped before they thwart our plans. By siphoning the bloodlines of the royals and nobles, we shall recreate the elemental orb and unleash the void. The time is upon us, and we must seize this opportunity to usher in a new era."

On the other side of the realm, as the elemental warriors embarked on their mission to locate the prophesied child, Jake shared a critical revelation with his companions. Gathered together, they discussed the lost elemental orb, and Jake's encounter with it emerged as a pivotal narrative in their journey.

They stood there, stunned by what had just transpired. After a long and distant walk, the elemental warriors decided to take a short rest. It was then that they pulled Jake aside, their expressions filled with disbelief.

"No way! You absorbed its power?" Anya Thai exclaimed.

"That same stranger you encountered some nights ago gave you the orb and said you are the child of prophecy?" Santa Maguire questioned.

Jack Prince chimed in, "This is a lot to take in. You faced a more formidable foe than any of us during the time the forbidden elemental users came as a distraction. Your opponent possesses abilities to control will and fear, telepathy, empathy, telekinesis, teleportation, teleportation control, and even soul manipulation."

As the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together, Chi-Chi couldn't help but recall Jake's strange abilities. She spoke up, "And those strange tattoos on your back aren't just for show, are they?"

Jake revealed them, and they all gasped in astonishment as the shattered pieces of the tattoo had already become one, much like the elemental orb.

"This can only mean one thing," Chi-Chi declared.

"Jake is the child of prophecy," Jack Prince affirmed.

"Only royals and nobles have the abilities to control various elements," Anya Thai added.

Santa Maguire contemplated for a moment. "Which means, Jake is either a noble or a royal, but which one?"

"Or maybe both," Chi-Chi suggested, and the mystery deepened, leaving them all in awe of Jake's newfound destiny.

Author's Note:

There is actually a term for a family that is both noble and royal: a "princely family." A princely family is a noble family that also has a royal title. They are different from royal families, who are typically the heads of state in a monarchy, but they still have some political and social influence. Some examples of princely families include the House of Orange-Nassau, which ruled the Netherlands, and the House of Grimaldi, which rules Monaco.

Princely families could also rule a country or territory, although it's less common than it used to be. Historically, many European countries were ruled by princely families. However, after the French Revolution and other political changes in the 18th and 19th centuries, most of these countries became republics, and the princely families lost their political power. Even so, some of these families still retain their social status and wealth.

The term "princely family" can be used as a general term to describe a family that is both noble and royal. However, not all princely families are the same. For example, some princely families are considered "sovereign" families, which means they are legally independent of any other country or political entity. Other princely families are "non-sovereign" families, which means they are subject to the laws of a particular country or territory.

Returning to the story, Jake and his friends guarded his secret closely, convinced that the incident during the heist of the elemental shattered piece was not a mere coincidence but a sign of a deeper issue. They suspected a mole in the four elemental lands. Now fully aware of Jake's elemental powers, they needed to prepare him and locate the enigmatic being known as Sanjo.

Unbeknownst to them, their discussions had been covertly overheard by a spy within the elemental warriors. This infiltrator promptly sent word to the forbidden elemental users via a messenger hawk, revealing the warriors' whereabouts.

After a long and arduous journey in search of the prophesied child, the elemental warriors found themselves ambushed by the forbidden elemental users, who encircled them. The warriors readied themselves for battle, though they were vastly outnumbered.

Stepping forward, the forbidden elemental users, with their mimicry abilities, simultaneously performed intricate hand signs and chanted, "Fire magic, summoning dragon's breath." The earth elemental users swiftly countered, conjuring earth wall barriers to shield their comrades from the oncoming onslaught.

The ensuing battle was ferocious and unrelenting. Thick fog veiled the battlefield, obscuring the elemental warriors' vision and leaving them vulnerable to surprise attacks. Even their most formidable earth user's earth wall barrier couldn't save them. The forbidden elemental users proved too powerful, leaving only Jake and his friends standing after a valiant, exhausting struggle.

"There's nowhere to run. Jake Momoa, your time is up," declared a forbidden elemental user. With a swift series of hand signs, they unleashed a colossal wind blast aimed at Jake and his friends. Yet, just in the nick of time, a stranger dressed like a samurai appeared seemingly out of thin air. With a swift stroke of his sword, he intercepted the wind blast, splitting it in two, scattering the destructive force.

The forbidden elemental users were taken aback by this miraculous intervention. The stranger, without hesitation, incapacitated most of the attackers. Then, with a graceful flourish, he teleported Jake and his friends to safety.

They found themselves in a secure hideout, where the mysterious samurai introduced himself as Sanjo, leaving Jake and his friends utterly astounded. Sanjo, having already delved into their thoughts, understood the purpose of their journey.

Jake was irresistibly drawn to Sanjo's sword, sensing an immense power emanating from the samurai's blade, much like the elemental orb he had encountered earlier. Unable to contain his curiosity, he felt compelled to inquire about the sword's origin.

Sanjo, with an air of mystery, began to recount his encounter with the blade, which he referred to as the Damascus steel. Its very name was etched into the blade's surface, a testament to its storied history. He described it as having been wielded by countless legendary keepers, its edge honed to a mono-molecular sharpness, capable of slicing through armor as effortlessly as butter. It was a relic from a bygone era, forged before the fall using the long-lost art of URM metallurgy.

Sanjo's voice grew more intense as he shared that this blade held the power to harm otherworldly beings of any kind. He had personally witnessed its ability to injure malevolent spirits, and his own encounter with the sword remained shrouded in mystery. It was unlike anything he had ever seen or heard of before.

As Sanjo continued to speak, it became clear that the blade possessed a unique connection with its wielder, passing on the knowledge and skills of its previous users. It had not only enhanced his abilities but fused with his very being. The revelation left everyone in the room utterly stunned, their senses overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the sword's power.

Santa Maguire confronted Sanjo, "You're a forbidden elemental user, just like these people." Sanjo chuckled, replying, "Forbidden elemental users are no different from elemental users. The source of our powers may have originated from different circumstances, but they share a common root." With that, Sanjo began to unravel the complex history and misconceptions surrounding the elemental powers, explaining, "Power has a way of dimming one's moral compass."

With a deep breath, Sanjo signaled his awareness of nearly everything transpiring in the four lands, setting the stage for his tale of the past.

Sanjo Narrated:

Long before the first order of the Elemental Kings faded into history, they inscribed their sacred text, a tome of profound wisdom, and sealed it away from prying eyes. Within the pages of this secret scripture, they glimpsed visions of both disunity and unity, and foretold a great prophecy, shrouded in secrecy, concealed from all.

Among the annals of our kingdom's history, Osaka Nagoya stands as the first forbidden Elemental user, an enigmatic figure who forged his legion's fate long before our era of peace. Nagoya, an alchemist, harbored a burning desire to overthrow the ruling monarchy, disenchanted by what he saw as their weakness. His unquenchable thirst for power led him to engage in perilous experiments on both animals and people, ultimately resulting in his banishment from the kingdom.

Yet, two years into his exile, an unforeseen event unfolded. A luminous orb, an emissary from the cosmos, descended upon our world, fragmenting into four pieces, each landing in distinct lands. These very lands became the bedrock upon which our world was built, following the kingdom's division.

The celestial aura emanating from the orb's descent bathed the entire world in a cosmic radiance, birthing both positive and negative cosmic energies. This cosmic upheaval wrought atmospheric transformations, ushering in rainfall and reshaping our world.

As fate would have it, Osaka Nagoya stumbled upon one of the orb's fragments, guided by its ethereal pull. He discovered a colossal tree, radiant with boundless energy, which had seemingly sprung from the void. Although the orb's shard eluded him, the tree, known as the Cosmic Tree of Life, beckoned him. Consuming its fruit, his mind opened to cosmic knowledge and newfound power, fusing him with unimaginable might.

Consuming the entire fruit, Osaka Nagoya harnessed the tree's energy, annihilating it to safeguard his unparalleled power. Drunk on his newfound might, he yearned for vengeance against the Kingdom of Hearts, embarking on a quest for additional sources of power. In doing so, he unwittingly attracted the attention of other power-seekers, forming a formidable following.

Over the years, Osaka Nagoya's power burgeoned, bolstered by his disciples who tapped into other sources of power, such as the miraculous Fountain of Waters, now drained, and the touch of the Eternal Rock, siphoning its essence entirely. These extraordinary individuals became known as the Invaders, or the Forbidden Elemental Users, due to their unparalleled abilities.

Then, on a fateful day, the Invaders descended upon our land, wielding their formidable powers to achieve the unimaginable. With relentless authority, they conquered and divided our once-unified kingdom into four distinct lands. Unbeknownst to them, these four territories held the shattered fragments of the very orb they sought to harness.

One fateful day, destiny showered our people with benevolence, bestowing great potential upon four siblings residing in distinct lands. These remarkable individuals stumbled upon the shattered remnants of elemental orbs, discovering that these fragments granted them mastery over the four fundamental elements.

Years passed, marked by relentless dedication to harnessing their newfound powers, as they stood unified against formidable invaders who had seized their lands. After vanquishing these foes, the four siblings ascended to become rulers of their territories, uniting them under a banner known as the Elemental Nation.

These sibling monarchs generously shared their abilities and secrets, passing them down through generations to safeguard the Elemental Nation. Yet, as time flowed onward, the slumberless specter of evil reared its head, compelling the invaders to mount another assault upon their homeland. The elemental kings, undaunted, took up arms once more.

The battle raged fiercely, with the four elemental kings confronting the invaders who wielded formidable might and unparalleled prowess. Realizing their combined strength fell short, the siblings played their final trump card, merging into a singular entity. This fusion not only leveled the playing field but elevated their might to astounding heights.

With newfound power coursing through their veins, the elemental kings clashed relentlessly against the invaders, their struggle resonating across the world and shaking the very bedrock of the universe. Boundaries shattered, and interdimensional gateways unfurled, unleashing otherworldly beings into our realm. These ethereal entities, devoid of physical form, possessed a cosmic balance of yin and yang, unlike anything encountered before.

They intertwined with the elemental kings and the invaders, illuminating their path to greater enlightenment. Just as the invaders teetered on the brink of defeat, they surrendered to the encroaching darkness, transforming into a malevolent force known as the void.

The void, once invaders, unleashed a cataclysmic, destructive power that menaced all life in the cosmos. Chaos and malevolence spilled forth, tainting our world. The elemental kings waged a relentless war, forging alliances against this impending doom. Ultimately, they triumphed, imprisoning the void after it severed its connection to its hosts, and sealed the worlds, forever preventing their contact.

As time passed, the Elemental Kings sensed their mission was complete. They inscribed prophecies and guarded texts filled with the knowledge to thwart the Void's return. Yet, one task remained unfulfilled: the separation of the four Elemental Sibling Kings. Such an act would claim their lives, so they chose a bride, bore an heir, and named him Jake.

When Jake was born, peculiar tattoos adorned his back. The Elemental Sibling Kings, bound in fusion, returned Elemental X's powers to the orb, defusing their unity and departing this world.

Jake Momoa, you are the descendant of the first order of Elemental Kings, the prophesied child destined to awaken latent power. Those who knew your secret moved you from place to place, safeguarding you until the moment you'd uncover the truth and unlock your inner potential. With the Void vanquished, Osaka Nagoya vanished, and an era of peace enveloped the Elemental Nation. Yet, darkness crept in, fomenting discord.History repeated itself, as power-hungry individuals like Osaka emerged. 

Elemental users sought his location, sowing division in the Elemental Nation. Without the Elemental Orb, the barrier between realms waned, and the Void's release loomed.

The revelation of Jake's past stunned all who heard it. Seeking guidance, they turned to Sanjo, who recommended that Jake delve into the spirit realm to find enlightenment. 

Later, within the invaders' clandestine lair, they meticulously set their sinister plans into motion, plotting the assault on the elemental lands and the abduction of their revered royals and nobles, all in a malevolent scheme to forge the elemental orbs anew. With ruthless precision, they launched their attack, targeting the four lands that valiantly resisted. The seasoned adult royals and nobles, after a futile struggle, found their powers mercilessly drained before succumbing to their untimely demise. Simultaneously, their sons and daughters were ruthlessly seized by the nefarious forbidden elemental users and whisked away to the heart of the invaders' dark sanctuary.

At Sanjo's safehouse, Jake struggled to connect with his inner self. The weight of his newfound knowledge burdened him. In a moment of solace, Chi-Chi approached him, offering comfort and solidarity. With laughter echoing from their shared memories, Jake finally found relief. Taking a deep breath, he sat down to meditate, following Chi-Chi's guidance. As his eyes closed, Jake sensed his surroundings and merged with the natural world. Gradually, his spirit detached from his physical form and entered the spirit realm. There, he encountered the ancient Elemental Kings, who bestowed upon him enlightenment and wisdom. They revealed his profound destiny - to be the world's beacon of light, tasked with restoring balance and universal peace, not only to the four lands but to the entire world.

As the moment drew to a close, an unexpected event unfolded before Jake's eyes. He glimpsed a mysterious female figure within the ethereal realm, who initially claimed to be his mother. However, this enigmatic presence turned out to be none other than Pussycat herself.

"Jake, my boy!" Pussycat exclaimed with a motherly, compassionate voice, her form slowly emerging from a radiant light.

"Mom!" Jake's voice trembled with heartfelt emotion as tears welled up in his eyes. But before he could embrace this surreal reunion, a random ancestral elemental king stepped forward, cautioning Jake that Pussycat was an unsettling disturbance to the elemental spirit world.

Pussycat, overhearing whispers about her in the spirit realm from the ancestral elemental kings, playfully remarked, "Don't get me upset. It's bad for my complexion."

She then shifted from her jesting tone to a more comforting one, looking sincerely at Jake. "Hey, kiddo! I could be your mother if you want. I understand you're going through a lot, but remember, you've got this. You have incredible friends out there who will support you no matter what. You're the child of prophecy, and I can't wait to see where your story leads. The universe has bestowed a gift upon you, and you'll have to decide how to use it. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

With a kiss to Jake's forehead, Pussycat concluded, "Now, it's time for me to depart from this narrative I inadvertently stumbled into, without authorization or intent to disrupt your tale, despite its captivating, trademark-copyright complexity. Farewell!"

"A peculiar being, indeed," remarked one of the random ancestral elemental kings.

"We'll stand by you, Jake Momoa, in your time of need. Just call upon us, and we'll answer," they all assured him.

After taking a deep breath, Jake returned to the physical world, feeling a newfound determination. He sought out his companions, and as he reunited with them, Jack Prince inquired, "How did it go?"

Anya Thai, eager for news, added, "What did the ancestors say?"

Just as Jake was about to respond, a sudden rustling of wings filled the air, and a messenger hawk descended upon them, clutching a parchment in its talons. With bated breath, they unrolled the ominous message, revealing that the invaders had mercilessly conquered all four lands. The heirs of the royals and nobles had been abducted, their fate hanging by a thread, contingent upon Jake and his allies' response: surrender or face their doom.